How To Improve Your Mental Health In 2022

Improving Your Mental Health In 2022

As important as physical health is, it’s important to take care of your mental health as well. Being mentally healthy is very important for you well-being. In 2022, make sure you don’t just focus all your energy on your physical wellness but on your mental wellness too. I know that there is still a lot of stigma surrounding mental health (which is absolutely ridiculous because mental wellness is a necessity for a good life) but there is also a lot more awareness about it now. More people are looking into how they can improve their mental health and I think that’s really amazing. That’s why I thought I would share some tips on how you can improve your mental health this year:

Yoga and Meditation

As someone who suffers from anxiety and depression, I can’t stress enough how much both meditation and yoga have helped me over the years. Meditation and yoga are both wonderful for your brain and can really help you better control your thoughts and emotions over time. Yoga is also a great way to get your dopamine to kick in. I will add however that since meditation and yoga only work if you do it long-term. Like most natural methods of bettering mental health it takes a while for these to work since they try to re-train your brain (I love that it rhymes). If you do stick with it you will definitely see positive results over time. Even a couple of minutes a day can make a big difference. Yoga is also a great way to get some physical activity in everyday. If you’re like me and don’t really love working out (or most forms of physical activity really…) but still want to be active than yoga may be perfect for you. It’s way more relaxed than working out especially if you do the easier poses. If you feel like trying more difficult ones in the future definitely go for it and if not that’s okay too.

Breathing Exercises

This is particularly for people who are prone to stress, anxiety and panic attacks. Breathing techniques can really help you calm your nerves and relax in stressful situations. There are multiple breathing techniques you can use and most people try most of them out until they find one that works best for them. Personally, the 4-2-4 method works really well for me but it definitely depends on the individual.


I would recommend therapy to everyone even if you don’t have a mental illness and even if you aren’t going through anything at the moment. Sometimes it’s just about letting your emotions out, having someone to talk to and working through past trauma. It can be really helpful to have a safe space and someone who you can open up to in a way you may not be able to do with people you know personally. Even if you just go once or twice a month, it can really help you better your mental health and honestly just better yourself as a person. In case you are not comfortable talking to someone in person you can always consult with professionals online as well. There are multiple sites that offer online therapy so just know that is an option too.

Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle changes can definitely help improve your mental health. I don’t know about you guys but personally I’ve noticed that when I take care of myself and live a health lifestyle I feel much better both physically and mentally. For example, when I get 8 hours of sleep and eat healthier I always feel better mentally and I feel much energetic. However, when I don’t get enough sleep or I don’t eat as well as I should I sort of feel down and don’t really feel great mentally. If you’re used to sleeping later or not eating very healthy, changing these habits may help you feel better in the long run. If you don’t know how to change these habits you can always consult a trainer, nutritionist or life couch. They can help you make these changes in a healthy way. I have also found that a plant based diet has helped me a lot too. I feel less drowsy and have a lot more energy. I know this diet isn’t for everyone but adding more plants to your diet may help so I always recommend giving it a try.


I think self-care is really important especially with everything that has happened over the last two years or so. The pandemic really effected a lot of people’s mental health negatively and not everyone has been able to fully recover from the trauma it may have caused them. That’s why it’s important to take someone time out every few weeks and check in on yourself. See how you are feeling both physically and mentally. Consider whether you could be better or if anything is bothering you. It’s also important to treat yourself occasionally and do something that makes you happy. It doesn’t even have to be expensive and can actually be completely free. I’ve talked about this before but personally I like to do art on free apps and this really helps me relax. You can also take a long bath, watch something you enjoy or get some food from that place you’ve always wanted to try. Or you can do my favourite thing in the entire world- absolutely nothing. It’s probably been a while since you’ve been able to sit down and do nothing and I feel like it’s the perfect way to relax. Personally,  I think when it comes to self-care it’s all about the little things.


I hope you found those helpful and I hope you are able to implement at least a couple of them. How do you plan on bettering your mental health in 2022? What are some things that help you with your mental health? Let me know in the comments below because I would love to hear your answers.

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89 responses to “How To Improve Your Mental Health In 2022”

  1. Some good ideas! One thing I find to keep mentally healthy, I avoid politics, the more I can avoid it the happier I am :-D. Shovelling does wonders for exercise too 😉 We also walk the dog. Unfortunately, there are not enough therapists that are easily accessible unless one has money or a workplace therapy coverage…which is part of why people with addictions have a difficult time…hard to get treatment. What I tend to do that I find helpful is that I do upcycling (recycling with fashion), knitting, and other hobbies. For me sitting doing nothing is sort of like punishment 😀 Never did well with it. Used to take courses if I wasn’t busy enough at work. Workplace ones of course. Depended on the place. The pandemic is not over yet. It’s a bumpy ride. Do what keeps you sane. Also articles are suggesting that one go through with the boosters, wear a mask and social distance. This isn’t over yet, so stay safe and stay sane.

    1. Thanks! I discuss politics occassionally but only with certain people. I know I’m probably not going to change anyone’s mind so there is no point in arguing.
      It’s true, it’s difficult to find a therapist and especially one that works for you. Not all therapists are the right fit for everyone.
      I don’t mind sitting and doing nothing but doing it for too long may drive me mad lol.
      True, precautions are still necessary and it’s best to get vaccinated, wear a mask and social distance.

  2. I treat myself to steeped tea from Tim Hortons. I cannot make it myself at home – I tried. It’s never the same as store-bought. Sure, it’s $2.30 a day but it’s a price I can justify since I don’t buy much. I live well below my means and it’s something that does bring me joy. I make sure to walk to Tim’s to get some exercise as well.

    1. I think that’s not bad considering you don’t spend too much on other things. I think everyone deserves some kind of treat.

  3. This is beautiful. Thank you.

    1. Thanks so much.

  4. Whenever I feel bored or not mentally good I eat delicious food 😂 it always boosts me up. Jokes apart the article is truly very informative. 😀

    1. Food always makes everything better!

  5. great suggestions; I’ve got to get back to meditation, and perhaps give yoga a try…

    1. It’s a lot of fun so definitely give it a try!

      1. I may be trying yoga in a couple of weeks…

  6. That is a timeline I am cognizant of. But will find that starting over everyday has as many faults as benefits.
    One, all relationship stays distant, is an example; others make one feel. Feelings sway one from focus, which could prove commitment.
    The times all three going same time, yoga, breathing, meditation, was nice. Now one at time!

    1. The timeline is on repeat because of situational circumstance.
      And yes therapy could render inconsequential, but who’s got time for that¿

    2. Yeah I definitely get what you mean. I think everything has its pros and cons and we just need to find what works best for us.

  7. Love these suggestions!

    I read an article that doing creative work has the same effect as meditation because when we get into a zone it creates the same beta waves!

    I agree with ejstoo saying that there’s a shortage of counselors and access to them is difficult. That was my experience too. I think that’s why I got into self help. I needed help and struggled with finding help!

    Everything we can do for ourselves is good! The more things we can add to help ourselves the better it is.

    1. Thank you!

      That’s so interesting. No wonder so many of us find creative work so calming.

      Yes absolutely it’s a struggle finding a counselor and even when you find one they may not be the right one for you.

      1. Right?! 🌸🌸 I think that’s what really made self help take off was people wanting to get better but not finding help!

  8. Exercise, breathing exercises and meditation. Lifestyle changes are definitely important.

    1. Yup I absolutely agree.

  9. Schedules, consistency and fun.

    1. Three very important things!

  10. Really helpful ideas, thanks! I find that I like to feel the fresh breeze to ease my mind. Also stepping into nature ie beach, gardens etc

    1. Thanks and yeah getting some fresh air and going into nature helps so much.

  11. I love to paint with watercolors to relieve stress. The act of sitting down and focusing on painting is calming for me. It’s been that way since I was very young, even 12 years old.

    1. My mum and sister do that too and they tell me it’s extremely calming. Glad you have found something that makes you feel that way.

  12. Taking care of your mental health is very important. I love how you put everything in place.

    1. Thanks so much.

  13. Such a good post! Its great that the conversations about mental health are finally happening. You’re so right, it is just as important as physical health. Love all your ideas. Thank you

    1. Thanks so much! I’m so glad more people are talking about mental health too. It’s very important to be open and honest about it.

  14. i still haven’t tried therapy cuz i just want to find therapy for free lol great list here!

    1. Thank you and there are quite a few free options so definitely keep looking!

  15. Thanks for the useful tips about mental health.

    1. Happy to share them.

  16. Great post so vital Pooja! ❤️🌹

      1. pleasure!

  17. […] How To Improve Your Mental Health In 2022 […]

  18. Thank you so much for this! Funny, just this evening I was talking to myself of how bad my mental health has gotten and how I really need to take care of myself. I planned on doing more research online so thank you so much for this post. I’ll definitely be trying these out.

  19. These are really good. These tips are really helpful, for those with mental illnesses and those without. It’s always good to take the time to take care of yourself.
    I also find that taking time to do stuff I enjoy, or taking up a hobby can really help me when I experience some nasty moods.
    Thanks for sharing, for real. Really helpful stuff here.💙💙🤍

  20. Yoga and meditation help me a lot! I have both anxiety and depression

  21. For me, lifestyle changes r the hardest

  22. Our mental health really is so important…it’s such a wonderful thing that more and more people are beginning to recognize we need to take care of it just as we do our physical health! Great read!

    1. Thanks and I so agree- mental health is just as important as physical!

    2. People worry about small things.

  23. […] getting the best of me at the moment, writing this post actually made me feel better. Reading this post also reminded me to turn to the things that make me feel better during dark times like this. I hope […]

  24. […] How To Improve Your Mental Health In 2022 […]

  25. Totally agree! All of your tips are extremely relevant for these times! Self-care and self-love are some of the most important tools for taking care of our mental wellbeing. And mental wellness is really the keystone of overall health and wellness. All of our health is connected! It’s important to balance our mental health along with our physical and nutritional health. ALL have a big part to play in our health and happiness!

    1. Thanks so much and I absolutely agree!

  26. Hi Pooja, extremely vital and relevant points.

    1. Thanks so much.

  27. Really great post! I love all the tips you mentioned. 🙂

    1. Thanks so much!!

  28. it’s such a wonderful thing that more and more people are beginning to recognize we need to take care of it just as we do our physical health! Great read!

  29. A great and helpful post. Thank you for sharing such insightful words! We really need to prioritize mental health more than ever.

    I appreciate the kind of difference you are trying to make through such posts. I consider myself of the same nature as well. I have a blog here where I write articles on our own philosophies, mental well-being, emotions and life in general. I also delve occasionally in thought-provoking short stories which make us think. Do have a look if you can!

    Stay safe and keep writing!

    1. Thanks so much and I’ll check yours out when I get a minute.

  30. Thank you very much and there are quite a few free options so definitely keep looking!

    1. Yeah absolutely!

  31. Yeah, and just Prioritizing mental health in 2022. Thanks for bringing a bit more awareness to the topic and working to de-stigmatize it

    1. Thanks and happy to do so!

  32. Reblogged this on .

    1. Thank you for the reblog.

  33. I appreciate the kind of difference you are trying to make through such posts. I consider myself of the same nature as well. I have a blog here where I write articles on our own philosophies, mental well-being, emotions and life in general. I also delve occasionally in thought-provoking short stories which make us think. Do have a look if you can!

    1. Thanks so much and I’ll definitely stop by your blog when I get a minute.

  34. […] How To Improve Your Mental Health In 2022 […]

  35. I find myself drinking Tim Hortons tea. I can not make it myself at home – I tried. It’s like never buying from the store. Sure, it’s $2.30 a day but it’s a price I can justify as I don’t buy much. I live far below my resources and this is something that makes me happy. I make sure to go to Tim’s for some exercise too.

    1. That’s great. Treating yourself is completely okay.

  36. […] How To Improve Your Mental Health In 2022 — Lifesfinewhine […]

  37. Great post. I began therapy at the beginning of 2021 after realizing how much the pandemic was affecting me mentally and have been able too see the difference it makes. I had so many unprocessed traumas that I’ve been able to get through and am now able to be more present and more positive in my life.

    1. I am so glad you chose to go to therapy and that it’s helped you. I would really recommend that everyone try therapy at least once.

  38. This is great!

    1. Thanks so much!

  39. […] How To Improve Your Mental Health In 2022 […]

  40. Good one! Your blog that helps users find the best ways to cope with their mental health challenges. In the same way, user can read about the advantages of spending time in the gym and other methods of improving their mental health.

    1. Thanks so much.

  41. Thanks for some amazing tips regarding mental health. This is a major issue of modern world and everyone need to take care of it.

    1. Thanks so much and I agree.

  42. Artarmon Fine Dental Avatar
    Artarmon Fine Dental

    Good to see people talking about mental health.

    1. Thanks so much.

  43. Great tips Pooja.
    I personally feel, breathing exercise-pranayama and workout helped me a lot.
    Also, this blogging is helping as well. It’s helping me to divert my energy somewhere.
    I agree about sleep part. Yes, when I get proper sleep, I feel energetic and happy.
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks so much. Glad all those things are helping. I think lifestyle changes can make a huge difference when it comes to mental health.

      1. Yes I definitely agree!
        Need to step out and do some interesting activites.

  44. Here are a few ways to improve your mental health:

    1 Exercise regularly. Physical activity can help reduce stress and improve mood.
    2 Eat a healthy diet. Eating a balanced diet can help improve your energy levels and mood.
    3 Get enough sleep. Adequate sleep is important for overall health and well-being.
    4 Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness techniques, such as meditation and deep breathing, can help you feel more relaxed and focused.
    5 Connect with others. Spend time with friends and family, or consider joining a support group.

    1. Those are great tips thanks for sharing.

  45. A balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can provide the nutrients our bodies need to function properly. Limit your intake of processed and high-fat foods, sugary beverages, and excessive alcohol consumption.

    1. Yes, I absolutely agree.

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