Six Word Story #87

Stolen glances. Shy smiles. Hidden secrets.

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100 responses to “Six Word Story #87”

  1. 😍❤️ Wonderful.

  2. New lovers locked in an embrace.

  3. A lovers’ world, unknown to others.

  4. I do, she said, then ran.

  5. Wonderful 🤩🤩🤩

  6. He’s my little bottle of addiction

  7. True love, hidden in plain sight.💖

  8. Curly tales.( You can add it. There is a youtube channel of this name)

  9. Judgemental society. Hypocrite rules. Forced breakup

  10. I know I am a lier

  11. unravelling mysteries.becoming oneness. ultimate paradise

  12. I love it so much and as new blogger I fine it so inspiring to me.

  13. Don’t leave. But he did anyway.

  14. I ate his slice of cake…

    (Thought I would lighten it up this time 😂)

    1. Lol you definitely lightened it up!

  15. Secrets unfolding, relations revealed, life’s scary!

  16. Dark Side. Rare Beauty. Pretty Lies.

  17. She found where I hid them.

  18. Joyful sights hidden in shadows

  19. If only he had seen her .

  20. Ready to share, time to hear.

  21. secret usually means trouble for all.

  22. This is desired love of him &her.

  23. A new beginning or maybe not

    1. Perhaps not!

      1. Welcome ☺️

  24. Kissed by sorrow, Hit with death.

    1. Wow that’s a really good one.

  25. Cute. Love this!
    I also love the new profile picture ❤! (Which is not really new now but I always forget to mention 😂)

    1. Thank you!! Haha it’s never too late 😜😊

  26. This is a fantastic six word story!

  27. A soft whisper, words for one.

    Keep laughing, It’s all a bit of nothing

    1. Really enjoyed that addition.

  28. I finally found my love

  29. Her dress took his breathe away.

  30. Genuinely good

  31. Live Life, survival is for animals

  32. Before Covid; her smell-glorious humanity.

  33. Cats out. Fear struck. Gone forever.

    😂 I swear I’m so dramatic-

  34. Reveal your secrets, I won’t judge.
    Keep me safe in your heart.

  35. Here lies the one he loves.

  36. The moon. The stars. Forever light

  37. Masked faces, no embraces, government traces

    1. Great addition!

  38. Share love, help people, be humble ❤️

    1. Absolutely!

      1. Yushan Kambang Avatar
        Yushan Kambang

        Yes 🐱

  39. Broken heart finding pieces that fit

    1. One of my favorite additions!

      1. Really, Why thank you so much… ☺

  40. They knew it was forbidden love.

    1. Love that addition!

  41. She smiled. He smiled. Happiness reconnected.

    1. Aww love that!

  42. If he goes, I’ll definately break

    1. Amazing addition!

  43. Cool! This post deserves more audience!

  44. Hidden Secrets,,, 🙂

    Logi Bones

  45. Post pandemic lovers are awkward.

    1. Ooh good one!

  46. Whimsical heartbeats lighting up the dark

    1. Ooh love this addition too!

  47. Love belongs to chasers and believers

    1. So true!

  48. Just because society wants… We broke up

    1. Heartbreaking 💔

      1. Can you help me out with something

        1. With what?

          1. I am stuck somewhere between should I try or leave him in the name of self-respect

            1. It’s really up to you- you should do what feels right to you.

  49. We both knew but did nothing.

    1. Love that addition!

  50. Shouting to reach others, losing my voice

    1. Wonderful addition!

      1. Thankyouuu!!

  51. When the soul recognizes its mate.

    1. Wonderful addition!

  52. When they left there, they lived.

    1. Great addition!

      1. Thank you!

  53. And a string of broken engagements

    1. Ooh good one!

  54. I’m sorry, I need some space

    1. Good one!

  55. If he understood it was only love

    1. Good one!

  56. New beginning, trying to understand, forever mystery

    1. Love that addition!

  57. New chapter of their lives begin…

    1. Oh wow I love that addition!

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