Six Word Story #165

The Jilted Lover, Love Is Messy

Apologies do not always exculpate one.

Today’s Word:


1: to clear from alleged fault or guilt.

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37 responses to “Six Word Story #165”

  1. Telling falsehoods doesn’t usually exculpate crimes.

    1. Yup absolutely.

  2. Sorry about the sculpture I broke.

    1. What did I just say??

      1. Sculptures are made to be broken.

        1. You need to stop.

          1. I’m not sure that I understand, but I apologise if I offended you in some way.

            1. I feel like you know exactly what you’re doing…

              1. No. I honestly don’t know what you’re talking about. Can you please explain?

                1. I feel like rereading the sws may help…

                  1. I know what you said, and I know what I said. I was attempting to make a humorous wordplay which obviously fell short. What I’m having a hard time understanding is why you took offense to that, but if you make an effort to explain the issue to me I will attempt to avoid it in the future.

                    1. Oh no I was kidding too not at all offended!! So sorry for the misunderstanding

                    2. Ahh! No problem! I was kind of worried for a second there, haha. Glad we got it sorted out.

                    3. Yeah me too- glad we cleared that up!

  3. She hated having to exculpate herself.

    1. Great addition.

  4. Having to exculpate oneself all of the time because of something can be a headache if one had nothing to do with something.

    1. That is so true.

  5. Giving money, cannot exculpate your actions…

    1. Yes absolutely 💯

  6. These explanations cannot exculpate your dishonesty.

    1. Yes exactly.

  7. Exculpate before you excavate bigger holes.

    1. Love that wordplay!

  8. Wonderful post

  9. he got exculpate by the court

    1. Lucky him.

  10. Oooh! I love that! Here too.

    1. Thank you!!

  11. I wish I could be exculpated.

    1. Love that addition.

  12. Solving the cause of apologies exculpate.

    1. Great addition.

  13. I wonder what’s the difference between exculpate and vindicate. I guess they are the same…

    1. Very similar I think.

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