Six Word Story #132

Six Word Story

Insecurities abundantly visible despite the gasconade.

Today’s Word:


  1. extravagant boasting.

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41 responses to “Six Word Story #132”

  1. Gasconade often covers someone’s deep insecurities.

  2. Very true considering what’s happening these days

    1. Yeah I see it all the time especially on social media which is what inspired this.

      1. 👍

  3. Gasconade covers the fear of failing

    1. Yup that’s very true.

  4. Laugh yourself to sleep. You’ll be stronger in the morning

    1. I actually laugh in my sleep these days and it has helped me wake up stronger!

      1. Good job ZSpread the word 🤣😂🤣😂

  5. Insecurities can not be hidden for long.
    Stay blessed always

    1. Precisely- the truth always comes out.

  6. Have you subscribed to the Merriam-Webster’s word of the day newsletter?

    1. No but I have their app which also has their word of the day which is where I usually get these words from.

  7. Proud to know the word “gasconade.”

    1. It’s a very amusing word.

  8. Won’t gasconade about her and I.

    1. Great addition!

  9. It’s like hiding behind transparent wall.

    1. Precisely 😣

  10. Such gasconade despite little supportive evidence.

    1. There’s always no real evidence to support it.

  11. Isn’t that the way with people?

  12. Drink, and gasconade caused my downfall.

  13. In one ear, out the other

  14. it sounds like I might blow up if I try to use the word in a sentence. lol 🤣💖

  15. New word! Don’t test me on it a year from now!

    1. Lol I’ll probably forget it by then too!

  16. your light facade doesn’t fool me…

    1. It fools no one!

  17. I’ve never used any of the new words even if I have always wanted to try. Gasconade is just a sign of anxiety.

    1. Yeah I often don’t use them either.

  18. as if boasting by itself doesn’t suggest extravagant… 🙂

    1. Apparently you can be even more extravagant than simply boasting lol 😂

  19. […] gasconade: extravagant boasting.From Pooja’s post here. […]

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