Six Word Story #108

Your love soon became my bugbear.

Today’s Word:

Bugbear- a cause of obsessive fear, irritation, or loathing.

More about the word.

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104 responses to “Six Word Story #108”

  1. That I grew to love forever.

    1. Love that uplifting addition!

  2. Fifty ways to leave your lover.

    Find the song online (Paul Simon). Though it might be 50 ways to leave your lover for finding it. Sorry, had it pop into my head when I read the 6 word story 😀

    1. Love that song- I’ve been listening to it for forever and was literally thinking about it when I wrote this!!

      1. Cool…..what is your favourite part?

        1. It would have to be the chorus because the first time I heard the song was when I heard the chorus on another song that I was very into at the time that had sampled the chorus. I ended up searching the original song and really enjoying it!

          1. Cool. I think it is a wonderful microcosm of all the bad advice that people give when one is trying to leave a relationship. In the end, at least from how I see it, the option is to ‘set yourself free’ with the hope that one learns from mistakes and moves on in hope and love rather than bitterness and anger. Just hope on the bus gus, no need to discuss much…’…and just set yourself free. I have a weird take on things 🙂

            1. Yeah I can definitely see that- it does sound like unsolicited advice when in reality he just needs to get away from the toxic relatioship.

              1. Sort of. I think it’s that people always have ideas for you….solicited and otherwise, but generally, the only person that can set someone free of any sort of relationship is the person in it. No one else can live your life for you sort of thing.

      2. Oops…just hop on the bus gus…not hope, but a pretty good Freudian slip 😀

          1. I loooove that song 🥳

  3. Bugbear, a word I’ve never heard!

    1. I know so random lol! At least you’ve used it now!

  4. Love should be healthy, not destructive.

    1. Yeah that’s right

    2. Always!

  5. It’s over. We’re going no where

    1. Great addition!

  6. Checking for bedbugs is my bugbear

    1. Ha love that!

  7. Regret, a bugbear of the past.

    1. Great addition!

  8. Term tests are my constant bugbears!

    1. Lol same!

  9. if only it had’t been possession

    1. If only!

  10. Thank you

  11. We’ll end up hating each other.

    1. Great addition.

  12. a dooming sin i craved for

    1. Another awesome addition!

  13. Love deeply without suffocating each other

    1. Exactly!

  14. Love and fear shouldn’t be together

  15. Hate and irritation grew to surround myself.

    1. Wow that’s a good one!

  16. All she wanted was true love – broken soon after.💔

    1. Love that addition but 💔💔

  17. Love- a fiction, not a fact.

  18. Bugbear an interesting use of word.

    1. Indeed!

  19. But hey, that’s a marriage, right?

    1. Lol unfortunately so…

  20. I’ll hug my teddy bear instead…

    1. Lol that’s fair!

    1. I swear I’m not making these up!!

  21. You get a bugbear around someone clingy

    1. Loving that addition!

      1. Thanks 😊

  22. I was like that until I fell in love with music instead!

  23. Your Bugbear became my exit reason
    Laughter is an easy choice

        1. That’s okay I weirdly like the sad additions?!?

          1. It’s fun to see where your 6 words take me

  24. Where did it all go wrong?

    1. Where indeed…

  25. One that made my love greater

    1. Wonderful addition!

  26. Our faces placed nose to nose.

    1. Great addition!

  27. when love is no more love!

  28. What is bugbears?

  29. I found my voice Avatar
    I found my voice

    Bugbear nor with, nor without you💙

  30. But still I could not give up on you

    1. Aww that’s a nice addition!

  31. […] Six Word Story #108 […]

  32. […] Six Word Story #108 […]

  33. Bugbear from past taunts the present.

    1. Great addition!

  34. Panic attacks and OCD are my bugbear. 😒

    1. Oops I counted wrong haha 😄 😅

      1. I’m a blogger not a mathematician so we’re just going to pretend it’s six words lol!

  35. Scared, hurt with a little cut

    1. Great addition!

  36. Feeling worthless and better than everyone….

    1. Love that addition!

  37. Stability’s finally stopped being your bugbear?

    Damn. That’s really hard to do in six words. I also don’t know why I took it to sarcasm. I wanted to be more positive and say as I move further away from chaos, stability no longer seems to be my bugbear…but in six words.

    1. Lol yeah it’s way harder to do in six words than people realise but I enjoyed the sarcasm!

  38. “I am not into you anymore”

    Well I loved this post too.
    Waiting for more new words and new stories…..

    1. Thanks- glad you enjoyed it and more coming soon!

      1. I will be waiting….

  39. […] Six Word Story #108 […]

  40. […] sprightly: lively; full of energy. I learned this word from Pooja here. It also shows up in William Wordsworth’s poem, “Along the margin of a bay:/Ten thousand saw I at a glance,/Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.”bugbear: a cause of obsessive fear, irritation, or loathing. I learned this word from Pooja here. […]

  41. Life of bugbear clings his soul.

    1. Great addition!

  42. Pooh! No need to worry anymore.

    1. Haha indeed!

  43. Which is why I’m leaving you.

    1. Ouch- love that addition though!

  44. This world is not my home, I am just a passing through…… just doesn’t feel right to be here on earth, it feels empty somewhere somehow.

  45. YOU…! who else is my bugbear?

    1. Ha that’s a great addition!

      1. Thanks…!

  46. A chill ran down my spine! Too close for my traumatic comfort.

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