What I Eat In A Day #10

What I Eat In A Day

I am always excited to share my What I Eat In A Day posts with you guys because it gives me a chance to eat some really delicious and new dishes. It’s fun to try new things and share them with all of you. Today’s WIEIAD post is a little different because I usually try to cook my meals at home the majority of the time but on this day I decided to treat myself instead!

For anyone that noticed that I did not publish a post yesterday, it’s because silly old me forgot to schedule the post I had ready to publish. I usually double check to make sure the post is scheduled but I was so busy yesterday I completely forgot.


Tea, Fruit Tea, Nairobi

For breakfast, I decided to have some tea. I have really been into tea these days and I like starting my morning out with something warm and cosy. I think this was the strawberry and vanilla flavoured one but I don’t really remember. Either way it was delicious and a nice way to start my morning.

Sorry about the horrible quality of the picture. It was early in the morning and I was still half asleep lol!

Lunch & Dinner

Falafel House Nairobi Kenya Review Vegan

For both lunch and dinner I had a beyond burger with a side of fries. Now, normally you know my WIEIAD posts have pretty healthy food in them but I had been craving Beyond burgers since I first came back to Kenya. I had honestly accepted I’ll probably not find them here but then I did and was so insanely excited! I ended up getting two burgers with sides and ate one for lunch and one for dinner.

I wrote a full review on my thoughts on the burger as well as Falafel House which is the place I ordered the burgers from. Overall, they were phenomenal in taste and I was so happy I got two! You can check out the full review here if you haven’t already.


I know this WIEIAD post is a lot shorter than the others I have posted since I had the same thing for breakfast and dinner but the burgers were fantastic so I wanted to share the experience with you guys.

Have you ever had a Beyond burger? Have you ever tried any Beyond Meat products? Did you like them? What did you eat today? Let me know in the comments below because I would love to hear your thoughts!

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73 responses to “What I Eat In A Day #10”

  1. Cool! I can’t remember, there was a special tea your mother was making you. Have you stopped having it?. There was some positive nutritional quality. Sorry, being a bit lazy and not looking back. I just remember the other one and thought I’d ask.

    1. Yeah my mum still makes that but I like to switch things up sometimes and try new teas. Thanks for remembering!

      1. At least you know I’m paying attention😉

  2. I just had a quick search for the name, it seems there is no such restaurant here. Not so sure I’d like a meatless burger though. You eat so little, Pooja! I would shrivel up… 😂

    1. You can get Beyond Burgers at Burger King in Vegas if I’m not wrong. If you ever decide to try one. Haha yeah I think it’s not for everyone especially if you’re used to real meat. Haha it’s a lot for me to be honest! 😂

  3. I’d go insane until I starved to death…

  4. Great share as always !! 🙂

    Keep shining Pooja

    1. Thanks so much!

  5. wow great, i like it

    1. Thank you.

  6. Always enjoy your WIEIAD posts!

    1. Yay so happy to hear that!

  7. I never tried Beyond burgers. I don’t think you can get them in my country. Anyway it was to hot yesterday for something warm so we ate a cold dish with crab and shrimps.

    1. Good that you enjoyed👍🙂

    2. Yeah I think they are not available in a lot of areas. Oh I see, cold food is always best when it’s cold.

  8. My yesterday’s WIEIAD looked exactly the same. I have been craving burgers a lot over the past few weeks. I don’t think we have ‘Beyond Meat’ products available in India but I got myself two different kinds of vegan burgers, one bean and one soya. 😍

    1. Something about burgers that’s just so satisfying! Yum both those burgers sound so good too. I love bean burgers and I’ve never tried soya ones but I’m sure it was amazing. I’m so jealous cos you guys have such great vegan and vegetarian options in India!

  9. I love beyond burgers! I just hate the smell when I cook them. The smell never bothered me until I was pregnant with my third baby lol

    1. I hate the smell too lol. Even when they’re uncooked they smell sort of funky to me. Lol you’re baby was just like “nope, not for me.”

      1. Lol I totally agree! 😂

    1. Thanks ☺️

  10. Love this WIEIAD! The burger sounds delicious – reminds me of the McDonald’s I just had last night! 😆

    1. Mmm yum! I feel like so many people are telling me they had burgers it’s awesome! 😄

  11. This post idea is so cool, the burger and chips amazing omg girl! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thanks sooo much! They were fantastic 😊

  12. Good that you enjoyed👍🙂

    1. Thanks so much ☺

  13. I have a freezer full of Beyond products. While they’re convenient and calorie-dense, I find them less tasty and much less healthy than veggie burgers made with actual veggies and beans. My favorite burger replacement is a beet burger! I’ve made my own but it’s time consuming. I’m gonna have to do that again soon 😋

    1. I agree, fresh veggie burgers just taste different and so good. I absolutely love beet burgers but I’m usually too lazy to make my own. I really like black bean or lentil burgers too. They are fantastic.

      1. Yessss! That’s the thing. Fresh burgers taste better but are soooo labor intensive! There’s always a trade off. As far as pre made patties go, Beyond is definitely my favorite.

        1. Yup there’s always a catch but maybe we just need to make some more time to make the fresh patties. Till then we always have Beyond ones!

  14. Very cool, I love your blog posts.

    1. Thanks so much.

  15. Wow I admire your ability to just have a cup tea for breakfast. I personally struggle without my bowl of cereal.

    1. Thanks so much. I’m just not a big breakfast person to be honest.

  16. I’ve been drinking tea lately as well! I’ve been drinking chai and green tea, but I’ll have to look for the strawberry and vanilla flavor because that sounds delicious! Do you use any sweeteners or other mix-ins? And I have not tried the Beyond Meat brands but I know that I like veggie burgers so I will have to try that as well! I really enjoyed your post!

    1. Thanks so much! Ooh it’s cool that you’ve been into tea as well and I would so recommend strawberry and vanilla it’s great! I usually use homemade molasses to sweeten it since I usually avoid sugar. Beyond burgers are great you’ll love them!

  17. It sounds like you were too busy eating to remember to see if your post went out.
    I loved beyond burgers and a friend invested in this cell formulated food until
    My future SIL came in and said. This is all chemicals you know that right?
    All I know is the formulated is a genius according to my friend so I’m going with that-:)

    1. Now that I think about it, that’s exactly what it was! 😂

      It’s not really all chemicals but it is super high in sodium which isn’t great for those of us that have high blood pressure genes (thanks mum and dad! 😂). Definitely stick with your friend it’s totally genius lol! 😂😜💕

      1. hahahaha😂
        True.. and always blame it on the parents 😂😂
        I agree with you.. what does he know.. 😂💖

        1. Of course 😂😂

          1. just my mom.. not me.. haha!💖😂

            1. 😂😂

  18. Lovely post about your diet. I especially like the picture you have there. I mean the first one. I haven’t gone to the grocery stores this weekend (to avoid looking at the ever increasing price tag), but I am determined to go look for beyond burger next week. LOL. And I love to drink tea from a glass–I mean a transparent glass kind of cup. My friends often laughed at me–they think tea should be drunk from a ceramic cup only. However I feel differently. My favorite cup is a glass cup, transparent. I use it for hot tea. I’ve been searching for a bigger one, but haven’t found it yet.

    1. Lol the burgers are making you go. Just avoid the other stuff and pick up the burgers. Last week I paid so much for two artichokes I started to feel like it wasn’t worth it. I may just start living on potatoes, beans and water.

      My relatives think it’s weird to drink tea in such a glass too but we always do. It just makes it more fun for me. I like seeing the colour.

  19. Have I ever eaten a Beyond Burger? No.😂 Have I ever eaten a burger?🍔 The answer is still NO. But it will surely be on my bucket list for this year because of this post. I like tea too, but the kind with cocoa powder and milk😌☕

    1. Let me know if you like the burger when you try it! I rarely have burgers but when I do I always enjoy them. Haha I like that kind of tea too 😌

  20. Honest to say, my eating in a day of me is terrible. I don’t care much about it. And now, some health problems have appeared!

    1. Oh no, sorry to hear that! Be careful with what you eat.

  21. Being a foody that I am and my love for burgers😂❤️I needed to read this post…loved it!!

    1. Woohoo! Burgers are amazing 🍔

  22. I love love love burgers… never tried a Beyond Burger though on account of us not having those here in Zimbabwe lol I am actually thinking you know what I should treat myself to a burger right now why not, we will work off the calories of course


    1. Yeah treat yourself! A little treat once in a while is okay as long as you work it off.

  23. I do eat Beyond Meat and I enjoy them but I also find they have a funny-ish after taste sometimes / too much of them can be sickly. Still eat them though! There is a place in Camden called Near Burger and it does all vegan food – it’s so delicious, one of my favourite places to eat in LDN! Can’t wait to go back 😍😍 thanks for sharing!

    1. Yeah too many Beyond Burgers will definitely make you sick. Or give your high blood pressure thanks to all the sodium lol! It’s a fun treat though. I think they’re fine to eat occassionally. I know what you mean about the aftertaste. It definitely does that sometimes. However, I’ve noticed their sausages don’t do that which is interesting. At least they didn’t the last time I ate them.
      I’ve been told London some great vegan options and I so want to visit just for the food lol!

      1. Are you vegan? I haven’t tried the beyond sausages yet- perhaps I’ll give them a go! Thanks for mentioning ❤️

        1. Yup I’m vegan! Definitely try them. For some reason I liked them more than the patties 🥰

          1. Great! I will – thank you x

  24. I love to take tea for breakfast too. Well I haven’t tried beyond burger but I would try it soon😇

    1. Let me know if you like it. Yes, tea is such a wonderful way to start the day 💕

  25. I have yet to try Beyond Meat but I have heard great things about it, thankyou for sharing your experience x

    1. My pleasure and do let me know what you think of it if you decide to try it 🙂

  26. No wonder you look amazing you eat so little and healthy. You are a good inspiration Pooja!

    1. Aww thank you so much!

  27. Tea is good.
    Am I allowed to ask what do you think about coffee? 🙂 😉

    1. I absolutely love the taste of coffee but these days I can either keep calm or drink coffee, not both, so I avoid it 😂

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