4 Ways To Immediately Grow Your Following

How To Grow Your Following

As someone with a certain amount of followers I get asked a lot (like a lot…like please stop…lol jk) about how I grew my following and how others can do the same for their blog. I have a couple of posts about this already but they are not very new since I wrote them quite a while back. Therefore, I decided to write an updated version of how you can grow your following in 2021 because things in the blogging world are constantly changing.

Before I start the advice part of the post I also want to add one thing really fast. If you’re a blogger and especially if you’re a new blogger don’t only focus on growing your following. Having a lot of followers is great but at this point you want to focus on your content and building a site that people would want to visit, follow and interact on. I also want to say that these methods won’t work over night. Growing your following takes time, patience and consistency. It’s not impossible to be a success overnight but it is extremely rare so please don’t focus on only gaining followers and try to experience the blogging world as a whole.

Anyway, here are some methods that may help you grow your following:


I’ve been using WordPress for quite a few years now and one thing I’ve picked up on is that the WordPress community is a very social and interactive one. Even if you haven’t spent as much time on WordPress as I have you will quickly realise that interacting with other blogs is a big part of the blogging experience. It’s not even just a big part of the blogging experience- I would say that it is actually an essential part of the blogging experience.

Interacting or engaging with other blogs is a great way to grow your following. I would recommend engaging with blogs that have similar content to your blog or content that you genuinely enjoy or are interested in. That way your interactions will be authentic and not forced or spam-like. There are thousands of blogs here on WordPress and many of them may not even be aware that your blog exists. Leaving comments on other blogs, especially those that don’t already follow you, is a great way to increase awareness about your blog. People generally really appreciate genuine interactions and tend to stop by your blog too. Once they see your blog they may realise they enjoy it and give it a follow.

Another way to interact or engage is be active on your own blog. If someone takes the time to read your post and leave a comment make sure you reply to it as soon as possible. A lot of comments come from people who don’t already follow your blog but rather people who stumbled onto it. Having a positive interaction with them may convince them to follow your blog.


I say this a lot but SEO is pretty vital when it comes to growing your blog outside of WordPress. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and making your posts SEO friendly can really help bring in traffic from Search Engines such as Google.

This increase in traffic will help bring in new readers and if they enjoy your content they will very likely subscribe to or follow your blog. It’s always a good idea to have readers outside of WordPress too because it helps with things like your DA and more. If you plan to make money through blogging or plan to have a very successful site in the long run these things are essential.

Having an SEO friendly blog also has a lot of other perks apart from growing your following but most of these perks do lead to growing your following, especially your email followers. Once your site is visited more often and gains a certain number of followers Search Engines themselves will start pushing your content out to more people.

I’m not going to go into details about SEO because I already have multiple posts about how to make your blog SEO friendly. If you are interested in reading these please click here. 

Get With The Trends

It’s no secret that posts that have content about what is currently trending get more traffic which means they get more followers. One way to grow your following is to concentrate on creating content about what is currently trending the world. You can easily find out what everyone is talking about at the moment by going through Google.

Although this is definitely a great way to grow your following most bloggers, myself included, choose not to use this method and you may also feel as we do. Yes, writing about what is currently trending is a good way to grow your site but it can also become quite unfulfilling. Most bloggers begin to blog for reasons other than just growing your site or making money off it. Most of us want to create a certain type of content and get our content out there. Only writing about what’s trending may end up feeling like you’re selling out.

One way to fix this dilemma is to write about trending content but not just random trending topics but rather trending topics in your niche/niches or trending topics that relate to content you already create. This way you don’t have to sacrifice your content for view/follows and you get to grow your blog. It may not be as fast but it’s still pretty good.

Please The Algorithm

No, I’m not talking about baking the algorithm a virtual pie. When I talk about pleasing the algorithm I mean make sure your posts are algorithm friendly. If they are WordPress itself will push out your content to both current and new readers. I have posts that the algorithm seems to like that get hundreds of likes and some that it hates which get like 50 likes. It’s all about making your posts algorithm friendly.

I will be making a detailed post on how to make your posts algorithm friendly but for now I’ll just say make sure you’re using the features correctly, you’re engaging properly with other bloggers, you’re not trying to spam the system and you’re putting out quality content that adds some sort of value to the lives of your readers.

Having the algorithm push out your posts really helps grow your blog because as I mentioned before it will push it out to new readers too who don’t already follow your blog. If your content is great they will probably follow your blog and engage with your future posts too.

Final Thoughts

I hope these tips help you grow your blog. As I mentioned in the start, it’s great to know your blog is growing but don’t get discouraged if it isn’t. Blogging isn’t just about having followers and likes. It’s a wonderful and interactive experience so make sure you make the most of it.

Don’t get discouraged easily if your blog doesn’t grow overnight. It takes time to grow a blog and most of the people who successfully grow their blogs do it because they were patient and stuck with it for a long time.

Did you find these tips helpful? What are some methods you use to grow your blog? Do you use any of the methods I mentioned on this post? What type of advice post would you like to read next on lifesfinewhine? How is your day going? Let me know in the comments below because I would love to hear your answers and if you don’t feel like answering the questions just stop by and say hi- I don’t bite! (Lifesfinewhine has been bite free since August 2021 due to legal reasons)

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94 responses to “4 Ways To Immediately Grow Your Following”

  1. You also post on a daily basis usually, which puts your blog posts near the top of the reader. I’m fine with daily posts. What I don’t like is when the same blogger post 3-5+ times a day.

    1. Yeah posting daily does help but over posting spams the system. The worst is when people post multiple posts in a few minutes or even seconds. I was following a blog like that and ended up unfollowing it.

      1. There’s a fine balance between posting just enough per day vs. posting too much in a day. I know I don’t post often enough and that’s likely contributing to my following count.

        I think that some bloggers have this belief that the more you post, the more popular you will become. It’s not about quantity in my opinion – it’s about quality. Writing quality posts is more challenging in my opinion. I also agree that it’s good to follow a schedule and to post content that’s popular and/or content that people are actively searching for!

    2. I mostly prefer to post on management niche. I need a lot of time to make quality content. Though,
      This is the reason why I’m not post on a daily basis.
      Now I am going to postpone for some times until my exam.

  2. Thanks for all the good information! Doing great. Barb N

    1. Thanks and hope it helps!

    2. Yes

      This is really such a great job ☺

  3. Thanks for sharing you tips, and secrets and always supporting everyone Pooja💖

    1. Happy to do so!!

  4. Engaging is key. Lovely tips and thanks for sharing.

    1. I so agree engaging is a very important part of blogging. Happy to share them!

  5. Great post Are you sure you don’t bite? I have been avoiding India thinking you might bite me
    Laugh On!!

    1. Lol you’ve been avoiding the wrong country I’m Kenyan and currently living in Canada 😂😂

      1. Oh NO!!!You’re closer than I thought. I’m going to have to run away!! I hope I didn’t insult you but I somehow thought you were Indian 😊😊

        1. Lol no worries! Yup I’m just one plane ride away so be careful 😂

          1. I knew it You probably bite hard!! 😪

            1. I do tend to leave scars… 🦷

              1. I’m running away 😂🤣😂🤣😂

  6. Great post pooja!

  7. Very insightful tips, as always. Thank you very much! Indeed, it’s a matter of time, patience and consistency.

    1. Thanks and I absolutely agree!

  8. Eagerly awaiting your post on how to work with the algorithm. Been here over a year now and still don’t know how to do that. 🙈

    1. It’s coming really soon and yeah it’s a bit complicated so not too many people know about it. I didn’t even know exactly how the algorithm works till recently.

  9. Amazing tips as usual. I’m looking forward to that post regarding algorithm failure. This was a really helpful and informative post

    1. Thanks so much and that post is coming very soon.

      1. You are most welcome. Yay! Looking forward to reading that post ❤🤗😊

  10. Great tips. Looking forward to your post about understanding the algorithm!

    1. Thanks so much!

  11. Thank you for the tips👍🏿

    1. Happy to share them!

  12. We should write what comes naturally to us otherwise our writing looks forced.

    1. I absolutely agree.

  13. Your info on followers and SEO stuff is great. I’ve just finished my own SEO ( I think) and have full content (because its an art site) but need to fill the blog now with good related posts. I did better with followers on WordPress but I’m on Wix now so its a little different. Thank you! KD

    1. Thanks and all the best with your site!

  14. I love the tips that you give for blogging Pooja🥺💘💘

    1. Aww thank you!

  15. Your blogging tips are always easy to follow. You made my blogging journey bearable, especially when I initially started

    1. Thank you so much- it makes me so happy to hear that 😊

  16. Great tips, Di! Also, what do you mean by algorithm…I wasn’t able to get 😅😅.

  17. Can’t wait for your algorithm post! I’m still confused about that one

    1. Yup it’s kind of complicated but the post is coming really soon!

  18. Your posts are always so helpful. Thank you, Pooja!

    1. So glad you find them helpful!

  19. thanks for these tips; looking forward to reading more about pleasing the algorithm…

    1. Happy to share them and that post is coming real soon!

  20. I love the way you described about that blogging is not just to earn money but putting your content out there is something I 100% relate too! Definitely one of my favourite Post ❣️

    1. Thank you and yeah your main reason to blog should be about your content not profits!

  21. Great advice, especially for newbies like me. Thank you 🙏 ❤️

    1. Thank you so much!

  22. I found these tips helpful, Pooja. Just trying to get the wings of blogging, and your blog posts have been of a great help to me. Thank you so much.💖✨

    1. I’m so glad it’s been helpful!!

  23. Always insightful ☺️

    1. Thank you! 😊

  24. What about reading in general? For example, I’ve learned what authors are great at, such as how to structure a story and to use catch phrases along with something surprising and/or exciting at the start to bring in readers’ attention. Also, learning from your mistakes is great. In fact, literature might be severely underrated from such a perspective with regard to applying knowledgd about it to expand your own knowledge. Blogging is only one of those examples of where one can apply auch knowledge! Thanks!

    1. That’s a great point thank you for commenting!

  25. Some great ideas as always, thanks for sharing. I’ve lost a few lately but my SEO has gone up since using Yoast SEO, so you know, swings and roundabouts. I think not using social media doesn’t help me, but then I would be being inauthentic if I did, so I have to stick to what works for me.

    1. Thanks! I think everyone loses a few followers- sometimes bot accounts are shut down or someone just doesn’t like your content as much as they thought they would. It’s perfectly normal to lose followers but having quality posts with good SEO will help increase traffic which will help grow your blog in the long run. It takes a little while but definitely works. Yeah if social media doesn’t work for you just stick with blogging- do what you’re comfortable with.

  26. Yes, I haven’t pay attention to SEO and Algorithms. I know it is something I need to do but I have been procrastinating. Too caught up in doing other things. LOL. My mind seems to be away from doing such kind of research since I know I don’t like it, but still it is something that needs to be done.

    1. I completely understand- starting research on these things can seem quite daunting especially if you’re not very tech-savvy which I’m not. I always have to push myself to do it otherwise I will keep procrastinating. Hope you get some time to do some research soon and if not just keep putting out quality content as you always do.

  27. Thank you for sharing this piece, great information, especially for beginners.

  28. Thank you. It sure helps.

    1. Glad you found it helpful!

  29. […] 4 Ways To Immediately Grow Your Following — Lifesfinewhine […]

  30. Thanks for the insightful tips, definitely curious to hear more about the WordPress algorithms!

    1. Thanks and that post is coming soon!

  31. Thanks Pooja, for these advice! And OMGGG!!! You have 24,711 followers!!!! That’s a HUGE HUGE Number 👏🏻
    I never saw any blogger having soo many followers! You inspire me to blog! Thanks, thanks again!

    1. Thank you so much!! I’m sure you’ll grow in no time- just keep going and do your best 😊

  32. Thanks for the information.

    1. Happy to share it.

  33. This was very informative ! I feel like I do SEO wrong though and that I don’t post enough. But I only have enough time to get out 2 posts a week consistently 😭

    1. Thanks! Well SEO takes a while to learn so don’t beat yourself up about it and it’s hard to post very often but in my opinion it’s more about being consistent than anything else.

  34. I agree about not writing about only trending topics. If you’re writing alot then you have to feel what you’re posting. For me it’s bout connecting with the moment.

    1. Absolutely it’s about connecting with the moment and speaking your truth. When we only write about stuff that’s trending we end up taking our emotions out of the post which makes it a lot less genuine.

  35. Loved these tips ♥️

  36. Despite going through a billion articles.. I must say.. Extremely blogger friendly and eye catchy.

  37. […] 4 Ways To Immediately Grow Your Following […]

  38. “Don’t get discouraged easily if your blog doesn’t grow overnight. It takes time to grow a blog and most of the people who successfully grow their blogs do it because they were patient and stuck with it for a long time.”—Wonderful advice. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks so much and in my opinion patience is a big part of success!

  39. All the methods you told are very good but I liked the part of seo best thank you

  40. Very good info, Pooja. Thank you. 🙂

    1. Thanks so much 😊

  41. Thank you Pooja G for all these information… I’m new here so it will help me a lot😊

  42. I keep coming back to this post! This is a helpful post along with the posts in the links!

    😄😄😄 I will keep coming back until I get these right.

    1. So glad you’re finding it helpful! I’m sure you’ll get it right soon 😄

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