Quote Of The Day #21

Quote Of The Day

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63 responses to “Quote Of The Day #21”

    1. Thanks 😀

  1. This is just the best quote. Fabulous 😊🌞🌝

    1. Glad you enjoyed it!

  2. Exactly. Just like the adage don’t compare apples and oranges

    1. Yes exactly- we’re all unique and on our own journey!

  3. Great words, Pooja! 😍

    1. Thank you!

  4. And when our time to shine comes, we must choose to shine!

    1. Yes absolutely!

  5. Perhaps you consider asking us for our quotes, on your quote post days?

    1. I’ll take liberty as the first:
      I have benefited greatly from criticism, and at no time have I suffered a lack thereof.
      ~ Winston Churchill.

      1. That’s a great one- I’ll keep it in mind for next week!

    2. That’s actually a great idea!

      1. Thank you. 😉

  6. Love these words Pooja.

    1. Glad you enjoyed them!

  7. Lovely quote.

  8. Oh that’s such a beautiful quote, Pooja ❤️

    1. Thanks Shweta!

      1. You’re very welcome 🙂

  9. nice quote you got here true for evey person

    1. Glad you enjoyed it!

  10. And celebrate the difference! Both sunshine and moonshine have their own charm..

    1. Yes they are both beautiful in their own way!

    1. Thank you!

  11. Life stays beautiful even in the darkness all we got to do is look up💫✨🌟 P.S I loved this quote of yours Pooja💖♥️

    1. Thank you and I so agree with that ✨✨

      1. Glad you agree♥️💫

  12. […] — Read on lifesfinewhine.ca/2021/07/04/quote-of-the-day-21/ […]

  13. wonderful quote, Pooja. reminds me of one of my favorites: “comparison is the thief of joy”

    1. That’s a really good one too and I honestly could not agree more with it!

      1. have a great day!

        1. You too 😀

  14. Beautiful thank you for sharing 🌼💛

    1. My pleasure!

  15. So true. We don’t look at the stars and say that one is better than another. People seem to crave and have a great need for acceptance. When we see something, we have an option of liking what we see or not liking what we see. We base our behaviour towards what we like. Other people teach us who we are. Their attitudes to us are the mirror in which we learn to see ourselves, but the mirror is distorted. We notice only what we think noteworthy, and therefore our vision is highly selective.

    1. You’re so right- humans really crave acceptance and we hate standing out. Like you said what we see is selective though and we only pick up on certain things while ignoring the rest.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it!

      1. Absolutely. Thanks for sharing! 😊

        1. Happy to do so!

  16. Yes, that’s like comparing apple with orange, stone with wood. And how many mistakes we make all the time, often falling prey to the easy and the obvious. LOL.

    1. Yup exactly- we never compare other things like the way we compare ourselves to others, Humans are weird lol.

  17. Its good to read such things after a long time.
    I totally agree with your imagination and creativity, but don’t you think comparing moon and sun makes no sense.
    I mean according to my grandmother’s bedtime stories she always kept saying “Don’t judge the moon for reflecting the sunlight. Judge the choice of your words and imagination which lead you to believe that moon is beautiful because it shines. Judge your eyes because they only saw half of the moon their entire life and wrote thousands of songs describing her beauty. Let the sun shine and let the moon smile.”
    I don’t know how I know every single word she said, but it seems like she just explained the reality with the best choice of words. 🙂

    1. Yup comparing the moon and sun definitely makes no sense just like constantly comparing ourselves to others makes no sense. Your grandmother sounds very wise.

      1. Yeah she was…

  18. Nice one.

  19. Awesome quote!

    It reminds me of another one, along the lines of if you judge a fishes intelligence and ability to climb a tree then you’re just as wrong.

    1. That’s a great one too!

  20. Nice quote pooja

    1. Thank you!

  21. This is so true. I always find myself doing this, and 2021 has really been about me trying to not compare myself to my peers.

    1. Same here- I have really been working on not comparing myself to others.

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