Six Word Story #130

Right Now I Am Yours

Time ossified her. Love fixed that.

Today’s Word:


1to change into bone

2to become hardened or conventional and opposed to change

More about the word.

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80 responses to “Six Word Story #130”

  1. Bad experience ossifies more than time.

    1. Unfortunately very true,

  2. Apparently, I am ossified.

    1. I feel like I am too but I’m trying to stay positive lol 😂

  3. Awww… isn’t love so very wonderful?

    1. It sure can be!

  4. It’s so easy to be lulled into mental ossification; and it is not very easy to get out of it. Like what you said, love is something that can change us.

    1. That’s so true it’s very easy to get sucked in but luckily there are ways to get out like love.

      1. Love should be treated as a liberating factor of our life.

  5. Trauma cruelly ossified her tender soul.

    1. Aww that’s heartbreaking 💔

  6. Thank you for the post Pooja.
    Have a good day. 🙂

    1. My pleasure and you too!

  7. Decry, Defy, Deny, Ossify, and Die.

    1. That’s life 🤷‍♀️

  8. Aw, this is so sweet! 😍

  9. people ossifies but you strengthen yourself!

  10. all heard were sweet nothings, his.

    1. Aww love that!

  11. Just stopping by to say HI🤓. Have a great weekend.

    1. Hi! It’s a good weekend so far and hope the rest of your weekend is great too!

      1. Thanks Pooja. I’m liking that August is near done…let’s get into some serious fall…Thanks for stopping by. Always appreciated. xo

        1. My pleasure!!

  12. Behold: This bitter heart’s ossified remains.

    1. Ooh love that addition!

      1. Yay! And thanks for hosting these six word story posts.. They’re the best kind of word game!

        1. They’re a lot of fun for me to host and see what everyone comes up with- y’all are so creative lol!

          1. Awh, shucks, that’s so nice.. You come up with some pretty epic stuff, yourself!

  13. Aww. That’s a sweet one, Pooaj

    1. Thank you!

  14. Love ossified her, friendship fixed it.

    1. Love that!!

  15. Daily desires for her were ossifying.

    1. Wonderful addition!

  16. This love will never happen again.💜🤍✨

  17. life ossified her. candy fixed that…

    1. Candy fixes everything!

  18. Gin made her forgetful of it

    1. Gin is now her best friend…

      1. Perfect tonic for ailments and headaches

        1. Or just hitting annoying people with

  19. […] become rigid or fixed in attitude or position; cease developing.This is from Pooja’s post […]

  20. Her heart ossified until she lost.

  21. Rigidity of the mind ossified bones!

    1. Love that!

      1. YES!!! Thanks a lot. 💖💖🙏

  22. Love is a potion of Change
    Laugh Well and Often!!

  23. His heart’s ossification, softened with time.

    1. Great addition!

      1. Thank you…!

  24. Great word. The ossification of her brittle thoughts.

    1. Thanks and great use of it!

  25. Love: the remedy you can’t buy💙

    1. Yup for sure!

  26. Aww ! That’s the beautiful one .❤️ Pooja

  27. lust destroyed it; time solidified it

    1. Great addition!

  28. So artistic. Love this!

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