Quote Of The Day #55

Quote Of The Day

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44 responses to “Quote Of The Day #55”

  1. Very true in the creative forum….not so good in medical, medical related or reliant on standardized testing and stats. Then it’s better to know what you’re doing 😉

    1. Haha yes of course! I wouldn’t want a doctor who relies on his imagination 😂

    1. Thank you!

      1. indeed! 💖💖

  2. Imagination is indeed important. Knowledge can make things what others have already made. Imagination can make things, which no one can.

    1. Yes, I absolutely agree. Knowledge is great but imagination is vital.

  3. And that’s the truth!

    1. Glad you agree!

  4. I love your posts Pooja, keep it up.

    1. Thank you so much.

  5. Wonderful quote. Imagination and identifying a need is what leads to growth. One of the worst answers is when people say – we have always done things this way. No imagination. If a chair was placed in the middle of a room, some people will walk around a chair and never touch it or question why it is there.

    1. Yes, I absolutely agree. Imagination helps us grown and improve. By sticking to the norms we limit ourselves greatly.

  6. So true!

  7. Very true!

    1. Thanks so much!

  8. “My tenacious strength is simply my inside counterbalance to my unabashed vulnerability. ” 😉 PotL.

    1. Oh wow, I always love your quotes! Have you ever considered writing poetry? I think you’d be good at it 😂

      1. Poetry you say?? Hmmm methinks I need to give it thought! ☺️

        1. I just have this weird feeling that poetry might be your thing 😜

          1. Really?? Guess I could search for a quill and bottle of ink on Amazon but I hear cutting trees down to make paper can be laborious. I hope it pays well. 😝

            1. It does- I have never once heard of a broke writer… 🤣

              1. True, and you’re a writer, so you must be rich?? Maybe I could just borrow some of your paper and that way I could stay true to my operatic artist written flare! 😂

                1. Yes, as a writer I’m obviously rich… Come over to my mansion for the paper anytime 😜

                  1. Ahh see, I knew it. 😝

  9. imagination is a lead if everything

    1. I definitely think so too.

  10. You always have the best posts! Love your inspirational thoughts 🥰

    1. Aww thanks so much! 🥰

      1. Absolutely!

    1. Glad you agree ☺

  11. Hi Pooja,

    Imagination is precious. I started imagining when I was 12 to 13 year old in the Navodaya school.

    I do not have much friends, other than casual friends. I felt alone, and started dig deeper in my subjects.

    A year back back, I published this quote “Imagination is more important than knowledge” by Albert Einstein on

    my former blog which was fully based on Imagination.

    History is my favourite subject. The events, the characters, the long periods transforming into developments and changes, and storytelling — I enjoy studying this process.

    Starting a blog, or taking an initiative provides you chances to idealise, apply, structure and test your learnings.

    It’s a different approach, compare to continuing our academic progress, and becoming a history teacher;

    You teach history in boring mood which is a blessing of your own teachers.

    A Morning In “The Sastyapura” under the url : https://thesastyapura.wordpress.com is a blog series I’m planning to write in coming days.

    My imagination ability will help me to draw suitable creative pictures for this series.

    The Sastyapura is the locality where I born and brought up. It’s a rural area in the central India.

    I don’t know where to start? 1. from childhood or, 2. The present day.

    Those SEO articles still look scary. I want to identify, nourish and structure my art before I come to further develop it.

    “Imagination is important than knowledge” because you can sell that knowledge, combining a book but your imagination is only yours.

    Explore it whenever you want.

    This comment is getting longer. I complete my side of conversation here.

    And, yeah… thank you for the quote.

    P.S. : You’re consistently publishing every day. My other blogging friends are not publishing since last 6 to 4 months. Keep it up.

    My best wishes to you and your readers. ✍️✨💡🎨🖌️🌤️🌍🚀

    1. Thank you so much.

      I think imagination is important to me for the same reason and interestingly enough I ended up studying history in university too. I think history is for those with a good imagination.

      SEO can be daunting so take your time with it. Don’t force it on your site.

      Best wishes to you too.

  12. Great quote… one I’ve appreciated myself for many years!

    1. Thanks- it’s one of my favourites!

  13. Imagination is truly wonderful. The ability to think outside the box and make a change. Thanks for this 🥰

    1. Yes, I absolutely agree. We need imagination to grow. My pleasure ☺️

  14. Imagination is such a great tool to grow and get to know ourselves! x

    1. I absolutely agree!

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