I Still Love You

It still makes me angry to think of you

Sometimes I wonder if you've moved on

Then I remember all the things you did

I can't believe I ever let you into my life

Like an unexpected storm you turned it upside down

Love isn't supposed to hurt like this

Love is supposed to be pure

Or maybe I'm just delusional

Vile words we yelled at each other still haunt me

Every single day and every single night

You broke my heart

One word at a time

Until you turned our love into hate

Did you find my hidden message? Let me know in the comments below or simply stop by and say hi!

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139 responses to “I Still Love You”

  1. Absolutely relatable.

    1. Thank you.

  2. I really like how you put your hidden message there. I think it’s my favorite part :’)

    1. Thank you so much!

  3. It’s makes perfect sense when you read it top to bottom, and bottom to top! Genius!

    1. That’s true! lol

    2. Omg I can’t believe you noticed that- I did that for fun and it’s something I’ve been doing with poetry lately but I didn’t think anyone would notice it!

      1. Yay for me! LOL I seem to notice things that other people miss 😂

        1. That’s so good skill!

  4. The words though…

    1. Aww thank you!

  5. I found the hidden message.

    1. Glad to hear that

  6. I still love him😔 oh, sorry I mean “I still love you” is the secret message.

  7. Relatable 🥺💖 take care 💖

    1. Thank you 💕

    2. Thank you!!

  8. Reblogged this on DINMA'S WORLD and commented:
    I really love this hidden message poem from POOJAG https://lifesfinewhine.ca/
    I found the hidden message! Try and find it too.

    1. Thank you so much for the reblog!

    1. It doesn’t always go as expected 😢

  9. Brilliant.

    Sent from my iPhone


    1. Thank you!

    1. Thank you!

  10. Absolutely relatable 🥺💕

    1. Thank you 💖

  11. What’s the hidden message?

    1. I think I got it but I wanna know too 🙂

    2. The first letter of each sentence spells out I still love you

      1. Ahhh brilliant!

        1. Thanks 😊

      2. Amazing 😍💖

        1. Thank you!

  12. Oh wow😶!!
    Very well put down.. it do make sense when it’s ready carefully

    Lots of love..Keep rising ✨

    1. Thank you so much!!

  13. So well written, it touched a vibe

    1. Thank you so much!

  14. So much emotion…

    1. Thank you 💕

  15. This is so so good.. thanks for sharing it!

    1. Thank you so much!

  16. Love is a waltz with another until an unexpected misstep turns it into an anxious crawl to save the fragments of ones torn and bleeding heart….

    1. Wow you summed it up perfectly.

      1. Callous knees learn quickly the pain of heartaches.

  17. Always remember that relationship abuse leaves a lot of scars. Causes a lot of issues. If you free yourself from them, you have taken a very brave step.

    1. Thank you and I absolutely agree- it takes a lot of strength to leave.

  18. I’m not finding any hidden message; at first I thought it had something to do with the word dillusional…

    1. It’s the first letter of each sentence- it spells out “I still love you”

      1. ahhh… so obvious. Clever!

  19. Hopefully one day it will stop hurting!

    1. I hope so!

  20. Hidden message- I Still Love You
    You deserve to be loved my fellow Jedi

    1. Thank you- we all definitely deserve to be loved!

  21. Great stuff Pooja And I love the hidden message

    Take heart and laugh

    1. Thanks so much!

  22. […] I Still Love You […]

  23. I don’t know if I found the right one, I found a couple,
    A beautifully written poem of heartbreaking reality.

    1. Thank you so much 😊 The one I meant was the first letter of each sentence 💙

      1. Oh, in my reader it’s one big paragraph.
        Unpunctuated but I managed to space it as I read.

        1. I don’t why it does that on the Reader sometimes so annoying!

          1. I had to learn to manipulate the block editor. It was doing the same for my posts.

  24. Aha! I found it! No matter how much we swear we are “over” something or someone, there is sometimes a tug they have on us that we can never fully shake off. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, though. There is a difference between being controlled by someone (or by the past) versus acknowledging the role they played in our life and character formation. Since we cannot erase people from our past, sometimes the best we can do is make peace with the past and learn from it.
    The longing sense of nostalgia, though, may never fully leave.

    1. I agree sometimes we need to remember some things because they teach us important lessons. Thanks for the comment!

  25. 1. I was hung on dillusional like another blogger who commented. It’s usually spelled as delusional.
    2. I guessed it might be an acrostic but only after reading comments I got the confirmation. I am lazy sometimes. Your blog came in search on WordPress Reader as I pressed ‘Discover’ button. Whine. Life is fine. 😂🤓😃

    1. Lol my spelling mistake is sucking up all the attention!

      Glad you discovered my blog!

  26. And your email ID also tells a lot about you: insomania and accent. 😃

    1. Yeah my email address sums me up pretty well!

    1. We’ve all been there at some point 😢

  27. Can you please DM me for business purpose

    1. Thanks 😊

  28. Really made me feel this, you did a lovely job.. and I love how you did the hidden message.

    1. Thank you so much so glad you enjoyed it!

      1. Of course! I love how much you can express with poetry. 😊

  29. I can relate since I went through the same thing last year.

    1. I’m sorry to hear that and hope you’re feeling better now!

  30. Amazing work🖤

    1. Thank you 😊

    1. Thank you!

  31. I haven’t been through this pain and neither do I want to but this poem is written so beautifully that I could feel the pain and the depth of it…

    1. Thank you and I truly hope you never experience that kind of pain.

  32. […] I Still Love You […]

  33. Very movingly evoked

    1. Thank you!

      1. You’re very welcome

  34. Painful! How much misery we could save ourselves if we could find the right time to exit a negative relationship! Very well-expressed. <3 Have a great week, Pooja!

    1. Yes we definitely waste too much time on relationships we should have left a long time ago. Thank you and have a great week too! 😊

  35. I remember the
    i broke up with that person.
    It was the hardest and
    the best thing.
    To be able to move
    on to a better life and relationship.
    on to a better identity: that’s not me anymore.

  36. I can understand the pain it happens but life is all about moving on and not to waste time on such people who are here only to break your heart. It hurts I know

    1. I agree we definitely need to focus on moving on and living out best lives.

  37. “Forget about loving another, love yourself
    is all you need of love
    when you love yourself only
    you will find yourself living with love
    as oppose to existing without love.”
    _-Van Prince

    1. Love that- thank you for sharing it!

  38. “Love is manifested to love
    another when love is real-to-surreal
    you feel love’s thrill
    know the drill
    love never stand still
    never travels downwards but uphill.”
    _-Van Prince

    1. That’s beautiful thank you for sharing it.

      1. Love is rapture in pleasure hunting for treasure1

      2. Is this love? No, sweetie, it’s not! It’s abuse.

  39. I really enjoyed this ☺

    1. Thanks- glad to hear that!

      1. This post is a love you masterpiece + write anothe1 stronger!

          1. Your writing concepts on love iswhat 98% of what theworld want and I have over 300 poems here on love and they areselling on line!

          2. You are a1-of-a-kind mind-catching writer!

  40. No didn’t get your hidden message. Love is supposed to hurt because it makes us open to walking along with another and sharing sorrows. It’s also supposed to heal and fill us with joy, hope andredilience. So we know, we are strong enough to bear the loss when it’s time to say goodbye. Strong enough to learn new ways. Heal. And move forward. Lovely writing!

    1. Oops that was resilience.

  41. add *dream after own.

  42. I didn’t see a hidden message but was reminded why I stay single today.

    1. Being single is honestly best 🤷🏽‍♀️

  43. “I still love you”. Sometimes I think we idealize a relationship when looking back. Even remembering the pain isn’t enough to take away what we wished for.

    1. Yeah I think so too. We tend to idealise certain relationships because we so badly wanted them to work out or be perfect.

  44. Nice. Comments are disabled on the WordPress app while it is enabled on website.

    1. Thanks. Yeah I disabled them on the reblog.

  45. Wonderful Acrostic!

  46. I was reading other comments to see what other people say about the hidden message, but I didn’t see any. You are hiding it too well and I am not getting the implicit message. However I get the explicit message that love does hurt very much. Since I’ve read your writing for a year now, I understand that you like to do a reverse in the second half of your story. For example, in one of your fictions, a man accuses his girlfriend for being heartless, but in the second half it turns out that the man is a stalker and most of the things he said in the first half is just his own imagination.

    1. I think I may have hidden it too well because most people didn’t find it. The first letter of each sentence spell out “I still love you.”
      Yeah I really do like those twists because although my stories are obviously exaggerated I’ve noticed that life has a way of always throwing us unexpected twists and turns.

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