Quote Of The Day + Weekly Tarot Reading

30 Best Quotes of All Time - Inspirational Sayings
Source: https://www.countryliving.com/life/inspirational-stories/g33017199/best-quotes-of-all-time/

Weekly Tarot Reading

As some of you guys enjoyed the tarot card reading I did last week or at least found them somewhat accurate I’m back with more. Again, since it’s a mass reading and not one-on-one I don’t know how accurate it’ll be but I’m hoping it will still be accurate enough since you’ll be the one picking a number. If tarot readings aren’t your thing you can just skip this section and go to the end of the post 🙂

Like last time pick a number- one, two or three. Read yours below:

For those that selected one:

If you selected one, you got the “Two Of Swords.” This is a bittersweet card. On one hand, this card predicts riches, fortune and magnificence in your future. However, it also predicts sadness, suffering and disease. If you picked this card, be prepared for a week with both good news as well as bad.

For those that selected two:

You have picked “Six Of Wands (reversed).” This card warns of disloyalty and perhaps an enemy likely to attack. If you picked this card, be careful this week and watch your back. Try to keep an eye on not only enemies but friends too as one may be disloyal. If you are afraid or fearful about something, avoid it this week.

For those that selected three:

You picked the “Knight of Cups.” This card predicts the approach of something new or something big this week. It may be an invitation of some sort or the news may come from someone around you.

I also offer individual/specific readings virtually as well. If that’s something you would be interested in please check out my services page by clicking here.

Have a wonderful week ahead, everyone!

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31 responses to “Quote Of The Day + Weekly Tarot Reading”

  1. “ How blind man is when he refuses to open his heart to the light of faith” St. Andrew.

    1. So true. Thanks for sharing that wonderful quote.

      1. Glad you enjoyed it

  2. I picked three! I’m excited. Love the quote Pooja, thanks for sharing. 🙂

    1. Thank you and good luck with the week!

  3. I picked three. Your reading was spot on, Pooja. Thank you!

    1. Oh good I’m so glad to hear that!

      1. Thanks again. Your posts are amazing.😊

  4. Thanks for that quote Pooja. It made feel hopeful

    1. It made me feel hopeful I mean

      1. Very happy to hear that.

  5. That’s such a relatable quote.. So many days are just one day at a time and one foot in front of the other that I sometimes think we keep moving forward on momentum alone.

    And I think my card will be insanely accurate this week, Pooja, thank you! 😅

    1. Yeah a lot of days ending being one of those. Life is really crazy sometimes.

      Haha well glad the card was accurate 😅

      1. It’s almost never boring, that’s for sure.

        And I hope you don’t mind me asking but.. How did you get into tarot? Did you teach yourself or were you taught?

        1. I read a book about Tarot Card reading a few months ago and it was like a beginners guide basically. I actually got the book for free completely randomly!! Anyway it got me interested and I ended up buying a deck and practicing. So a bit self taught and a bit of help from the book. But I think in my opinion you sort of have to practice and just let the cards speak to you (I know that sounds crazy but that’s how I feel lol!)

          1. Very cool. I might try to do something similar, myself, I’ve always been a bit fascinated by the tarot.. Do you have any books you would recommend or just see what calls to me?
            And trust me.. that doesn’t sound crazy at all.

            1. Okay good because not everyone gets the whole connection with the tarots. I would recommend
              The Ultimate Guide to Tarot by Liz Dean since that’s what helped me starting out but I would also recommend watching YouTube videos since it’s something you will learn better visually. At least that’s how I felt.

  6. Thank you for sharing. Have a wonderful day.

    1. Thanks and have a wonderful day too.

  7. I picked two now I’m even more anxious 😟

    1. Oh no! Well hopefully it won’t be too bad 😭

      1. I survived so that’s a relief 😅

  8. I traded my picked 2 to 3. 2 is too relatable at the moment and looking rather relatable/. Is that legal? 😂😂😂

    1. Lol I’ll let it slide 😂😂

      1. hahaahahaha 😂

  9. Hmmm, I don’t know which card is better. They all seem to include good and bad, sweet and bitter…

    1. Yeah this weeks cards all have a bittersweet message it seems.

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