5 Ways To Prioritize Your Mental Health (Reblog)

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85 responses to “5 Ways To Prioritize Your Mental Health (Reblog)”

  1. Sounds like good advice!

  2. It’s really fantastic and inspiring

    1. Thank you!

  3. Essential tips Pooja for happiness and true joy!💖💖💖

    1. Thanks so much!!

      1. you’re so welcome💖

  4. The first thing to do is acknowledge there is a problem that needs attention. Then be attentive to your need. Self care is never selfishness. Those of us born as empaths, need patients and practice but it has to begin to be effective.

    1. Yeah that’s very true.

    2. Thanks so much, people confuse selfishness with self love. Self love is being mindful of your health, things that actually means the world to you. But selfishness on the other hand is doing anything good for yourself at the detriment of other people

      1. Yes, I agree self absorbency often comes at a tax to others. Thanks for commenting.

        1. You’re welcome

  5. Live life with joy and happiness

    1. Definitely!

  6. Pooja are you uninstalled twitter

    1. No I’m just not active on it

      1. Oh that’s reason

      2. But have you been check it

  7. Isn’t it so odd that taking time for yourself and doing what you need to do to feel calm and at peace is considered selfish? I’m working past this mindset. I need to be the best me for myself to be the best me for someone else. My mental health and state are very important to me now after years of neglecting who God created me to be. People get the renewed me now instead of the stressed-out people pleaser. And, we are both so much happier. 🥰

    1. Yup it’s so weird that self-care is often thought of as selfish. It makes people feel guilty for prioritizing their mental health which is ridiculous. Glad to hear you’re happier now!

      1. Yes! “Guilty.” That’s the best way of putting it.

  8. That’s a wonderful post!❣️

    1. Thank you!

  9. A very simple solid post. No argument here. Especially to seeking help— whatever that looks like!

    1. Thanks and yes always seek help if you feel like you need it!

  10. I will have to remember these pointers 💕

    1. Hope they help!

  11. Very informative.

    1. Thank you.

      1. You are welcome.

  12. Things I got to start doing right now. Thanks for sharing love.🥺💜🤍✨

    1. Happy to share them and hope they help!!

      1. They indeed help.🥺💖

  13. That’s very true! One thing I have found in the pandemic is I didn’t spend a lot of time alone with my thoughts and Me Time was really scrolling on my phone. I finally broke that a couple days ago. I took care of myself in other ways, but some things I really felt I genuinely couldn’t do. It was too painful

    1. I’m sorry to hear that but at least you’re taking steps in the right direction. It really all starts with taking small steps and working towards bigger things.

      1. It does yes. Plus it was like how much can I really deal with in the pandemic?

        1. Yeah true it’s difficult when you’re already so stressed out because of the pandemic.

          1. Yeah, and you couldn’t get vaccinated for over a year. I was preoccupied with preventive measures

            1. Yeah it was the same for me. Especially at the beginning when we didn’t know much about the virus. Those were very stressful months.

              1. Very true. Plus, very few people are alive today who lived through the last pandemic and we don’t have guidance from others who have. It was all trial and error

                1. Yeah for sure and the errors were costing lives so we had to be so incredibly careful.

                  1. Indeed!

  14. Yes, you are right. The “me time” is too scarce in our life. Every day we rush from one thing to another without much reflections because there are so much to do and so little time.

    1. Yeah we rarely sit down and do something nice for ourselves. We really have to prioritize ourselves more.

  15. Pooja, this is a wonderful article, and I’m sure it will help many others who need it! Mental health has long been stigmatized, and it’s important for blogs like yours to exist.

    1. Thanks so much and I really hope it helps others struggling with mental health problems!

  16. So true. Often times I rush through the day doing only what has to be done. Thank you for the reminder.

    1. I think most of us are guilty of that and that’s why we need to remind ourselves to slow down sometimes. Thanks.

  17. i needed this right now. you got me at the right time! we are aware of these pointers in general but sometimes, we need someone else to direct us to them explicitly!

    1. Glad this helped. Yeah sometimes we know these things unconsciously but we just need a nudge in the right direction to keep them in mind consciously!

  18. Learning your triggers is what I need to work on. I must have a new one that needs attention. Sometimes we all need a gentle reminder like this.

    Thanks, Pooja!

    1. Absolutely I frequently need to remind myself these things. Glad you enjoyed the post!

  19. Good advice! 😊

    1. Thank you!

  20. Learning to say “no” was one of the hardest lessons I had to learn. Also, learning to be mindful really helps me a ton as of late 🙂

    1. Saying no is definitely difficult especially at first but it’s something that needs to be done. Yup mindfulness is great!

      1. For sure is 🙂

  21. Great advice I’m gonna be doing this more often

    1. Thanks and hope it helps!

      1. I know it will😄

  22. Love this!

    1. Thank you!

  23. […] 5 Ways To Prioritize Your Mental Health […]

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  25. Someone has to keep on reminding us, because it is easy to forget about our mental wellbeing. Thank you

    1. Yes absolutely it’s so easy to forget to check in on ourselves and our mental health. My pleasure.

  26. Love this!! Hoping to share similar posts on my blog

    1. Thank you so much!

  27. […] 5 Ways To Prioritize Your Mental Health […]

  28. […] 5 Ways To Prioritize Your Mental Health […]

  29. […] 5 Ways To Prioritize Your Mental Health […]

  30. […] 5 Ways To Prioritize Your Mental Health […]

  31. 100% agree!

  32. most needed at this point of time

  33. what if i’m already damaged

    1. I always encourage people not to see themselves as damaged because they have mental health issues. You just need to get help for them and try to be the best version of yourself that you can be.

  34. This is so true! A very good read. Thanks for posting!

    1. Thanks so much!

  35. Thank you for sharing this post. It’s great.

    1. Thank you.

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