Lifesfinewhine- The Random Interviews

You guys- I did a thing! So honoured to be interviewed by The Random Blogger. Go check out the interview and their lovely blog. It was a lot of fun to be on the other side of this process!

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37 responses to “Lifesfinewhine- The Random Interviews”

      1. My pleasure, You’ve become a celebrity!!! 😀

    1. Thank you!

  1. Loved the interview, Pooja 😃

  2. Thank you for the link to my blog, Pooja. What a wonderful interview. “My main tip would be to be patient and stick with it”. That’s so true. I often feel frustrated with the slow growth and doesn’t even have time for research. LOL. I guess that’s life–I mean real life and online life. Love your effort in helping other people and generating interactions. It feels like a community.

  3. Cool interview!

  4. that was good introduction of you pooja to people and you gave some good tips for normal amall bloggers and that was a true fact you said and it was good

  5. Yay! Way to go!! 🥳 Awesome!

    1. Thank you!

  6. that was a wonderful interview. and how nice that your favorite blog is one where you thanked your supporters, and offered them the chance to share their blog on your site. you have created a wonderful community, one that I am happy to be a part of. and thank you for the mention!

    1. Thank you so much and I’m so happy to have you as a part of this community!

  7. This is wonderful! How was it being on the other side of the interview? You do some great interviews on here!

    1. Thank you!! It was quite a lot of fun I must admit 😊

  8. I’m used to seeing you as an interviewer. Seeing you being interviewed is actually great. 👍

    1. Thank you so much- it was super fun for me to be the interviewee!

  9. Whooo hoo… Just read it and it was awesome. I just left a long message on Random Blogger’s site.
    Thanks for the mention ….. at least I’m assuming I fell into one of the millions of Cindy’s you know as one of your favorite bloggers.. 🤣
    So much fun my friend with never ending energy ❣️

    1. Aww thanks! Lol I’m pretty sure this one was you 😂😉

      1. Well, wow.. sooo happy to hear… you’re the best. 💖❤️🙏

  10. I loved the interview Pooja I have always seen you take interviews but it was fun to read your interview. I loved the blogging advice you gave that it doesn’t grow overnight.💖♥️💕

    1. Thank you- so glad you enjoyed it!! 💖😊

      1. Indeed I enjoyed it!!

  11. Pooja was one of the first bloggers that I started reading as well. Her advice has been both informative and inspiring. When I’m feeling a bit lost about the direction of my blog, I remember her essential message to write for yourself first—not some imagined audience. I’m glad you interviewed her because I didn’t know she was from Kenya.

    I don’t know if I have a pet peeve yet with respect to blogging. It’s harder than most people think but whatever. As Pooja reminds us, I’m doing this for me.

    1. That’s really nice of you to say! I’m glad you’ve found my advice helpful and yes I think writing for yourself and making sure you’re enjoying the blogging process is probably the most important thing. If you enjoy what you’re writing your readers will too.

      1. In addition to informative and inspirational, I should have said fun. I’ve enjoyed the 6-word stories

        1. I’m glad you find those fun because they’re a lot of fun for me to come up with. It’s nice to know people enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them.

  12. I wanted to do this
    Happy that someone thought of it as well.
    You’re a blessing to everyone! Know that!

    1. Wow thank you saying that- that truly means so much to me!

      1. You’re welcome

  13. Multi niche blog 👏👏👏
    I actually forgot you are from Kenya

    1. Yeah I haven’t been home in a while so I haven’t talked about Kenya recently.

  14. […] Lifesfinewhine- The Random Interviews […]

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