Six Word Story #136

Six Word Story

Your personality? Egregious. What a shame.

Sorry for the late post you guys I had quite a day! But in a good way lol!

Today’s Word:


1. outstandingly bad; shocking.
2. Archaic 

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43 responses to “Six Word Story #136”

  1. Egregious behavior leads to political success.

    1. Yup that does seem true.

  2. I have no time for egregiousness.

    1. Nor should you ever waste time on it.

  3. Egregious actions feed our righteous outrage.

  4. Too bad you know this person!

  5. Outrageously Bad, Can be interesting Sometimes
    Laugh because… Why not??

    1. It can be amusing!

  6. Archaic notions are often to blame.

    1. Yup that’s so true!

      1. Unfortunately so!

  7. His egregious death haunted the city.

    1. Love that addition.

      1. Thank you…!

  8. his behaviour was egregious to us

    1. Great addition!

  9. How egregious! My comments labeled “SPAM.”

    1. WP needs to do better with distinguishing between spam and real comments!

  10. Time does make most things egregious.

    1. Unfortunately so.

  11. Her love was pure his was egregious.🥺😭

    1. So heartbreaking but that happens a lot 😢

      1. It happens and it has happened.💔

        1. Yup for sure…

  12. my blog. egregious. apologies to all… 🙂

    1. That’s a good SWS but I don’t think it’s true lol 😂

      1. thanks… 🙂

  13. I never thought of using the word egregious with personalities, but it makes sense sometimes

    1. I may not have used it correctly tbh 😂

      1. Well, it’s still cool! 🙂

  14. […] egregious: outstandingly bad; shocking. “egregious abuses of copyright”From Pooja’s blog here. […]

  15. Sometimes an egregious person knows how to hide the true self and it is not as easily detectable at first.

    1. Yeah a lot of people are very good at hiding the bad parts of themselves.

  16. Some people are like that, unfortunately

    1. Yeah unfortunately so.

  17. Egregious friend turned foe true colors

    1. Been there 😢

  18. Ego; Egregious and Grumpy also Obnoxious

    1. Great addition!

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