Blogger Interview With “Dumbestblogger”

Blogger Interview

Blogger Interview With “Dumbestblogger”

I hope you enjoy this blogger interview with “Dumbestblogger” aka Ian– it was a great experience interviewing him since his blog is one of my favourite blogs to read!


1. Thanks so much for agreeing to be a part of this interview! Please tell us a little about your blog, what it’s about and why you decided to start blogging. 
I was living in a basement, working a backbreaking blue-collar job and not doing anything creative whatsoever. One evening I was like, “I’m gonna do something.” so I wrote an absolutely ridiculous recipe for Mayonnaise Cookies and posted it on my blog. I got a few likes on that post, so I decided to keep going and write more ridiculous stuff. I’ve always been a creative person, but what’s really held me back is the fact that I haven’t always been disciplined about my creativity. Through blogging I have created a structure of discipline for myself. I think of myself as having two separate jobs, one job is being the creative mind that comes up with content, the other is serving as the publisher that publishes that content. I post every day, currently at 8:30 PM Central Standard Time, the creative side of me doesn’t always want to have something ready at that point in time, but the publisher is like “we’ve got a deadline, buddy. Get off your ass and write me something!”
2. Your blog name “Dumbestblogger” is very interesting and definitely unique- what made you decide to pick that name?
Back when I first started my blog I didn’t know very much about blogging. I knew a couple people who had blogs, but they were mostly really terrible. And written by people who took themselves way too seriously. I didn’t want to take myself too seriously. So, I chose an unserious name. I like the fact that by using that name I set the bar really low for myself. I get comments all the time that are like “this actually isn’t the dumbest thing I’ve ever read.” And I’m like “cool.” I love surpassing expectations.
3. When did you create your blog and in what ways has it changed since you created it if it has changed?
I wrote my first post on January 8th, 2014. I’ve dinked around with it on and off ever since, but I’ve only been disciplined about it in the last year. In 2018 I didn’t publish anything, and had a grand total of three views for the entire year. It turns out that if you don’t write anything very few people will read it. Now that I post regularly I have a pretty steady group of committed readers, and that’s something that’s really satisfying.
4. The short stories you post on your blog are very amusing and witty but I’m sure it can be difficult to come up with such stories on a regular basis. Do you ever experience writers block and what are some of the ways you use to fight writer’s block?
One of the most popular posts I wrote last year was about my writer’s block. It measures approximately 8″x4″x5½”. It is uncured red oak which was milled with a band saw blade. But no, in all seriousness I never worry about writer’s block. I think this is another advantage of setting the bar low. There’s always something to write about, even if it isn’t particularly good.
5. What inspires you to write?
I’m not sure what the line is between inspiration and perspiration, but I know that I’m a very public writer compared to some. It’s hard for me to write something that no one else is going to see, I crave the adulation of the masses.
6. Which is your favourite post on your blog so far?
There are several that I like for personal reasons, or that were really fun to write, but the one that I think is objectively the best is a short story called “Shooter And The Kid.” It’s based on an Ancient Greek Play.
7. Who are some of your favourite authors who have influenced your writing and writing style?
Probably the most influential in terms of my blog has been Bruce Goodman, who wrote over 2000 flash fiction stories on his blog. When I found his stories it struck me that he was doing something similar to what I wanted to be doing with my blog, so I paid a lot of attention to what he was doing, and was certainly influenced by it. I’m a big fan of Rod Serling, Harold Pinter, G.K. Chesterton, Louis L’Amour and The Onion. Recently I’ve been getting into Agatha Christie, and I also learned that Mindy Kaling wrote the monologue from “The Office” about Michael Scott getting his foot caught in a George Foreman grill, so she’s definitely in the top ten. Homer is really good, and knows how to tell a great story. What you should take away from this list is that I have no sense of taste whatsoever.
8. What is your favourite movie and why?
If I had to pick only one movie to watch for the rest of my life it would probably be “Raising Arizona.” It’s funny, but also serious, and the ending is so weird. I love it. But I would be really bummed out about not being able to watch “Napoleon Dynamite,” “Good Burger,” and “No Country For Old Men.”
9. What is your favourite food?
A medium rare rib-eye with mashed potatoes.
10. Are you a dog person or a cat person?
Cats are cute, but to me they always seem like they’re operating in their own little world. I feel like I understand dogs, and that they understand me. I like dogs.
11. If you could do anything you wanted for a day with no consequences what would you do?
Probably take a spaceship and fly as far out into space as I could.
12. Would you rather be invisible or be able to fly?
13. Who is your favourite superhero?
Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na, Batman!
14. If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive who would it be?
I’d like to meet Harry Truman. I think we would have had a lot in common as midwestern farm boys who believe in hard work, honesty and responsibility. I’ve always felt a bit of a connection with him. I think he would also like steak and mashed potatoes.

Your Thoughts On Blogger Interview With “Dumbestblogger”:

What did you think of this interview? Let me know in the comments below!

If you enjoyed this Blogger Interview With “Dumbestblogger” and be sure to stop by and check out Ian’s blog by clicking here.

And, if you would like to be interviewed please send me your name (optional), the name of your blog and a link to your blog via email to

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40 responses to “Blogger Interview With “Dumbestblogger””

  1. Did you know there is actually a recipe in existence for mayonaise cake…actually Miracle Whip. I’m sure you could make cookies with it as well 🙂 sorry, this isn’t the one I actually make, but similar…they generally are similar recipes 🙂 So, you likely could translate it into something like whoopie pie cookies 🙂 It is a relatively robust recipe as I have replaced some items…Gluten Free flour for flour for one. Sorry, just wrecked your ridiculous recipe by showing that in history this was done for cake 🙂

    1. That’s hilarious. There’s really nothing new under the sun.

  2. Was intrigued about the name and read on to find more. Nice

    1. Glad you enjoyed it!

  3. Thanks so much! It was a real honor to be interviewed by you.

    1. It was an honour to have you on my blog!

  4. […] The absolutely brilliant PoojaG has interviewed me! I’ve always wanted to be interviewed, because if you get interviewed it means you’re famous or something. PoojaG is one of the most hardworking and dedicated bloggers I know, and I have a ton of respect for her. It was an honor to sit down and answer her questions. Be sure to check out the interview over on Pooja’s blog. […]

  5. He really, as you know, is NOT the dumbest blogger. Cool interview.

    1. He is definitely not the dumbest blogger!!

  6. Great interview. Really mayo cookies? lol..

      1. Hahahahahhahah! Everything with mayo is divine.. I just don’t want to know about it when I’m eating them.. lol

        1. Lol that’s true you can’t go wrong with mayo- as long as you don’t know it’s in your desserts!

          1. There you have it!!! 🤣

  7. justcalmwildness Avatar

    Pooja🎉🎉🎉🎉 I kept searching your name but I couldn’t find you. I am glad you followed me again.💖💖💖💖

    1. Thank you- I’m so happy to be back and I can’t wait to catch up with your posts!! 😊😊💖

  8. loved this interview! I would like to know more about the mayo cookies 🙈

    1. Thank you! Lol but do you want to try them??

      1. ahaha unfortunately I am the kind of person that would try anything, especially if mayo is involved!

        1. Lol to be fair mayo is amazing and it’s very difficult to find something it doesn’t go with!

  9. I knew you were secretly a dog person. Win.
    But your Batman reply did surprise me.
    Good questions and great answers.

    1. The Batman one surprised me too!

  10. You did a great interview and I’m fascinated to check out his blog. Thank you!

    1. Thank you and definitely check it out it’s amazing!

  11. A really interesting interview thanks. (And thanks too for the mention and encouragement). “Raising Arizona” is certainly near the top of my movie list too!

    1. Glad you enjoyed the interview!

  12. “It turns out that if you don’t write anything very few people will read it.” 😂😂😂 love that!

    1. Lol that made me laugh too!

  13. when Ian mentioned Napoleon Dynamite, I knew I had to follow him. Great interview, and I look forward to reading Ian’s posts…

    1. I love Napoleon Dynamite!! He’s a brilliant blogger I’m sure you’ll enjoy his posts!

      1. It is my favorite comedy movie.

        And from the couple of posts that I have read, I think I am going to enjoy Ian’s blog!

  14. Lol I stumbled across Ian’s site more than half a year ago now, and you know what caught my attention? His puns. Sometimes they’re good and sometimes they’re lynching material, but it’s always a wonderful read, lol.

    1. Lol gotta love the puns!!

  15. […] Blogger Interview With “Dumbestblogger” […]

  16. I really enjoy reading his blog!

    1. Same here- he’s always hilarious!

  17. Mayonnaise cookies huh? I wish I could say it sounds odd. I still can’t believe how popular mayo was in the 60s (I believe)s Awesome interview! I am very intrigued by Ian and I’ll have to check him out!

    Love the questions as well ☺️

  18. This was really fun to read! Thanks for doing this and for introducing us to a new blogger we know we will enjoy! xoxo Helen & Billie

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