Six Word Story #112

Six Word Story

Perused your face. No love found.

Decided to share a six word story today since I got preoccupied writing a longer post for tomorrow and didn’t have a lot of time today.

Today’s Word:


  1. to examine or consider with attention and in detail
  2. to look over or through in a casual or cursory manner
  3. especially to read over in an attentive or leisurely manner

More about the word. 

Don’t forget to leave your six word reply in the comments because I always love reading them or simply stop by and say hi!

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107 responses to “Six Word Story #112”

  1. Your face showed me no love.

    1. Really enjoyed that addition!

    2. Your face showed me love too

  2. Perused refused vs declined negligible difference.

    1. That’s my favourite for this one so far!

      1. Thanks 🙂

      2. Hi. How you doing?

  3. Perhaps you are not perspicacious enough

    1. Perhaps that’s the problem.

  4. 👋🏻👋🏻

  5. Am I trapped in unrequited love?

    1. Aren’t we all lol…

  6. Keen micro-expressions evaded my perusing.

    1. Oh wow that’s a good one!

      1. Thank you my friend.

  7. amazing post by amazing writer

    hi pooja congrats for 21.4k followers keep growing

    1. Thanks so much!

  8. Peruse before you judge a person.

  9. Face loveless? Peruse instead my heart.

    1. The heart is more important!

  10. Wish someone would peruse ME lol

  11. Should have got a dog instead

    1. i don’t know why this made me laugh, but it did and I love it.

      1. It was supposed to do that! Haha. And it’s true 🤣

  12. Loving you made me lose myself

    1. Not lost… if found in me.

  13. The hospital window… perusing life outside!

  14. I enjoy perusing your blog, Pooja! 😃

  15. A deeper knowing, will unveil disguise…

  16. Perused your soul. I found myself 💗

    1. I love that addition!

  17. Peruse my heart, worry hides love.

  18. Perused that art, secret was discovered!

  19. I had to ask; wouldn’t presume.

    1. Thank you!

  20. One was fire the other was ice, she was calm, he was fierce, as they say love struck, not so easily but it did.💞♥️

    1. Ooh I love that!! 💖

      1. Aww thank you but its not mine sorry I read this line on Instagram. But I loved so just🙈♥️

        1. Ooh I see- thanks for sharing it anyway! Also I think it’s from Game of Thrones if I’m not wrong. I feel like it sounds familiar.

          1. No, its not from game of thrones it was just like a short line I do not know whether it was picked from GOT or not but I loved this line and I remembered this line while reading your post.

            1. Oh okay- either way it’s a great line.

              1. Thank you♥️🥰

  21. no problem. swipe left. move on.

    1. Lol me these days 😂

  22. “It was just not my day.”

    1. Great addition!

  23. but underneath you were much more…

    1. Great addition!

  24. He wasn’t into her. Options perused.

    1. Love that addition!

  25. Fake facial expressions, strong love inside.♥️

    1. Love that uplifting addition!

  26. Tuck heart and brace, collapsing down.

    1. Great addition!

  27. Can you please give me your whatsapp number

  28. Good content

  29. That’s a horrible feeling! Great one, Pooja

    1. Thanks Shweta!

      1. My pleasure 😃

  30. Attracted to the wrong sort, obviously!

    1. Obviously!

  31. Love is not ours to command

    1. No it’s not

  32. Perused your heart, Cold as ground
    Laugh Now! You can be crabby anytime

  33. You peruse eyes true reflection of emotions.

    1. Great addition!

  34. […] Six Word Story […]

  35. […] Six Word Story […]

  36. Wasted time on a broken mirror

    1. Wow that’s a great addition!

  37. In life’s journey, didn’t I peruse!

    1. Oh wow great addition!

      1. Put in more 6 word story options

  38. Love I perused.. but never pursued.

  39. My Safe Place is with you

    1. Great addition!

  40. Look deep inside, steep Growth beckons

    1. Wow love that addition!

  41. to love and peruse forever more❣️❣️

    1. Aww love that addition!

      1. sooo happy to hear that. 💖💖

  42. They met they lived together and died together ❤️

  43. I found my voice Avatar
    I found my voice

    I was perused and absorbed delicately

    1. Love that addition!

      1. I found my voice Avatar
        I found my voice

        Thank you🦋🦋🦋

  44. Persued happiness in your warm hugs

    1. Great addition!

  45. Sometimes wonder if it’s worth it.

  46. Nothing but stone and bad memories

    1. Great addition!

  47. Tinder isn’t that impressive I’ve found

    1. That’s why I’m sticking with good old being alone forever.

      1. Better to be single than in a relationship for the sake of it. Do you not read your Six Word Stories? 😂 Love can’t be forced. I’m 38, you are far younger. I’m not saying that I will find a partner but I think that it’s around the age of 40 women come in to their prime.

        1. Lol my six words stories are secretly just relationship advice 🤣
          Yeah I think a lot of people are in their prime in their forties and onwards because you’re ready to settle down and know exactly what you want from a partner and in a relationship.

          1. I hope you don’t mind (I have emailed you), I have started a 7 word story page on the mighty mental health community for people to progress the narrative with their own unique words. Hope you don’t mind me being so presumptuous and I don’t have a problem removing it from there if you wish or at least crediting your idea

            1. No worries- go for it! No credit needed- I definitely did not originally come up with this idea so I wouldn’t want to take any credit for it. I saw another blog which no longer exists doing six word stories when I first started blogging and thought it was cool.

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