Six Word Story #98

Happy prothalamion created. Marriage doomed anyway.

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124 responses to “Six Word Story #98”

  1. A priceless uncut jewel

  2. Marriage doesn’t work for everyone…

    1. No it does not…

      1. Three times divorced, I am done!

        1. Haha well maybe fourth will be the charm? 🤣

          1. No. It’s the ‘persitance of memory’. No more, I am much happier these days, it’s been a long time since those days. 😎

            1. In that case do what makes you happy. Marriage isn’t worth it if you’re not happy.

  3. Turns out it wasn’t their song.

    1. No it was not…

  4. Her love epitomizes a dark paradox.

    1. Oh wow that is definitely one of my favourite additions!

      1. Thank you much my friend. Glad you enjoyed it.

        1. You’re very welcome- I very much did.

  5. Why are these stories so depressing?

    1. Rainy spring weather? 😂

  6. Lost in the program, fading out

    1. Happy prothalamion created. Marriage doomed anyway.

      “Outside church—getaway car running!”

      1. Lol love that!

    2. Wow wonderful addition!

  7. maybe it was cursed from emergence…

    1. Perhaps so!

  8. Imperfections realised and blissful state returned.

    1. Great addition!

  9. Relationships don’t rhyme perfectly like songs.

    1. Excellent 👍

    2. I love this✨x

      I was thinking hard to match the 6 -word story but I can’t seem to find anything😂🤷🏽‍♀️
      It’s really good though, Pooja -love all the comments that come with it. xx

    3. Definitely an excellent addition!

  10. Some too interested in having wedding.

    1. Some blessings end in baseless bleeding

    2. Yup for sure!

      1. Weddings aren’t to be entered into lightly….I realized that most people now spend more for the wedding dress than we did for our first car…and most teens spend more for their prom dress than I did for my wedding dress. 🙂

        1. Yeah a lot of people want a wedding but are not prepared for marriage. I think it’s important to prioritize the marriage.

  11. Be as bad as expected? Probably.

  12. Social and family pressure overloaded. Sigh.

    1. That sounds like way too many weddings/marriages.

  13. Marriage isn’t everybody’s cup of tea…

    1. Not every stage is for stars

    2. No it isn’t…

  14. Strong unions flourish with little fanfare.

    1. Some happy beginnings produce hurtful endings.

    2. Yes love that addition!

  15. Forgiveness recreated love. Life ran softly.

    1. Love brews sweetness -weakness in disguise

    2. Very uplifting addition!

  16. At least the party was fun🌺

    1. Lol at least there was that!

  17. With my cross-bow I shot the albatross. (OK, 7)

    1. We’ll make an exception for you!

  18. I had to look up prothalamion. 🙂

    1. Lol it was my word of the day so I decided to use it!

      1. best way to remember a new word!

  19. ✍️😁💪

  20. Break up songs gave salvation instead.

    1. Ooh that’s a really good one!

  21. Time ticks away, even for happiness.

    1. It always does!

  22. They knew it from the start.

    1. Good one!!

      1. Thank you!

    2. Unfortunately too many people ignore the red flags…

      1. Exactly. Too many do. You’re quite right.

  23. Met a fellow foreigner; got married.

    1. Great addition!

  24. ‘The compatibility was not that great..’

    1. No it was not…

  25. Love this ❤️

    1. Thank you!

  26. She was sick of that marriage.

    1. Unfortunately so…

  27. flowers bloomed like love diamonds

    1. That’s tragic!

    2. Oh wow that is such a good addition!

  28. Understanding-new key, to something old.

  29. Not everything is as it seems

    1. Perspective determines what’s true and false

      1. That’s not what I meant. We can’t create our own facts

        1. You are right.

    2. It rarely ever is unfortunately.

  30. The vows were the deal breaker

    1. Yup they are for many people…

  31. Subordination commences and economic agreement initiated.

  32. Karmic ossicilations reflecting the universal law. 🌹

    1. Love that addition!

  33. You don’t know until you love.

    1. You don’t love until you’re crazy

        1. It’s not love if it’s rational

  34. Pooja WordPress did some more changes right now , has yours changed yet, I went on my phone and everything has changed and yet again they did it without telling us

    1. Seriously??? I haven’t noticed any changes yet but I’m sure it’ll hit me in a little while. WP is really messing with us.

      1. Yeah seriously!! The whole WordPress mobile app like everything!! Indeed they are

        1. I don’t use the app which is why I’ve probably not noticed but I’m sure it will change on the desktop again too. I am so done with WP!

          1. Oh okay I just use the app to check my blog notifications And use the reader. Same!! There is one thing WP needs though, DM’s, dm’s would be a great tool for us bloggers to just chat lol

            1. Lol yes I would love DM’s that would be so much easier for communication!

              1. Same, i might pitch the idea to WP when they do a new blog post!

                1. You definitely should it’s a good idea and I think a lot of people would want a chat option!

                  1. Thanks, I definitely will that idea has been on my mind for a long time now!

  35. Commitment, fine but yet so hard

    1. Yup extremely hard sometimes.

  36. […] Six Word Story #98 […]

  37. Lost in the crowd. Unseen, unnoticed.

    1. Wow love that addition.

  38. Well forty percent end in divorce

    1. Yup I guess they were part of that forty percent…

  39. Bride & Groom come, then go.

    1. Nice addition!

  40. A sweet song but no commitment.

    1. Unfortunately so.

  41. […] Six Word Story #98 […]

  42. Marriages end, words stay, check ma post

  43. […] Six Word Story #98 […]

  44. Marriage works. But be completely committed.

  45. And so it ends. Let commitment not be for all.

  46. Give value what you have in life

  47. Apprehensive, they finally cross that line.

  48. […] I learned this word from Pooja’s post here. The word means “a song or poem celebrating an upcoming […]

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