Quote Of The Day #40

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30 responses to “Quote Of The Day #40”

  1. True. Then you just get to try out other things 😉 Eventually you find what works for you.

    1. Yes, exactly. That’s how you find what works best for you 😊

  2. Oh, I love this one–a lot of truth in it!

  3. So true. Salute to all those who dare to try. It is not easy to take the risk, or even think of the necessity to take the risk. The problem with life is that life is often separated into two equally unappealing sections: one is the repetitive boredom of not trying to do anything new and the other is the heartbroken failure of taking the risk.

    1. That’s why I was so scared to try new things. I was terrified of failing and that stopped me from doing a lot of things I wish I had. Now that I’m older I realise how silly that fear is most of the time and try to do things even if there is a chance I’ll fail.

  4. Lol it’s like you’re attacking me 😂 Time to try!! But then again, the bed is the most inviting place in the world 😴

    1. Lol can’t argue with that I love my bed!!

  5. Love that quote. One to remember!

    1. Glad you enjoyed it!

  6. wonderful quote…

      1. you are welcome.

  7. Thank you! I needed that!

    1. Glad you enjoyed it!

  8. So True
    Holiday laughter

      1. You’re so welcome!! 💖

  9. It is so true!

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