Six Word Story #127

Six Word Story

Once our home, now a bivouac.

Today’s Word:


1a usually temporary encampment under little or no shelter
2aencampment usually for a night

ba temporary or casual shelter or lodging

More about the word.

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64 responses to “Six Word Story #127”

  1. Some Bivouac situations can turn permanent.

    1. Indeed they can!

  2. Home is where the heart is.

  3. Everything we have, comes from God. 😊

  4. As we grow up and tend to part ways with families, I think this fits right in that case! Once a home, now a bivouac!

  5. Our love was a temporary tent.

  6. Dreams turned our home into bivouac.

  7. Not every shelter means safety, friend.

  8. Energy shot down. Embraced and encouraged.

  9. not 6 words, but the opening narration from an episode of that most literate of TV shows, the original Twilight Zone.

    June twenty-fifth 1964—or, if you prefer, June twenty-fifth 1876. The cast of characters in order of their appearance: a patrol of General Custer’s cavalry and a patrol of National Guardsmen on a maneuver. Past and present are about to collide head-on, as they are wont to do in a very special BIVOUAC area known as….the Twilight Zone.

  10. Ah, this was so sad!

  11. Haitians in Bivouacs years after hurricane.

    1. Interesting addition.

      1. 🇯🇲🏖️

  12. Unfortunately, my heart was her bivouac.

    1. Love your addition as always!

  13. That’s a tragic take and I learned a new word!

    1. Glad you learnt a new word and yeah it got dark lol!

  14. some descions turns home into Bivouac

    1. Great addition!

  15. Cliff-edge bivouacs perched precariously, overlooking grasslands.

    1. Wow that’s a fantastic addition!

  16. Wow, I learnt a new word today. This was a rather sad story!

    1. Glad you learnt a new word from this!

  17. Untrue heart has only bivouacked feelings.

    1. Great addition!

  18. Humans bivouac; ants go the distance.

    1. Great addition!

  19. So sad, but not uncommon now.

    1. Yup unfortunately so.

  20. once a bivouac, now it’s permanent…

    1. That’s a nice uplifting addition!

      1. sly like a fox…

      2. oops, wrong comment! 🙂

        1. Lol no worries!

  21. “We will find our home anew.”

    1. Love that uplifting addition!

      1. Love the substance of your six words story above ^^

        1. Thank you!!

  22. Seasons change, choices change but their love is still unchanged.♥️💕

    1. Aww I love that!! 💖

      1. Glad you do♥️🥺

  23. I have felt that way about countries sometimes too

    1. Yeah I can definitely see what you mean

  24. I enjoy these little posts as they get me to think—but not too hard.

    1. Yay that’s the goal with these kinds of posts!

  25. Not just a bivouac: Buddy’s home.

    1. Great addition!

  26. Interesting addition

  27. February 13th 1692: Massacre of Glencoe

    1. This is what I was thinking of in regards to the story

      1. Oh I see I’ll check it out thanks for the link!

  28. love it but in a can’t play today sadly.. 💖

    1. That’s totally okay!!

  29. Now Our heat is in tents
    Laugh It’s something to do do on a lonely day

    1. Love that addition!

  30. […] Six Word Story #127 […]

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