Quote Of The Day #31

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22 responses to “Quote Of The Day #31”

  1. “The tyrant will always find a pretext for his tyranny, and it is useless for the innocent to try by reasoning to get justice, when the oppressor intends to be unjust”.

    Aesop’s Fables (1884)
    5. The Wolf and the Lamb.

    1. Strongly agree with that.

  2. Interesting!

  3. “Many bloggers attempt engagement through meaningful comments. But their contributions sometimes go straight to SPAM.” David Duncan

    1. Yup I have found a number of those comments stuck in my spam.

  4. I love it! So very true, but we tend to forget that.

    1. Thanks! Yeah it’s one of those things that we know but always forget.

  5. I’ve always wanted to read Brené Brown’s books but I never get to them.

    1. Yeah I haven’t read much by Brown either but hopefully I’ll get to it some day.

  6. Its her life and she’s living it and writing it together.🥺🤍

  7. 👏👏hard to read the yellow print for me on the phone…💕

    1. Oh no sorry about that!

      1. Nahhh just letting u know..

  8. We are the story of our own life. We get to write the beginning, the middle, but God decides the ending. I like your quote.

    1. Thanks and I totally agree!

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