How To Manage Your Blog While Having A Busy Life

How To Manage Your Blog While Having A Busy Life

How To Manage Your Blog While Having A Busy Life

I am a full time student at university at the moment. And as a history major you can imagine how busy I can get sometimes. I also get super busy with blogging because over the last few years my blog has grown quite a bit. And it takes a lot more time to respond to everyone and maintain my blog. Not that I’m complaining because I truly do love blogging! Here are some of the tricks on how to manage your blog while having a busy life:

Schedules Are Your Friend

When you have a busy life your schedule becomes your best friend. It’s very important to maintain a balance in your life. But without a schedule it becomes easy to become more preoccupied with one thing and ignore the other aspects of your life. In order to avoid this it’s a good idea to create a schedule. It would be best to create daily schedules but if you are unable to do this try coming up with weekly schedules. This can help you maintain a balance in your life.

If you read my posts on my blogging journey you probably know that maintaining my blog while being a full time student was extremely difficult for me and if was one of the biggest struggles I faced. However, what really helped me with this was scheduling a certain amount of time every day for blogging. This helped me make sure that my blog was not neglected even when I did end up getting more busy with school and life in general and that I was posting on a regular basis.

It may be a bit difficult at first and as a professional procrastinator I was very tempted to take a break or put off blogging but I forced myself to not procrastinate and eventually blogging became a part of my life and now it’s just become a habit to spend a certain amount of time every day on my blog.

Be Proactive

We all have days when we are more busy. If you are a student the days when you have tests, exams or assignments due are the days when you are probably more busy. For people who are not students you may have busier days at work sometimes. If you don’t work at the moment you may have certain days when you have errands to run etc. For days like these it is better to be prepared because things don’t always go as planned. And you may be forced to change your schedule a little bit due to circumstances.

What I like to do is keep some posts written in advance and ready to publish for days when I am super busy and may not have time to work on a post. When my fall and winter semester are going on I try to write as many posts as I can over the weekend so that I just have to edit and post them on the weekdays when I have classes and don’t have as much free time.

I would also totally recommend writing shorter posts when you are busy. As those don’t take as long and saving the longer posts for when you have more time. I know that my lifestyle posts and my blogging advice posts are usually 1500-2000 words and therefore I like to publish those on days when I don’t have other things going on as I know I will need a certain amount of time to work on them. On the other hand, I know that my six word stories and poetry posts are much shorter so I usually end up doing these when I don’t have as much time to blog.

It’s Okay To Mess Up

Schedules are great, being proactive is great but messing up once in a while is also totally okay. Sometimes life gets busy, sometimes a pandemic occurs and life gets crazy. A lot of things can’t be planned in advance and a lot of times things occur that we may not have expected or foreseen and therefore as great as having a schedule is we may not always be able to stick with our schedule. If something does happen and you are unable to post for whatever reason or you are unable to put as much time into your blog as you had hoped to don’t beat yourself up about it. These things happen to everyone.

I would also recommend taking some time off every week to relax and do nothing because if you force yourself to blog you will end up taking all the fun out of it and feeling really burnt out. You may also end up with writers block. That’s why it’s important to take some to just relax and do nothing for a bit. It could be a few minutes each day, an hour or even one day every week. Just make sure not to force yourself to a point where it starts effecting you negatively or taking a toll on your mental health.

Ask For Help

If you are feeling overwhelmed or if you feel like you need some help with the whole blogging thing make sure to ask for help. This makes your life a lot easier and will save you lots of time. I’ll give you a few examples of what I’ve personally been through to help you get a better understanding of what I mean.

As a blogger you are expected to come up with ideas for blog posts on a regular basis. But if you are busy with school or work or just life in general this may not always be possible. However, this is where the asking for help comes in. You can take a poll or a survey and ask your audience what they want to see on your blog. And ask for topics they want you to write about. I think it is sort of a win-win for everyone. Your readers get to read specific posts on your blog that they want you to write about. And you get new ideas for blog posts and save your time and energy by getting ideas for blog posts from your readers.

You can also do Q and A’s, challenges, tags etc which are shorter/easier to write and less time consuming. Plus, it’s a great way to interact with your readers and fellow bloggers.

Sharing Is Caring

This is something I used to do a lot in my first three years of blogging. Because I did not have a proper schedule yet. And I was also extremely busy with school and then first year of university. So, I did not have enough time to come up with blog posts every day or even once a week. What I would do was I would try to stay active even if I could not post on a regular basis. Because when it comes to blogging staying active is very important if you want to grow your blog.

I would read other blogs. And I would find some blogs that I found particularly interesting or sometimes helpful and I would reblog those. I think this is a really great way to stay active when you don’t have time to write your own posts. And again it’s really a win-win for everyone. The person whose blog post you shared gets a free backlink. And a larger audience since you shared the post with your readers. And you get to stay active and post on your blog without having to write a post of your own. It is a really great way to support other bloggers as well as keep your blog active when you are short on time.

Your Thoughts On How To Manage Your Blog While Having A Busy Life

I really hope you enjoyed this post about how to manage your blog while having a busy life. What are some of the ways you manage your blog while maintaining a balance life? Do you find it difficult to juggle blogging and life? Do you have a schedule or do you blog more randomly? How long have you been blogging? Let me know in the comments below because you know I always love getting comments from you guys.

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136 responses to “How To Manage Your Blog While Having A Busy Life”

  1. These are wonderful ideas for blogging, Pooja, well done. Indeed, the Schedule tool is great! Be safe!

    1. Thank you! Yes scheduling has helped me a lot with blogging. Be safe too!

  2. Thank you Pooja for this wonderful post! With 3 kiddos it does become challenging at times!

    1. I’m sure it gets quite difficult to blog with 3 kids around! Thank you!

  3. Good suggestions my fellow Jedi 🙂

    1. Thank you so much!

  4. justcalmwildness Avatar

    The reblogging idea is a really good one. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you so much! I think reblogging is such a win-win and it’s quite helpful if you reblog posts from smaller bloggers because it gives them more exposure.

  5. Very informative…

    1. Thank you!

  6. […] How To Manage Your Blog While Having A Busy Life […]

  7. great advice for every blogger, since I would guess everyone struggles to find time to keep up with their blogging…

    1. Thank you! Yup the struggle is real…

  8. These tips are great! Thank you! I am an organized person, but it also helps to have guidance 😊

    1. I’m so glad you found them helpful!

  9. Thanks for sharing, it will really help me 😊

    1. So glad to hear that!

  10. Great Job Pooja, when I get your blog post alerts I marvel and wonder how you are getting it all done. Thanks for the tips, will just have to keep working on balancing till I master it.

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, keep working on it- it takes a while to get the right balance for sure.

  11. Great tips!

    1. Thank you!

      1. You’re welcome 😇

  12. Wonderful advice, Pooja. Keep up the great work!

    1. Thank you so much!!

  13. I completely agree with you that we should take rest for sometime to relax or do things other than blogging.

    1. Thanks and yes it’s good to take some time off and just relax.

  14. Where would I be without scheduling, stock posts and challenges?

    1. They really are a lifesaver!

  15. Great advice. I struggle a lot with posting consistently, but I’m working on that.

    1. Thank you and good luck with that!

      1. You’re welcome, and thank you too ☺️

  16. Great post. It’s really hard being a full time student and a blogger at the same time. I’m a law student and I totally understand. I just try as much as possible to schedule posts whenever I have a bit of free time. I also set out tine everyday to write posts, mostly at night. I’ll use some of the other tips. Very helpful.

    1. I can imagine how difficult it must be as a law student. But yes scheduling and keeping posts ready in advance does help a lot.

  17. Really great advice. This post would definitely keeps me going for my blogging career ahead.
    Also, as a successful blogger, I would like you to give a feedback of my blog and suggestions for my upcoming posts

    1. Thank you so much!

  18. Great ideas, Pooja. Scheduling posts is a major lifesaver indeed

    1. Thank you and yes it so is!

  19. These ideas are just worth reading about❤️❤️

    1. Thank you!

  20. How do you get people to follow you?does consistency bring followers?

    1. Add value, simply put.
      Blogging about blogging seems to do really well, BUT, it has to be a passion, You can google the top 10 topics then put your spin, personal experiences into the posts.
      As for consistency, I’ve heard it mentioned a few times that the best way is to post then wait until you get 3-4 comments, then do another post. If that take a few days, a week. Starting out weekly is suggested, then spend time networking, you have to not only add value with your posts buy with your comments as well.
      Look at blogging as going to a party; you can’t stand in the corner all night waiting for people to come to chat to you, you have to have some conversations, some people will not want to talk to you, some short, others you will have in-depth discussions, THESE ARE YOUR YOUR CORE FOLLOWERS.
      I hope this helps.

      1. It does alot,thanks

    2. Yes consistency helps. I have more detailed posts on how to increase your following here:

  21. Thank you for this, Pooja! 😊

    1. Hope it helps!

  22. It takes a lot of my time. I sometimes wonder if it is worth it. But I have met some incredible people.

    1. It is time consuming but it is definitely worth it!

  23. Great tips Pooja. Thanks

    1. Thank you so much!

  24. Thanks for the ‘tips. I may have to reblog you. I’m working in education, selling teacher resources, and trying to blog. Oh, and I’m a Parkinson’s Disease warrior! Any help is appreciated. Lisa

    1. Thank you! I hope this was helpful and feel free to check out my other advice posts as you may find them helpful too.

  25. Love these ideas Pooja! Yes I’ve been scheduling a lot of posts lately as school is starting again soon!! Great post!!

    1. Thank you! I’m doing that too because my school is starting soon as well. Scheduling is such a lifesaver!

  26. Great tips… Its such difficult to post daily on blog… 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Spirituality Awakening

    1. Thank you so much! Yes it can be a struggle.

      1. You are most welcome… blogging is such a hard job. 🙂 🙂

  27. […] How To Manage Your Blog While Having A Busy Life — Lifesfinewhine […]

  28. Well done, Pooja! I need to get a schedule going! Life seems to intervene quite a bit with four kids, especially with#3, who is struggling so hard. Thanks for the ideas! God bless!

    1. I can definitely understand how difficult it must get for you to blog while taking care of the kids and I hope these tips help!

  29. Thanks for good support.

    1. Hope this helps!

      1. I am trying my best.

  30. Your posts are really very helpful Pooja, Thank You for sharing! 🙂💖

    1. So glad you find them helpful!!

  31. Wow it’s like I needed to read this. Thank you for these tips Pooja, hope you’re doing well. xo

    1. So glad to hear that! Hope you’re doing well as well!

  32. Helpful post, I love the part schedules are your friends and be proactive, also caring is sharing and it is not bad to mess up sometimes times. No one is perfect

    1. Thank you- glad you enjoyed it!

  33. Great Post and tips Pooja!
    I just wanted to let you know I just posted my awards and awknowledged you front and center there so enjoy the read and Read all the way to the bottom to pick your awards😘

    1. Thank you!!

  34. “professional procrastinator”😅😅… you’re not alone on that one. Anyways always getting a topic to blog about is not easy. For me writing my poetic pieces takes time which may leave my blog inactive for a while. So lately I’m trying satire, and people are appreciating it. Just to fill in at times.
    Thanks for sharing, Pooja💚

    1. I do appreciate the satire for sure! I think trying something new is a great way to keep your blog interesting and it stops you from running out of ideas.
      Thanks for the comment!!

  35. Thanks, really needed this one – been falling behind!

    1. Hope this helps!

  36. This was helpful Pooja, I feel as if many of us are struggling with working remote, children underfoot, and trying to keep up on our blogging. Great hints and suggestions for managing our blogs. I like the “have a day of rest,” idea the best. C

    1. Haha thank you! Yes I think it can be difficult when you have other stuff going on but taking some time off is always a plus haha!

  37. I loved that you added that messing up is okay, it’s not always perfect and people (myself included) tend to forget that. The government announced earlier today that we’d be expected to go back to schools soon. I’m kinda nervous and hoping that I’d be able to stay active on the blog because I really am enjoying being here. Going to apply these tips and see how it goes. Thanks for sharing <3

    1. Yeah there is a lot of pressure to be perfect but I think it’s only natural to mess up once in a while. Things happen in life that we can’t always control and we should not be too hard on ourselves.
      Good luck with going back to school- I start soon too but only online classes- and I really hope you continue to blog because I really do enjoy reading your posts!

      1. Thank you for the kind words Pooja!❤

        1. You’re very welcome!

    1. Thank you!

      1. Your welcome

  38. I definitely agree with having time set aside in your schedule weekly to write your blog. Also, I always stop what I’m doing and write down potential blog topics during the week when I think of topics or come across good ideas from other people posts. Therefore, when I do get ready to write it’s easier for me to pick my topic.

    1. I’ve been keeping a notebook with me and noting ideas down as well and sometimes I’ll write them on my phone and that definitely helps as well!

  39. Thank you fur sharing. I have a scheduled time to publish my two blog posts a week, but I am not meeting that self imposed expectation at the moment. I think, as you say, I need to take some time to put proper daily schedules in place so I know how much time I have around work, playing ultimate frisbee, and playing Dungeons & Dragons. These are my three main time commitments which have set times. Writing my book and other stories, blogging, and making music all happen haphazardly at present. I need to fix this.
    When you say “reblog” are you referring to the button next to the like button? Please excuse my ignorance, I’m still getting a handle if much of this blogging business, even though I’ve been doing it for the better part of two years now!
    Thanks again.

    1. Yes it takes a while to get your schedule right but it’s worth it when you do- at least for me it definitely was.
      No worries! Yes it is the button next to the like button. I love reblogging since it’s a great way to give other bloggers an audience and it’s good for you too as your blog stays active.

      1. Thank you for answering so promptly. 😊

        1. You’re welcome!

  40. UGH! Huge problem! I am a big fan of schedules too… I schedule EVERYTHING. I don’t feel like I’m prepared unless my daily planner page is filled with way too many things to do, lol. Somehow I still manage to get them done. It’s like having a plan keeps me from wasting time. I still factor in “fun time” so it’s not like I’m pushing myself to the breaking point every day; I’m just less likely to get distracted in the middle of a task.
    And to your second point, just doing it is the most important step. I used to always wait around for motivation and it never seemed to come. Now I just force myself to get started and usually find myself motivated shortly after. Funny how that works huh!

    1. Yeah I’ve been scheduling everything like crazy these days as well lol. I take some time off as well to do some art or read or listen to music.
      Yeah I think once you get started you’ll get inspired. The main thing is to just sit down and start.

    1. Thank you so much!

  41. These are great suggestions! I definitely have become better with having some posts started in my drafts. I feel so much more relief when I have posts ready beforehand!

    1. Yeah I feel really anxious when I don’t have posts ready as well. It’s just so much easier when you have them ready in advance. Thank you!

  42. great suggestions as always! I also love that you added that things happen and it is absolutely normal – Longer term, the risk is that it can feel like a “commitment” rather than something people enjoy doing, and that would be a shame!

    1. Thank you! Yeah the fun gets taken out of it if you force yourself to post. You should write because you want to not because you have to.

  43. […] How To Manage Your Blog While Having A Busy Life — Lifesfinewhine […]

  44. Excellent solutions.

    1. Thank you!

  45. It’s been few months that we have started blogging. Your blogs are very motivating and inspiring. You write so well. We would like to know some more tips and ideas for beginners as you have experience of many years. We will be grateful to you if you help us.

    1. Thank you and more tips for beginners are definitely coming soon!

      1. Will be waiting for them😊

  46. Am here as a beginner and i find this more helpful to me, i have a number of ideas that i would love to share as a blogger but since i am still learning, i will hold on and learn from you guys by reading and sharing your blogs.

    1. Thank you! So glad you found the post helpful!

  47. […] How To Manage Your Blog While Having A Busy Life […]

  48. Thanks for sharing these points and your personal experience too. 🤗

    1. Hope they help!

      1. Yes dear. It is very helpful. 😇

  49. I am really bad with consistency and always tend to procrastinate when it comes to blogging.
    Re-blogging and writing in advance sounds like a very good idea. X

    1. I’m the same way so scheduling really helps!

  50. Oh yes…. Its difficult…. Nice post….

    1. Thank you and yes it is!

  51. Thank you so much for this! I just started blogging but I’m taking a pretty heavy load of advanced classes this year, all online. I feel much more prepared to do my best for both.

    1. I am so glad you found this helpful and all the best with blogging and your classes!

  52. Great piece, I was one among the few bloggers that really struggle with time, but with this an not just inspired an blessed.

    1. Glad you found the post helpful!

  53. Not easy to manage University and a blog. Lots of work you have to get done with just school!

    1. Yeah absolutely! I get very busy a lot of the times.

  54. I really need all the advice on how to manage. I am basically scrambling to get things done and often I don’t even have time to read my post again before posting. I often find grammar mistakes and alignment issues after posting, which is quite embarrassing.

    1. I hope this helps. I have the same issue sometimes and find it difficult to post daily. Alignment issues and grammar mistakes are normal- they happen to most people so don’t beat yourself up about it.

  55. Sharing is caring! Thanks for sharing your tips.

    1. Happy to do so!

  56. Thank you, some useful tips and thought there x

    1. Happy to share them!

  57. good advice, Pooja!

  58. My most favourite tip, “It is ok to mess up”!!!
    Thank you for this post, I needed it !!!

  59. Reblogged this on The Happy Typist and commented:
    Phenomenal and easily applicable advice, thank you!

    1. Thanks for the reblog!

  60. […] from vegan recipes, beauty tips and tricks, Instagram reels and more. However, it it was her post, How To Manage Your Blog While Having A Busy Life, that really got my attention. A busy life, you say? Yeah, that sounds an awful lot like […]

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