5 Things I’m Not Going To Do In 2022

With the new year scarily close, we’ve all been sharing our goals for the next year. For this post I thought I would do something slightly different. Instead of sharing things I want to do or achieve in 2022 I thought I would share some things I want to stop doing next year.


Now, before everyone freaks out about this one give me a minute to explain exactly what I mean. I have always been sort of a more passive person. I’m not too aggressive and in general would consider myself a pacifist. Any real violence makes me cringe and gives me anxiety and so does the thought of expressing my feelings out loud. Due to that (and living in Canada, a country known for its people saying “sorry”) I tend to apologise even when I’m wrong just to end the argument or disagreement. I’m also usually the person in the middle trying to keep the peace when people around me fight.

But next year I want to grow a backbone and stop apologising. I mean, if I think I’ve done something genuinely wrong I will definitely apologise. If not, I’m just not going to apologise. I don’t care about hurting other people’s feelings if they don’t care about hurting mine. I’m done being Switzerland. From now on I’m going to be… I don’t know…but not Switzerland! (No offense to any Swiss people if a rich Swiss person wants to adopt me I would still be VERY down for that…)


Although I plan on growing a backbone, I also plan on picking and choosing my battles. Over the pandemic I have realised a couple of things. Firstly, you can’t argue with stupid. Secondly, it’s impossible to win against stupid. It’s a waste of my precious time and energy and at the end of the day they are never going to change their mind so why bother.

That’s why I have decided that next year I’m not going to be arguing with people I don’t think will ever take what I’m saying into consideration. If someone tells me 5+5 is 15 I’m going to be like “yup, sure is bud” and move on with my life.

I want to keep my energy positive and I always want to grow and better myself. I don’t want to waste my energy on people like that and I also don’t want people who refuse to grow or change anywhere around me. We all have those toxic people in our lives that feel like they know best and refuse to give anyone the time of day even if that person may know better. Those people are not worth wasting your energy over.


I feel like change is vital to growth and even just survival. I have been taking small steps in the right direction and being more open to change but I want to start taking bigger steps next year. However, one thing I am not going to be doing next year is changing for other people. I am still trying to find myself but I am going to try to be as authentically myself as I can possibly be. If people don’t like the real me they can yeet themselves out of my life.

Growing up I always felt like I had to hide my true self and it was really difficult. I think that’s where a lot of my anxiety and depression stems from and I have realised that embracing my true self has really helped me with my mental health and has really helped me love myself.

I know I don’t stare a lot about my depression with you guys because honestly it’s a tough topic for me to talk about but I have had some very dark days. I have been at a point where I didn’t have even one positive thing I could say about myself. I hated what I looked like and I hated myself. A few years ago I would never have been able to share pictures and videos of myself on social media let alone enjoy it. But over time things have changed and I refuse to let people make me feel bad about myself anymore.

I know there will definitely be times when people’s words effect me but I’m going to try my best to not keep changing myself to please others. Social norms are stupid and I absolutely refuse to follow them. (I also would like “social norms are stupid” written on a t-shirt so if you find one of those let me know…)

Taking Crap From Others

This is definitely one thing I will no longer be doing. I have always been somewhat of a people pleaser and tend to do things I don’t want to do to keep others happy and to be completely honest I’m at an age where I’m pretty done with that.

In 2022, I plan on not taking any crap from anyone and that includes people I care about. This year is going to be about me and trying to be the happiest I can be and if that pisses some people off that’s not my problem. Saying “no” is really important and that’s something I want to work on next year.

Repress Things

I’m a represser and always have been. I tend to repress my feelings and things and it’s really not very healthy. I’m always like “that’s future Pooja’s problem” but the thing is now I’m future Pooja and I have to deal with all this past crap and have no idea how to handle it. Clearly, repression doesn’t really work long term. To be fair, when I made my initial plan to repress everything I didn’t think I would make it to my twenties but here we are.

So next year, I really want to make it a habit to deal with things and not repress everything. If I have something to say I’m just going to say it. If I have something to work through that’s exactly what I’m going to do. It’ll be difficult and painful but I think it will be worth it in the long run.


I hope you guys enjoyed this post, Everyone was doing New Years goals which I plan to do later in the week but I thought I would do a sort of different post about it too.

Let me know in the comments what you don’t want to do next year! Or simply stop by and say hi because I love hearing from you in the comments!

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64 responses to “5 Things I’m Not Going To Do In 2022”

  1. Hello Pooja, great message for 2022.

  2. Happy 2022. Hope it works out well.

  3. I love this. Arguing with ppl who refuse to see the other side and learn and grow. Very true. Why waste out time. We do have toxic ppl in our lives sometimes. Better to ignore them than argue.

    Have a wonderful new year!

    1. I agree! It’s an instinct for me to argue now but I’m trying to catch myself before I start.

  4. Sounds like a good plan, Pooja!

  5. I think I can echo with most of your points here. The only thing different is that I try to be a pacifier for a while, and then one day I will blurt out or overreact that it will surprise people around me. “I didn’t know you are like this.” This is the comments I often hear. This really means that I have suppressed for so long that I need an outburst. LOL.

    1. I did a similar thing just recently so I can relate lol 😳

  6. Awesome thoughts! These are wonderful!

  7. Thank you for sharing. I am 43 and it took me a long time to arrive where you are. Pat yourself on the back. You are growing beautifully.

  8. Do what you need to do for you, and if someone doesn’t like it then that is their problem. Happy New coming Year.

  9. I’m so happy i came across this post because i feel like i can resonate with a lot of these things and just reading about them makes me wanna do something about it myself.

  10. Sounds like a list to be in peace 🙂

  11. Pretty interesting list Pooja 🙂

  12. I love this, Pooja. Happy New Year!

  13. Ambitious goals but admirable. Tbh I struggle with ALL of these. Haha “yup, sure bud.” That’s hilarious…. Fight back with sarcasm 😂

    Best thing you can do is walk away from the shit disturbers. Everyone thinks their side is right so there’s no point trying to reason with them. Good luck with these goals 🙂

  14. Good thought of sharing New year’s resolutions👍🏻I appreciate.हिंदी कहावत ‘ देर से ही सही, दुरूस्त आए’ ❤️

  15. Do you. 👏👏👏

  16. Oh! That would be so nice if we all be doing that next year 😀
    We’re done.

    Happy New year!

  17. Wow, wonderful concept and I love how you see very clearly and exactly what you want to be like in the coming year. We should all consider these- stop arguing, taking crap from others, etc.. After all, people will only believe what they want to believe and arguments are pretty futile in that sense. You simply can’t change a fully grown adult’s mind.
    I so so love that you’ve progressed from not sharing your pictures on social media to being able to do it confidently now. An improvement like no other! Says so much.
    Wishing you a fabulous 2022, my friend.

  18. Good to know what you plan on changing Pooja in the new year!

    It’s time for a conversion 💯💯

  19. Hello pooja after a long time .

    How are you..

    Hope next year better than past years.. For everyone who’s reading blog page

  20. Hey Pooja ☺️ thanks for sharing, I don’t want to be scared anymore, just live in the moment

  21. Some of these things, I will follow too. I completely agree with you that arguing with stupid people is a complete waste of time and energy. It’s better to ignore them. It’s important to say no. It’s important to do whatever is necessary for peace of mind.

  22. That’s really an interesting list Pooja!🤗

  23. Interesting list! Just as important as a what we plan to do list!

  24. A brilliant post, Pooja… really got me thinking…

  25. These are definitely things necessary to consider going into this new year !

  26. …if only five.

  27. Lovely post Pooja! I love each of these points and can relate to all of them. I think one that I’ll steal is apologizing as well. I always say sorry for things I didn’t do just to avoid conflict and man is it tiring!

  28. […] thought I’d jump on the bandwagon here. I read Life’s Fine Whine’s blog about 5 things they’re not going to do in 2022, and so I decided to add my own. Without further ado, here are 5 things I’m not going to do […]

  29. Have you read Girl, Stop Apologizing, by Rachel Hollis? It’s a great read for not apologizing for who you are. I admit when I moved to Canada too that I wondered about the apologizing. I figured out that I can still have the attitude, “Don’t apologize for who you are” and yet, still be polite here. I kind of laughed when you mentioned Switzerland. It’s been a joke in my family that I’m diplomatic because I was born in a UN city. Unfortunately, too many people held me to it and I suffered, but I decided when I was 20 that I didn’t want to hear that anymore. Now I know the difference between toxic diplomacy and good diplomacy. I love what you said about not arguing with idiots. Have you seen The Hangover? My favourite line there is, “You are literally too stupid to insult!” Good on you for all these plans!

  30. Very good goals. We often focus on what ant to achieve and not what want to stop. I am thinking next year i’ll be more kind to myself.

  31. sounds like it is going to be the year of Pooja! 🙂

    Best wishes for a happy and productive new year!

  32. Brilliant Pooja. Stand up for yourself and believe in you. Have a great 2022!

  33. You are on it Pooja with some awesome Goals.. I’m still pondering mine! Happy New Year my friend! 💖💖

  34. Girl this is one of your best ever that I’ve read. I’m going to use the title What we won’t do in 22 next Sunday. With a follow up word What’s New in 22. All because of your inspiration. Blessings on you in 22. That even rhymes.♥️🙏

  35. Don’t think I’ve ever related so much to a post these are all things I do as well which I need to try stop doing but it’s difficult.

  36. Hey Pooja! I am glad that you recognized of things you feel toxic about and that is your first step in getting better. Embrace your true self and definitely arguing with stupid is like arguing with the wall. Hope you will get through the next year by being more selfless.

  37. Some of these are on my to-do list. Happy 2022🎉

  38. M's Take on The World Avatar
    M’s Take on The World

    Some of these are pretty similar to mine…definitely want to work on saying no, especially when I don’t want to do something. I’ve already to a certain extent gotten the hang of this, but also being a people pleaser.

  39. This part, “…I have realised that embracing my true self has really helped me with my mental health and has really helped me love myself” greatly resonated with me. Best of luck to you and anyone reading this comment. 🥳

    1. Thank you so much ☺

  40. You be you, Pooja! 🙂

    1. Thank you! 😊

      1. You’re welcome!

  41. Totally copying you boo! I was thinking about all the things I’m going to do and most of it was what I’m not going to do. You better stay you and push away anything and everybody that may hinder that!

    1. Hehe you’re always welcome to copy me 😂😜 Sometimes not doing things goes a long way and yes I’m absolutely staying my best self no matter what happens this year!

      1. Same girlie!!!!!!

  42. I can make you a custom t-shirt with “social norms are stupid” written on it. I love your post and all the things you’re going to stop doing. I agree with everything u wrote. I need to work on those too.

    1. Thanks and that would actually be awesome! Do you ship worldwide?

      1. https://obsessedwithmugs.gumroad.com/l/black-social-norms-are-stupid-tshirt?s=09 I added the t-shirt to my shop. Please do check it out and let me know if u r interested in buying

  43. I just made one. I didn’t add it to my shop yet but I could if you’re really interested

  44. Well, for starters I’m excited that contrary to your expectations you did make it to your twenties! It’s been a pleasure reading your content and I hope to continue enjoying them.
    Definitely, in this new year I believe everybody should experience living for themselves. You can’t really make other people happy 100% of the time and if you tried, they wouldn’t even appreciate it. So, make yourself happy. You can never get back the time you spend being unhappy. I recommend; enjoy life as it comes, handle issues as they arise. Don’t suffer or worry before there’s actually cause for concern. Life is step by step.
    I would love to be bolder this year and try out the things that I’d usually turn down. I plan to be excited every step of the journey this year and be positive because amazing things are coming to me all of this year! It’s Done!
    Have an amazing year, Pooja!

  45. I am not going to justify my actions or explain myself anymore. I just want to accomplish more things and I will not apologize for being tired of suffering. I will not apologize for wanting to afford simple things. I am so glad you wrote this post. You don’t need to change things you do not want to change.

  46. Are you satisfied with your 2022 so far?
    Because, let me tell you. You did amazing. You shined (and whined, lol sorry) and you inspired many. Your work guided many and it’s still guiding. I remember you have shared more pics of you this year, and you look so happy and confident in them. Keep inspiring and stay amazing.

    1. Nope, not even a little satisfied lol 😂
      Thanks so much lol!

      1. You still have 1 month and 10 days left 😛

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