Six Word Story #81

A Classic Love Story

Love turns to hate surprisingly quickly.

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142 responses to “Six Word Story #81”

  1. Love overturns hate if we persist

    1. Yes absolutely.

  2. Love and Hate live together forever.

    1. Yup so true.

  3. I love you, you hate me.

    1. That happens way too often.

  4. Use love to drive out hate!

    1. Yes always!

  5. I want to fly, fly free.

    1. Same here!

  6. Love is beautiful, hate is not.

    1. Yup definitely.

  7. Hate will never be love, ever.

    1. Too many people don’t realise that.

  8. After too much love there is too much hate

    1. That happens sometimes.

  9. Love not Hate is the way! ❤️

    1. Yes definitely!!

  10. Yes, it does, so sadly.

    1. Yup it happens unfortunately.

  11. She learnt this the hard way!

    1. A lot of us do!

  12. Friends are a family we choose

  13. All you want is unconditional love !

    1. Yes exactly!!

  14. This is undoubtfully a true statement. 😊

    1. Thank you!!

  15. In the blink of an eye.

    1. Love that addition!

      1. Thank you 😊

    1. Yeah it’s like that sometimes!

  16. He returned, and they loved harder.

    1. Aww that’s a really nice addition!

  17. Hate splinters the heart quite viciously.

    1. Yes it does.

      1. Sorry, not sure if I did that right. 😅

          1. Thank goodness!

  18. Hate is just love turned bad.

    1. Ooh I love that!

  19. Love is inversely proportional to hate😂

    1. Yes it is!!

  20. Love and hate —two emotions forever bind us together.

    1. Omg so true!

  21. Especially when your team trades you…

    1. Haha good addition!

  22. When it turns to indifference, you know you’ve healed.

    1. That is so true.

  23. Nobody can hate my fellow Jedi 🙂

    1. You’d be surprised lol!

  24. You’re back to the EMO album. This is a great title for a song

    Laughter increases your face value

    1. I’ll have the album finished in no time!

  25. Those in darkness need the Light

    1. Yes that’s the only thing that can save them!

  26. Well… nothing is certain in this world today anything is possible.

    1. Yeah that’s so true

  27. Love is the most beautiful feeling in the world and if someone doesn’t value that love it will turn to hate faster than you can imagine.

    1. Yes that is so true.

  28. You need to love to understand hate

    1. Yes such a true addition!

  29. Delivery room. One in, two out

    1. Aww that’s a good one!

  30. Love trumps hate ❤️🤭

  31. Some loves can be your downfall.

  32. Die like Icarus;fly before fall!!

  33. It was bittersweet, until the end.

    1. Love that addition!

  34. Hate is as strong as Love.

  35. It was a love hate relationship

    Love or hate, no middle ground

    1. Those are both really good!

        1. My pleasure.

  36. Now I see her on snapped

    1. You’re so good at these!

      1. Thank you! So are you ♥️

  37. Love with action, hate with inaction.

    1. Yesss love that!

  38. Kindness is always the right choice.

      1. ✨ ♥💛💜💚💙 ✨

  39. These six word stories are always the truth 👏🏾

    1. Thank you 😊

  40. Who will cry when you die?

    1. Wow great addition- really makes you think.

  41. […] Six Word Story #81 […]

  42. You curve out memories just in 6 words. It’s a marvel.

    And have you checked on the Twitter link if it’s working? On my side it brings no results. Thought to ask.

    1. Thank you! Yes it seems to be working on my side- not sure what the issue could be.

      1. Alright.. what’s your username so I can search manually.. 🙂

        1. Sure! It’s @PoojaGudka

          1. Awesome. Right on it…

  43. Too quick to hold it back

    1. Love that addition!

        1. You’re welcome 😊

  44. Nice article😜 really true….you just pinned it

    1. Glad you enjoyed it!

  45. A lot can happen with words

  46. Love is forever the Soul’s language

    1. Yes absolutely!

  47. Love is noise, love is pain

    1. Yes it is.

  48. Love is everywhere

  49. Love is in the eye of the beholder

    1. Absolutely!

  50. #1 6WS- Religion scared me away from God. #2 6WS- Love brought me back to God.

    1. Oh wow I loved both of those!!

  51. The darkest rose has the sweetest scent

  52. Love is ultimate foundation for Hate.

    1. So true!

  53. It takes seconds to break trust.

  54. Hi, can’t read the full story 🤔🤔

    1. It’s a six word story so it’s six words.

  55. […] Six Word Story #81 Words of wisdom from a hero […]

  56. Love and hate borders thin lines

  57. God detests hatred, love should reign

  58. Trapped in love-hate relationship

  59. I found my voice Avatar
    I found my voice

    Love yourself first, to love others

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