Quote Of The Day #34

Quote Of The Day

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33 responses to “Quote Of The Day #34”

  1. I lost my kick-starter. Ain’t going anywhere. 😎

  2. If you judge people, you have no time to love them. ~ Mother Teresa

    1. At some point, though, starting over can get a bit old 😉

      1. But we never really start over, we just restart from a newly relocated end and perception. 😉

  3. We can do no great things, only small things with great love. ~Mother Teresa

    1. Absolutely!

  4. We cannot go back to the beginning of our life and start over, but we can began to look and see things differently, and do things differently in our life. Everyday is new, so we have a chance to start over with the new day given to us, because God’s mercy is new every morning. Stay safe and stay blessed.

    1. Yes, I absolutely agree. Every day we have the chance to improve ourselves and our lives in some way or the other. Stay safe and blessed too.

  5. Yes, sometimes letting go is the hardest thing to do. Some people just won’t be able to do it even when the bitter ends arrives. I sometimes wonder if one should have an “exit strategy” for one’s emotional life. Often we don’t and end up feeling trapped.

    1. Yeah I absolutely agree. I think having an exit strategy isn’t always possible especially with people you hope will always be in your life. We like to hold on to them longer than we should.

  6. Really encouraging, for real.

    1. Thank you 😊

  7. 100%. You are never too old to make changes.

    1. Yup exactly- you can always better yourself.

  8. in golf, it’s called a mulligan. life should be full of mulligans…

    1. Very interesting- I had no idea what that was until now.

      1. now you can sleep better… 🙂

  9. In the morning lets start over and fall in love again.💖😻

    1. Every morning is a fresh start! 💖

    1. Thank you!

  10. Very apt!

  11. I say about my guitar playing that I am a better player than I was yesterday but I’m not as good as I will be tomorrow

    1. Yes exactly- we improve all the time.

  12. Starting over is so difficult and sometimes it even seems impossible.

    1. Yeah it does feel impossible sometimes but I’ve had to start from zero and made it so I know that there’s always a fighting chance.

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