My Bipolar Perspectives of a Unipolar World

Since today is Thursday I thought I would share this post by a fellow blogger who shares posts on mental health along with other things.

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11 responses to “My Bipolar Perspectives of a Unipolar World”

  1. This fella has some great points, but this article is too long for me to read. Sorry!

    1. Thank you for taking a look. It’s my first attempt so maybe I’ll do chapter by chapter next time

  2. Found it a bit long and couldn’t read it all. Seems to want to put down things that didn’t work for him without thinking that not everything works for everyone. Example, I can’t have gluten….it doesn’t mean that food with gluten is bad. It just means I can’t have it. I can still enjoy someone else enjoying it. Yeah, my comment doesn’t entirely make sense. You can’t toss out every baby with the bathwater is what I’m getting at. Hope it is of help.

    1. Hi there 👋 I completely understand your point. I don’t feel I have put things down as such. After all, this is a piece of writing on my perspective of things and how things are to me. I don’t know exactly what I’m saying in some parts myself so I can only imagine that it might not make sense for others. I guess it may give an insight into how people with bipolar see things and help others who can relate. I appreciate your comment as this is my first real attempt at putting something comprehensive together. Hope you have a great weekend

  3. Thank you for sharing this. I can’t imagine how much more stressful this is being bipolar

    1. Thank you for reading it 🙏 It is a strange situation for people to understand I’ve found with myself and my perceptions of the world and the last 2 years now. People are regularly asking me if Covid and the restrictions have made things harder for me. In response I tell them that I haven’t given it any thought at all. I’ve got far too much going on with my own, in essence, invisible enemy attacking me daily to bother with another one. I said to my psychiatrist about the voices in my head and the worries and reactions to my own turbulent thoughts is no different than the rest of the world now being told that there’s an invisible enemy outside and the government is only one that can see it and defeat it so do this and do that. Basically hypnotising people. Increased number of people seeking help for depression and anxiety who are now on medication for it and, I hope, not for too long.

  4. Exactly people don’t think that mental health can cause an illness for them it means something we’ve built on our imagination. I love people who come out and talk for people suffering from mental health problems it gives the one suffering more courage and to stay strong.💜🤍✨

    1. Absolutely 🙌 I’ll answer any questions about it best I can, I don’t have any answers necessarily, but I have experiences. People feel ashamed to share their problems, especially lads. I just write my experiences and put them in to songs or something like this post which is my first attempt. I had a concoction of scribbled notes from manic to depressive to Narnia to Hogwarts! True perfection has to be imperfect

  5. Thank you Pooja for sharing.
    The writer certainly has some very deep points👍🏿
    It was eye opening 🤝

    1. Thank you for taking the time to read it. ☺️

      1. 🙏🏿❤️

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