Six Word Story #170

Six Word Story

Turpitude people often yell the loudest.

Today’s Word:


1: Vile, shameful, or base character; depravity.
2. A vile or depraved act.

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49 responses to “Six Word Story #170”

  1. People display their turpitude in time.

    1. Indeed, so true.

      1. Of course, if they aren’t prone to it, then you know something is wrong.

        1. Yeah for sure. If it’s random always get checked since it can be a mental issue or brain issue.

          1. Yeah, knew of a sad case where a man had his cancer come back…they were covering for him…this made it rough as they didn’t catch it as fast. They all liked him and thought they were helping 🙁

            1. Oh wow that’s so sad. Sometimes we try to help people but it turns out we’re not actually helping them.

  2. I detest that kind of person!

    1. Same here!

  3. What’s the meaning of Pooja?

    Can you please blog about that.

    خاله الی

    1. Sure will do.

  4. Conundrums make choices difficult to make.

    1. Absolutely. Well written.

  5. Turpitude mistakes made by anxious minds.

    1. Yes absolutely.

  6. Don’t mistake turpitude for an adjective.

  7. Humanity’s turpitude, will it never cease?

    1. I really hope so.

      1. It would be nice.. Maybe one day.

        1. Maybe…

  8. Twickerpated am I by my bride.

    1. Now I learnt another new word!

      1. Bambi the movie you never viewed?

        1. Nope, I have never seen it.

  9. Learnt a new word today ‘Turpitude’.

    1. Oh that’s great. It was new for me too and this was the first time I used it.

  10. The opposite of moral is turpitude?

    1. It can be.

  11. A great new word to discover. 🙂

    1. I felt the same way 😀

  12. People like that need help. Most of all they need Jesus.

    1. Yes spirituality can help many people.

  13. His thoughts turned turpitude at night. xxoo,C

    1. Ooh good one!

  14. It is not an act of turpitude for you to have shared this post, as I have now excitedly learnt a new word! Thank you for sharing 💓💓

    1. Glad you learnt a new word and happy to share it! 😄😄

  15. It’s turpitude that hangs in shame

    1. Absolutely!

  16. Empty barrels…

  17. I have a problem with my feature images on my blog. They no longer showing. I think they got deleted or something. What could be the problem

    1. That’s so strange. Even the older ones aren’t working? I would recommend reaching out to WP and talking to the Happiness Engineers as I had a similar issue two years ago and they were able to fix it for me. I think it’s some kind of glitch.

      1. Not at all
        It’s only few left of some of the posts.
        Ohh let me reach out to them.

        1. Yeah I think it’s a WP issue. I went on your site and saw some were not loading for me as well. Let me know what happens. Hopefully it works out.

  18. ” I can choose, I choose peace.’

    1. That’s a lovely choice.

  19. Should avoid turpitude at all cost.
    A new word to me.
    I will see more sentences based on it. Would love to use it in a blog 😁

    1. It’s a very interesting word for sure! 😬

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