Six Word Story #115

Sweet nothings turned into nettled accusations.

Today’s Word:


1. to strike or sting with or as if with nettles
2. to arouse to sharp but transitory annoyance or anger

More about the word. 

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93 responses to “Six Word Story #115”

  1. Nettled by her lies; I left.

    1. Love that addition!

      1. Thank you!

  2. painful to a fault yet unfortunately expected

    1. Love that addition!

  3. I’ve been nettled as an adult and a child, those plants really sting.

    1. Sure do!

  4. I hate nettle and peppermint tea!

    1. Never had it but sounds awful!

      1. I found my voice Avatar
        I found my voice

        I wasn’t expecting that reply, made me laugh🤣🤣

        1. 😂😂

  5. I’m an idiot for not picking up on the theme word before lol 😆.

    1. Lol no worries!

  6. “Sweet nothings turned into nettled accusations.“

    Only winners? In-laws and divorce attorney.

    1. Ouch that must have been one unhappy marriage…

  7. Nettles when left alone overrun gardens.

    1. Yup they sure do!

  8. His love, like a nettle, stung.

    1. Ooh that’s a really good one!

  9. She was mistreated. She deserved better.

    1. Indeed she did.

  10. Tucked. Protected. Word still nettled within.

    1. Wow great addition!

  11. Memories of you nettle my heart.

    1. Great addition!

      1. Thank you my friend

  12. Pooja, a hopeless romantic. Maybe not.

    1. Quite the opposite I’m afraid…

  13. Nettled accusations are a warning sign of an an abusive relationship

    1. Yup for sure. Also if someone keeps randomly accusing you of something they’re probably doing it themselves.

      1. Absolutely!

  14. That’s what happens when a love goes sour. Good one, Pooja

    1. Unfortunately so. Thanks!

      1. You’re very welcome 🙂

  15. A part of you within me nettles my heart.

    Oops! These are more than six words.

    1. That’s okay it was still great!

  16. My past’s nettles don’t prick anymore!

    1. You’re healed!

      1. I’ve moved on.

  17. Nettles… not fear, blocked her path.

    1. Great addition!

      1. 🇯🇲🏖️

  18. Run-Escape from this abusive situation.

    1. As fast as possible.

  19. Every ounce of your memory nettles something in me.

    1. Wow one of my favourite additions!

      1. Glad you like it 😁

  20. “Seeing you with her nettles me.”

    Loved this one too….

    1. Wow love yours!

      1. Thank you so much….

    2. Waoooo
      very well said.

      1. Thank you so much.

        1. my pleasure

  21. His constant taunts nettled her mind.

    1. She sounds awful.

  22. Bitter hatred turned to sweet love.💕❤️

    1. Yay love the positivity!

  23. Learnt something new today. I cannot think of a six word story for now haha

    1. That’s okay learning something new is enough!

  24. my blog excels at nettling people…

    1. My patience broke she Nettled again.

    2. So does everything else on the internet apparently lol!

  25. Our enchanting differences turn to irritation.

    1. Omg that happens so often in relationships- that’s why you never get married super quickly. Those cute little quirks will turn into annoying habits so fast.

  26. My patience broke she Nettled again.

    1. Great addition!

  27. Wounded, I sought relief in you.

    1. Great addition!

  28. There is nothing sweet about nettles!
    I fell in some once!

    1. Ouch that could not have been fun…

  29. I found my voice Avatar
    I found my voice

    My nettled fingers, your prickly skin

    1. Great addition!

      1. I found my voice Avatar
        I found my voice

        Thank you, just love these💙

  30. […] nettle: irritate or annoy (someone).from Pooja’s post here […]

  31. Nettles lose their sting with time.

  32. Caught again, hook, line and sinker

    1. Sometimes we’re too easy to catch

  33. “The hidden past can be dangerous” or “Why are you acusing tea ingreadients?”
    Laughter needs no explanations

    1. Haha love the second one!

  34. Really I also like lt 🙂

  35. Good, very good, very very good.

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