Six Word Story #156

Flippant blogs are the most fun.

Today’s Word:


1:lacking proper respect or seriousness

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20 responses to “Six Word Story #156”

  1. Flippant just one choice among many.

  2. Flippant children make me cringe–seriously.

  3. I can’t think; flippantly or otherwise! 💊

  4. Best memories come from flippant moments.

  5. She suddenly became flippant about him.

  6. 😂😂😂indeed

  7. he was flippant about the project

  8. Flippant writing: good formula for misunderstanding.

  9. The job I like the most at the Pancake restaurant is the “flippant” one. LOL

  10. Flippancy and misunderstanding can be intriguing.

  11. Flippant people never make it far.

  12. Flippancy is not becoming on anybody

  13. Beautifully composed 👏👏👏💐👍

  14. Maybe, I really hate flippant people :/

    1. p.s no offense

  15. I agree; hope my blog qualifies…

  16. A flippant life-style is promising

  17. Check out my blog. It’s flippant.

  18. Better to be flippant than floppant

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