Quote Of The Day 19

Quote Of The Day

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51 responses to “Quote Of The Day 19”

  1. Good advice, Pooja. Have a great next week!

    1. Thanks and have a great week too!

  2. True. True.

    1. Glad you agree!

  3. Yes, the thinking pattern can be difficult to change. LOL. Actually a lot of people know their way of thinking will not work, but still they just can’t change it. It is like witness your own trainwreck that is operated and directed by yourself. LOL.

    1. So true. I think people just have such a hard time breaking habits and changing their ways even when they know certain things aren’t good for them and that change would actually benefit them.

  4. Yes, very true!

    1. Glad you agree!

    1. Glad you agree!

  5. True! Mindset is everything.

  6. True indeed🙏🏿

    1. Glad you agree!

  7. Good one, Pooja 😊

    1. Thank you!

    1. Glad you agree!

  8. Interesting and thought provoking
    Laugh It hasn’t been declared an illegal drug yet

  9. Its so true. Loved it Pooja🙏❣️

    1. Thank you!!

  10. Interesting, but I could never do it lol. I’m a Type A through and through, the only time I relax is when I’m asleep. Anytime I do something, I’m doing things for us, never for me. I know I should change that and stress and neglect is wreaking havoc on my body, but… maybe someday! Haha

    1. I’m a Type A too so I definitely know where you’re coming from! I have been trying super hard to change though and it’s been super helpful. I didn’t realise how much I needed to change till I did lol 😂

      1. I’m trying to learn two phrases, “No” and “I’ll do it tomorrow” lol. My Dad always used to say “I’ll do it tomorrow” and it used to really bug me, but now I’m starting to understand why. We only have so much energy, and when that’s gone, we can’t keep going anyway. Sometimes I’ll do something on top of my plans for the day because I really want to do it, but once that’s done, everything else is “I’ll do it tomorrow” lol. I’m learning to relax, at least a little bit ;D

        1. Yup it’s important to use those phrases or else you’ll end up burnt out. I was like that too and needed to do everything on my list for the day but now I do what I can and do the rest when I can.

          1. Haha I’m trying! I think it was the burnout that got me too, I was just like “you know what? Dad has a point…” haha.

            1. Lol he definitely does!

  11. Yes! So true🌺

    1. Glad you agree!

  12. very zen-like!

    1. I know I love the vibe of this one!

  13. Simple and also so deep. Thank you! I have been trying to adopt a new behavior by repeating it and maybe I need to first make sure it is well situated in my head. 🤯

    1. Thank you! I’ve been trying really hard to change my way of thinking and my behaviour too!

  14. Love this saw this on insta ad well

    1. Thank you!

  15. You have no obligation to be the same person who you were 5 minutes ago. There’s a drive to be accepted and popular with people that are basing their behaviour on the response of the people who are around them. Looking in the mirror for their reflection. However, the reflection of a mirror is a distorted picture and here lies the problem.

    1. That’s so true. If we try to be like everyone else we’ll end up unhappy because we aren’t us anymore.

  16. 💯💯❤️

  17. I found my voice Avatar
    I found my voice


    1. Thank you so much I truly appreciate the nomination!!

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