Quote Of The Day #3.2

Quote Of The Day

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61 responses to “Quote Of The Day #3.2”

    1. Glad you agree!

  1. There is no need for competition or comparison in destiny. Everyone has the capacity the be the best version of themselves.

    1. Yes I absolutely agree.

  2. Yes, competition can be counter productive, often producing negative emotions. Even when it is necessary, it is no more than necessary evil.

    1. You are right!

      Someone once said, “there is no point running a rat race, even if you win, you are still a rat.”

      I think it’s important to focus on what we can do best and not what we can do better than others.

    2. I definitely agree- it can do a lot more damage than good and most of the time just ends up causing a lot of unhappiness.

  3. Right,
    because of competition, we start devaluing ourselves.

    1. Yes exactly.

  4. That is so true Pooja😊♥️

    1. Glad you agree!

  5. True!!!

    1. Glad you agree!

  6. great quote Pooja!

    1. Glad you enjoyed it!

      1. It’s a keeper! 💖

      2. I’ve read this quote more than once now but I still really love it! 😻


        1. I’m so glad to hear that- it really is a wonderful quote!

    1. Glad you agree!

  7. Yes, true! Rather a waste of time to try to be better than someone else. Creates more problems than it solves.

    1. Yes exactly- we are all on our own unique path and trying to compete with someone else will just end with you ending up at the wrong destination.

  8. Sometimes that is a low bar! But fortunately, I have my days that set the bar high and it is exhilarating to jump over that bar.

    1. I think it’s like that for most people and those days where you try harder than ever are wonderful.

  9. 🙌 So true. You have the power to change the person that you were 5 minutes ago if you wish. Don’t get worried about others either and making them understand. Some people will never understand what you are doing. That’s ok. You’re not here to make them understand, you’re here to live your life

    1. Yes absolutely we all have different paths and you need to do what feels right for you regardless of what others think.

  10. good reminder not to compare ourselves to others…

    1. Yup we are all on a different journey and comparing ourselves just leads us down the wrong path.

      1. well said, Pooja!

    1. Glad to hear that!

  11. An effort for constant improvement though, can end up stressful. Sometimes it’s good to simply relax and enjoy yourself as you are!

    1. Yup I definitely agree!

  12. Can’t agree more!! Nice quote!! Made my day❤

    1. So happy to hear that!! 😊

  13. This quote never gets old.

    1. It’s one of my favourites.

  14. YES! YES!🙌🏽🙌🏽 xx

    1. 😊😊😊

  15. I feel like I change to be better every day.

    1. That’s the best way to live!

  16. Yes that’s true

    1. Glad you agree 😊

  17. Excellent truth! Thank you

  18. Couldn’t agree more

  19. Very true

  20. Cant agree more …

  21. Comparison is the thief of joy. Great quote.

  22. Ooff this one hit! So true.

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