Six Word Story #84

And they lived happily ever after…

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218 responses to “Six Word Story #84”

  1. Despite storms, dark clouds and rain

    1. Strong story!

  2. And at home, his wife waited

      1. It’s my inner cynicism… sorry 😞

        1. Haha it’s all good 😬.

          1. Phew 😅

    1. Then she went out and enjoyed herself 🙂

      1. Absolutely 😂

  3. She closed the door, ignoring me.

    1. Tomorrow is a new and better day.

  4. but it was damn hard work

  5. And there I was loving you

    1. Until you saw me and smile.

  6. Hearts, Birds and butterflies open hearts ❤️💖❤️

  7. There’s more to it than that…

    1. There usually is unfortunately

    2. So many secrets to discover.

  8. More shades than meet the eye …

    1. Let’s put some light on that.

  9. She had given him three ultimatums

    1. Haha they worked,

    2. And he decided to consider.

  10. Full moon, bike— he be ET.

    1. Lol plot twist!

  11. There is Love and love between them and nothing else.

    1. Yes absolutely.

    2. Even when times get rough.

  12. That’s a cute one..

  13. Perfect story!

    1. I think so!

  14. Love is heaven; love is hell.

    1. Usually simultaneously.

    2. Ying and Yang

  15. And in the end… happened

    1. As it always does.

    2. Aleluja!

  16. Crowds waited, left despondent, COVID happened!

    1. The end 😣

  17. I’m tired but I’m still fighting

    1. Always keep fighting!

    2. Till the end!

  18. In joy and harmony, no regrets.

    1. Yes I absolutely love that!!

    2. If there is no regrets there would be just joy and harmony 😊

  19. Reminds me of fairy tales from childhood 🙂

    1. That’s literally what I was thinking of when I wrote this!!

      1. It’s the general ending of fairy tales from my childhood 🙂 Of course, some of the fairy tales are actually pretty dark when you look at them. The ending is a version of good wins over evil type fight.

  20. For a second, she was mine

    1. That’s a beautiful but sad addition!

    2. Her heartbeat felt like a lifetime

      1. Sadly our lifetime lasted a second

        1. In a second, I lived it all

  21. Favourite_Favour Avatar

    . . .despite all the obstacles they had.

    1. That’s such a wonderful addition!

      1. Favourite_Favour Avatar

        Thanks😃. I look forward to seeing more six word stories though you’re busy and they don’t always come.

        1. There will definitely be more!

  22. without social media can you believe

    1. Lol so true

  23. In darkness but happier than ever!

    1. Aww yesss!

    2. In darkness you can see the stars 🙂

  24. And there she sat, patiently waiting.

    1. As always!

    2. She knew the secret strength of patience

  25. You know me This is the best one ever

    Laughter Can be habit forming

    1. Glad you enjoyed it!!

  26. A Ugly and lonely stark night

    1. Love that addition!

  27. Ignoring the issues sounding their fate.

    1. *edit: Ignoring the issues sealing their fate.

      1. Love that addition so much!

  28. As I wait for my fate

    1. Love that!

  29. She lived to tell her story

    1. That could be super romantic or scary!

  30. Sunsets, love, happiness, hugs and togetherness xx

  31. Love or lust which is it?

  32. I realised I was dreaming, again.

  33. They depict that in Facebook album.

  34. Boy meets girl. Girl kills boy.

    1. Whew, that got dark real fast.

  35. we should all be so lucky…

  36. –The YouTube Title For Their Wedding

  37. Wish all stories live like this.

  38. Just stopping by and saying hi.

  39. The sun will still rise tomorrow

    1. Until it won’t 👽

  40. My hands smelled your windy hair

  41. Living in a world of bliss.

  42. Their kids, with their firey hair….

  43. Happy Ending Doesn’t Mean Being Together

  44. Days grew short, the nights shorter.

    1. Winter always comes much too soon.

      1. Unless one likes winter

        1. That’s true.

  45. A fairytale that no-one believed ❤️

    1. Because it never ever came true ☹

  46. Despite fights, insecurities and their different culture

    1. Love that addition!

  47. every dawn and dusk holding themselves

    1. Aww that’s such a nice addition!

  48. Until the red hawk came back

  49. Awesome job, by the way! I love this. Keep writing! 😀

    1. Thank you so much!

  50. He still said nothing, she left.

    1. Oh no 😢

  51. That’s a nice picture you made Pooja❣️

    1. Thank you so much 😊

  52. Admiring the sunsets while waiting for the moon.

    1. One of the best things to do!

  53. In the end love conquered all

    1. (I can add here, if I’m alowed(?))

      … just kidding. It was hell. Twice.

    2. It always does!

  54. That’s what they wanted to happen…

    1. And it did!

  55. Build many walls, breaking them down

    1. Really enjoyed that addition!

  56. Rejoice in the God, God bless

    1. Love that addition!

  57. In darkness, in light, we strive

    1. Wow I love that!

  58. Not sure I understand this blog

  59. Weathering the greatest test called time.

    1. Oh love that addition!

  60. Where the stars decorated the nights.

    1. Wow I really like that addition.

  61. She never heard that taunt again

    1. Ooh that’s a good one.

      1. Thank you😊

  62. And she forgot to say goodbye

  63. Wondering around, until I find my way✨

    1. Love that!

  64. Rain poured together with her tears

  65. Cheers to hoping that we move more towards happily ever after as we start to return to “normal” life again!

  66. I wish I could stop her…

    1. Maybe it’s not over yet!

  67. Nine months later, Gods miracle arrived.

    1. Aww yess!

  68. Closing her chapter in my story.

    1. Love that addition!

  69. He smiled…she blushed…beneath masks!

    1. Haha very relatable!

  70. I can’t believe you did that.

    1. Good one!

  71. I’m glad I lived through it.

    1. Love that!

  72. She moved on silently hiding tears.

    1. Sad but amazing addition!

  73. What a coinkidink that we met

    1. Ooh good one!

  74. What the hell is going on?

    1. I ask daily lol!

  75. Couldnt return the running person, sorry

    1. Ooh good one!

  76. I have full faith in God

    1. Love that addition!

  77. And he realized she wasn’t real. 🌙

    1. Dang a plot twist!

      1. Dun dun duuuuuuunnnnnn!!!!

  78. […] Six Word Story […]

  79. Making Dreams come through for you

    1. Love that addition!

  80. Loving the loveless at all times

    1. Absolutely!

  81. Love is in the air

  82. Is it really that perfect, friend?

  83. Door ajar, my heart cried out

    1. Such a great addition!

  84. Faith ended up being a lie

  85. Did they live happily, ever after?

    1. Did they??

      1. I hope so! 🤞🏼

  86. Superb and a very good story. Keep it up 👍👌

  87. And that’s how the world ended…

      1. Well then how about : “ and then it was all joy “

        1. That’s better haha

  88. I love him despite his shortcomings

  89. I am lost, and I found.

  90. A kid was born to them

  91. Even when difficult, they strived together

  92. Her heart became truly healed again

  93. Because she was his first love!

    1. Love that addition!

      1. Hey! Thanx 😊

  94. Unashamedly, they had a good time

    1. Love that addiiton!

  95. In lands of death and decay

  96. Overt positivity is detrimental to health.

    1. Absolutely.

  97. Because they decided to live separately.

  98. Till the bailiffs showed up again

    1. Ha good one!

  99. “And they lived happily ever after…”
    Until the in-laws came to visit…

    1. Haha oh nooo!

  100. I sighed happily… finally I’m home

    1. Great addition!

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