Six Word Story #163

Right Now I Am Yours

Furtive relationships- fun but brief.

Today’s Word:


1a: done in a quiet and secretive way to avoid being noticed : SURREPTITIOUS
b: expressive of stealth : SLY
2: obtained underhandedly : STOLEN

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37 responses to “Six Word Story #163”

  1. Do not hide in the closet.

    1. Hiding never makes things disappear

  2. You do not want furtive relationships!

  3. Furtive relationships often come with cost.

  4. His furtive feeling evaded her notice

  5. Furtive hands in the cookie jar

    1. No amount of cookies are ever enough 😫

  6. Their furtive behavior is becoming suspicious.

    1. Ooh I really like that one!

      1. Thank you! I love how creative everyone gets with these!

        1. Same- it’s so fun to read everyone’s different takes in the same prompt!

          1. Agreed. And no two are the same. 💗
            I hope you had a great weekend, Pooja, and a lovely week ahead!

            1. Thanks and hope you have a great week too!

              1. Thank you, hun, so far it’s been beautiful! ☀🌱🌷

  7. Furtive entrance yes… BANG…!! He collapsed…

    1. Ooh very suspenseful!

  8. Need that furtive love from you.😏

    1. Haha love that 😉😜

  9. Marshmellow the cat used furtive movements.

    1. Cats always do…

  10. does the dash in your story count as a word? 🙂

    1. It does now…

  11. His furtive glance said “I’m Interested.”

    1. Ooh I love that one.

  12. was it being arrogant of furitvie? 🤷‍♀️

    1. Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference 😉

      1. oh yes,,, true! 💖

  13. Furtively turning the key to his door…..

  14. Furtive love will never be enough

    1. Absolutely!

  15. With furtive glances, fell in love.

    1. Aww love that!

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