Six Word Story #83

Unreciprocated love. Bad decisions. Dead body.

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95 responses to “Six Word Story #83”

  1. Love is the essence of intimancy!

      1. My subject is love in all forms, shapes, and fashion and no poet before me has God blessed in bliss on the contours of intimate love!

  2. Heathcliff & Cathy never reached the Heights.

    1. Ooh one of my favourite books!

  3. that turned quite dark, real fast…

    1. Lol yup it did.

  4. Its a really good picture of the fog in the forest.

  5. The perils and pleasures of love! C

  6. Welcome to the world of clowns 🤡

    1. Nooo not clowns!

  7. Spaceship exploded. Somehow I’m still alive.

    1. Ooh I love that!

  8. Your love left me feeling dead

    1. Ooh good one!

  9. “When love leave you feeling dead
    you will never get ahead
    until you survive and conquer love making you feel dead!”
    _-Van Prince

    1. Yes absolutely!

      1. beyond a reasonable doubt

  10. With broken heart, I grow up.

    1. Oops did not see the theme.

      1. LOL. You are right. I didn’t see the dead body.

        1. Haha me neither, but then that’s life (in our age, hmm all ages i guess) in guess..we only see what we choose to see.

          1. *I guess (bit sozzled) 🤬

            1. And yes to see the dead you will have to bring the kid from the movie “sixth sense”

          2. LOL. We think alike. Resurrection is entire possible. So instead of growing up, it should be rising up. Haha.

            1. Yes..the word rising has a better ring to it.

      2. No worries we don’t have a fixed theme I just like reading everyone’s six word stories!

        1. I am glad 😊. Good day!

    2. It’s always like that.

  11. Stir the pot? Lick the spoon.

    1. Burn the tongue, kick the pot.

  12. We can’t see what lies ahead

    1. We rarely do!

      1. If we could, would we want to? That, is the real question… x

  13. You are here, and life exists.

    1. Yes absolutely!

  14. The greatest pain, loving in vain.

  15. One bad decision and all the worst nightmares become a reality.

    1. Yes absolutely!!

  16. “Nightmares occur when dreams go unfulfilled.”_-Van Prince

  17. Blind love, Useless mind, Heart broken ! – Kriti @Brightway

    1. Ooh that’s a really good one!

  18. sorry I missed the word to use last 2 times? did you annouce it somewhere?

    1. Oh no we don’t have a fixed theme you can add whatever you like!!

      1. Aha… got it!!! That’s awesome! 💖

  19. Brings bad decisions to a whole new level.

    1. Lol yup sure does.

  20. Somebody is going to prison, SOON! LOLOLOLOLOL!

  21. Life sentence. Time to reflect, evolve.

    1. Let’s hope so.

  22. Half truths are still half lies.

    1. Yes love that addition.

      1. “Half/ truths are when lies are merged into truth
        if you except one you accept the other
        distilled to is essence
        lies don’t last long
        truth stand and withstand the test of time.
        _-Van Prince

        1. So true thanks for sharing that!

  23. Harsh Sadly true but very harsh

    Laughter Can be habit forming

    1. Yeah the truth can be very harsh I guess

  24. Necrophilia and Pathology don’t mix well

    1. Good one!!

  25. Unpredictable circumstances.time to go home.

  26. Reciprocity tricky if one is dead!

    1. Ooh that’s one of my favourites!

  27. Only hope keeps me going forward

    1. Always keep moving forward!

  28. This one is suspenseful!

  29. Strolling through fear to discover yourself

    1. Wow that’s a really good one!

      1. I’m really enjoying doing these. Thanks for posting these photos.

  30. wordless journey— from your hopeless wanderer.

    1. Oh wow I loved that!

  31. Hoping that things make sense soon

    1. Very relatable!

  32. Body discovered. Jail bars. No sleep.

  33. Unconditional love, tearful eyes, hopeful heart.

  34. And yet the turkey was delicious

    1. Good one!

  35. Dead body- but his, not mine.

  36. Police involvement. Culprit found. Justice served.

    1. I like the ending!

  37. Great blog!

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