Six Word Story #150

How WordPress Works | I'm done with WordPress.

WordPress- a bevy of great people.

Today’s Word:


1a large group or collection
2a group of animals and especially quail

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49 responses to “Six Word Story #150”

  1. Awwww! That is just so sweet!

    1. The WP community has been too good to me!

  2. […] Bevy away, except for […]

  3. This bevy has me fucked up.

    1. But in a good way, lol? 😂

      1. Yeah. No. 😉

  4. Bevy is not a small beverage

    1. If only it was.

      1. it’s a cute name for a drink “bevy”

  5. A bevy of coffee will do.

    1. That should be just enough lol.

  6. General Motors parking lot – Chevy bevy…

  7. Bevy of buddies drinking their bevys

    1. The perfect evening!

  8. he has a bevy of cars

  9. Completely agreed.

    1. Glad you feel that way too.

  10. WordPress is literally the best community!

  11. Lost in a bevy of memories.

    1. That’s me a lot of days.

  12. A bevy thanksgiving Turkey for 20

  13. A bevy fell in love with her😌

    1. Lucky girl!

      1. Hehe but that’s not me lol I wish it were🙂

  14. Oh, love this word. I first heard of this word being mentioned by a friend who’s from Jamaica. He said, “a bevy of them” on one occasion to refer to a bevy of Canadian geese. Every word is a beautiful memory and an interesting story if we just pay attention to it.

    1. How interesting. I hadn’t heard the word before but I think it’s quite popular. That’s such a nice memory and I’m sure you’ll never forget this word thanks to it.

  15. Died smiling… bevy of women… crying…

    1. He must have really been something when he was alive…

  16. Writer’s, a bevy of talented outspoken people.

    1. Yup, that’s absolutely correct.

  17. Been binding a bevy of beings.

    1. Love the alliteration!

  18. Bevy good – food for no levy.

    1. Really like that addition.

  19. A bevy of inspiring writers responded

  20. Six Word Story is bevy personified

  21. A bevy of readers adore you!

  22. Thanks, From one great to another
    Laugh and Give Thanks

    1. 🙌🙌🙌

  23. Blogs—a bevy of fine musings.

    1. They absolutely are!

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