Six Word Story #89

His lies hit her like bullets.

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123 responses to “Six Word Story #89”

  1. But her armored heart protected her.

    1. As it always did.

    2. Good one👏🏾👏🏾

      1. Thank you!

    3. Wise words

      1. Thank you!

  2. They tore her open. Inside out.

    1. Perfect addition.

  3. she got slit like broken glass…

    1. Dark put perfect addition.

  4. Luckily, she had been shot before.

    1. Omg I love that addition!

  5. She bled until she was empty.

    1. That’s such a good addiiton.

      1. Thanks, Pooja!

  6. But he says casually, “you’re melodramatic.”

    1. People can be wonderful sometimes lol.

  7. words, like weapons can lose sometimes.

    1. One of my favourite additions!

      1. Cher popped into my head when I read yours 🙂

        1. Oh wow I’m flattered she’s one of my absolute favourite musicians of all time!

          1. I’m a fan of he rmusic. Her, Madonna (her old stuff), Lady Gaga. Really talented ladies. I’m eclectic in my music. I also Like KISS, Cheap Trick … and what now gets played on the Oldies station 😉

            1. Yeah I like all of those too except Cheap Trick I’m not familiar with them. Haha the older songs are gold I always end up listening to them!

              1. You can find their videos on YouTube. Their from the time of Rush and KISS…Rush. I like mostly old Rock 🙂

                1. Ooh I love Rush!!

  8. He murdered her heart and soul.

    1. Sad but such a good addition.

  9. Washing the wounds she walked away

    1. Love that addition.

  10. he breaks her heart

    1. Great addition.

  11. Years of cynicism made her bulletproof

    1. Love that addition!

      1. Thank you PoojaG 🙏💕🌈

  12. She feigned apologies, his heart burnt

    1. Absolutely love that addition.

  13. Hey Pooja, I emailed you! 🙏🌹

    1. I think I replied- let me know if I haven’t!

  14. She woke up stronger after listening to those lies.

    1. Love that uplifting addition!

  15. ,causing pain she didn’t know possible.

    1. Sad but perfect addition!

  16. Lies can hurt others, be truthful

    1. Yes always!

  17. Her love endured the excruciating pain.

    1. Love that additon!

  18. On scraps of paper, begging, pleading.

    1. Love how you got the image in there too!

  19. Nothing like his infidelity did.

    1. So heartbreaking.

  20. But those bullets didn’t just kill.

    1. Love that addition!

  21. She grew and scars became sheilds🛡

    1. Love the addition!

  22. Her belief system shattered into pieces.

    1. Great addition!

  23. Favourite_Favour Avatar

    . . .and she knew it was over.

    1. Love that addition!

      1. Favourite_Favour Avatar

        Thanks, Pooja

  24. But what she didn’t know was…

    1. Ooh what didn’t she know??

  25. But they couldn’t kill the truth

    1. Yes absolutely love that addition!

  26. She knew he wasn’t for her

    Laugh, and make the world a brighter place

    1. No he was not!

  27. I hope she wore a vest…

    1. She always did…

  28. But she loved him too much to walk away.

    1. Awesome addition!

  29. Transcending the drama, teleporting herself away..

    1. Oh wow love that addition.

  30. He saw not the splattered blood

  31. She bled inside, he kept shooting

  32. The only truths she’d ever known💔

    1. Definitely heartbreaking!

  33. She didn’t stay broken for long

    1. I like this one very much as well! Great go of it!

    2. Love that!

  34. She pretended that they didn’t hurt.

    1. As most people do…

  35. But her forgiveness healed them both.

    1. Love that addition!

  36. Now she only believes in instincts.

    1. Great addition!

  37. But she stabbed him with truth

    1. Love that addition!

  38. And the bullets kept on coming.

  39. And then she left in silence.

    1. Great addition!

  40. Love it!

    Logi Bones

  41. […] Six Word Story #89 […]

  42. pain was expected but numbness wasn’t

    1. Oh wow that’s a really great addition!

  43. She loved him like no other

  44. She still pretended she believed him.

    1. Ooh good one!

  45. His only ammunition against the World.

    1. Love the addition!

  46. It’s she who holds the gun.

    1. Ooh I love that twist!

  47. Like it always did every single day…

    1. Great addition!

  48. But the truth was far worse

  49. Loved this…

    Apurva |

  50. That single glance ruined her innocence.

    1. Great addition!

  51. Let me free, I feel strangled.

    1. Ooh love that addition!

  52. Brokenness made her stronger than ever

    1. Love that addition!

  53. A helpless cry, lost in time

    1. Great addition!

  54. But they didn’t hurt her

  55. So she shot him. The End.

  56. […] Six Word Story #89 […]

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