Quote Of The Day #50

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I hope you like the quote and I apologise for not posting weekly Tarot readings these days but to be honest I’ve been in a bit of a funk. Thanks for understanding!

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30 responses to “Quote Of The Day #50”

  1. Or drives you out of your mind….but luckily it is a short trip for me. 😉

    1. Ha that too! 🤣

  2. Wise Words!

  3. A great reminder! Hope you are able to get past your funk soon

    1. Thanks and feeling a bit better!

  4. Such a great quote Pooja!! 💖👏👏

    1. Thank you so much! 💕💖

      1. Absolutely!!! 💖💖

  5. Love this quote. Doesn’t completely relieve the stress, but it does help!

    1. Thanks and glad it at least helps!

  6. … or sometimes we never finish the struggles. Haha. But good to stay positive.

    1. Ha true!

  7. Pooja, I think a lot of strength must be coming my way as we speak! 😁

    Sorry that you feel funky. I hope it does not stay too long and will lift, again, soon. 💗

    1. I struggles just make us stronger! 😄

      Thanks so much and I’m feeling a lot better today. 💕

      1. I’m glad to hear that things are brightening up for you, already. 😃

        1. They are and thanks again. 😄

  8. This (or a similar one) helped me years ago shift from self-recrimination and feeling like God was punishing me by putting me through so many difficulties, into a mindset where I could see the good even in difficulties. The old mindset was repeated to me so often that I had internalized it, and used every difficulty as an opportunity to beat myself up and to speak harshly to myself!

    The shift in outlook is huge! It helps us take our power back to be able to find the strength to face those difficulties instead of feeling beaten down by them!

    Great reminder. Thanks!

    1. Yeah I used to really be very harsh on myself too but after changing my mindset I’m a lot better about it. Instead of seeing struggles as a punishment we need to think of them as a way to grow and learn.

      Glad you enjoyed the post!

      1. That was such a huge mindshift for me! Once I began to see troubles similar to going to the gym to get stronger, but something for the spirit, it helped tremendously with not feeling like I was being punished! 😬 It’s such an enormous shift in thinking!

  9. Needed this🤌🏾

    1. Glad you enjoyed it 🥰

    1. Thank you ☺️

  10. I like how you understand yourself. I have confidence that you still see the blue skies – have a treat and let us know what you choose. A sweet drink almost like a dessert possibly?

    1. Thank you! I had some vegan dessert my mum made from cashews and it was wonderful!

  11. Great quote… and so true! Take all the time you need to come back to us full of energy!

    1. Thank you so much! Feeling better already!

  12. Very true!!
    Whatever we are facing now, is surely preparing us for the future.
    Great share, Pooja. These quote of the day, makes me really happy.

    1. Yes, absolutely. It all helps build our character.
      Thanks so much!

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