Six Word Story #161

Six Word Story

A life spent meandering. No regrets.

Today’s Word:


1: to follow a winding or intricate course
2: to wander aimlessly or casually without urgent destination
3: a winding path or course
4: a turn or winding of a stream

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31 responses to “Six Word Story #161”

  1. When did everything meander into political?

    1. When the politicians made it I guess…

  2. Robert Frost: the road less traveled.

    1. Ooh love that!

  3. Meandering became therapeutic to my soul.

    1. Same here!

  4. All the obvious paths available seem unsatisfactory; all the well acknowledged lines don’t answer my question.

    1. I feel exactly the same way.

  5. meandering is vital for a fulfilling life!

    1. I absolutely agree!

  6. Sometimes its easier to meander around to avoid the task at hand.

    1. Yeah I definitely think so.

  7. Meandering soothes an innate heart’s desire.

    1. Absolutely it does.

      1. Agreed. I hope you’re doing well in your life.

        1. I am- thank you.

  8. Meandering in an unfamiliar location… lost…?

    1. Or finally home?

  9. I would prefer a meandering stream…

  10. I will not meander no more

    1. Great addition!

  11. I meander between problems and opportunities.

    1. Love that addition.

  12. Life meanders toward an unknown purpose

    1. Great addition!

    1. 🙌🏽😫

  13. Meandering has a meaning after all

    1. I guess so 🤷🏽‍♀️

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