Six Word Story #175

Shut up. Shut up! SHUT UP!

This is how I feel about my brain sometimes. I’m having one of those days where I could use a break from my never quiet brain, lol. So no new words today, just a friendly reminder to tell your brain to shut up from time to time.

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90 responses to “Six Word Story #175”

  1. Sometimes time being arcadian is beneficial. 😉

    1. Woohoo a new word 🙌🏽

  2. This reminds me of being married…

    1. Lolll 😂

      1. It was a bad trip…

        1. I’m happy never having that experience. Not worth it lol.

  3. You can’t make me, you shh-!

    1. No, you shhh! 😜

      1. I’m telling on you! W🙃

        1. Not if I tell on your first! 😂

          1. Bbbuutt bbbuutt it was my idea first! 🤨

            1. Well, too bad! 😝

              1. Fine (bows head and kicks a stone but missed and fell) go ahead- tell on me. I’ll tell everyone you’re being mean to me. 😛

                1. They’re never going to believe you, okay 🤫

                  1. You win! 😉 see how easy that was?

                    1. I refuse to admit it 😂

                    2. You just did, thank you! 😝

                    3. Umm I don’t think so 😠

                    4. Yep! I concluded you did and that’s good enough for me. 🤪

                    5. If that’s what helps you sleep at night 😴😬

                    6. Well- it absolutely does. 🙂

                    7. Okay then… 😂

                    8. See! I knew you weren’t a meany. ☺️

                    9. I’m literally the nicest person ever 😬

                    10. I’m sure you are. 🙂

  4. I guess most of us feel this way. I wish there was some switch to turn it off. Sometimes I wish if I could have an ability to become deaf at time of my choosing.
    Best wishes to you Pooja. Keep shining 🌟

    1. Yes I definitely know what you mean. It’s tough being human sometimes.

  5. Have you heard of brown noise? I just heard of it and the gal was saying how it helped her feel calmer and got rid of all those thoughts!

    1. I’ve heard of white noise but never brown noise. I’ll have to look into it. Thank you for the suggestion!

      1. I never heard of this either! I read about it this week. I need to learn more about it myself.

        1. Oh I see! Well hopefully it will help us both. I use white noise for sleep and it’s super helpful so I’m hoping this will be too.

      2. South Park season 3, Episode 17


        1. I need to rewatch that one 😂

  6. Yes, often we can’t control what we think… The mind has its own mind.

    1. The mind can be uncontrollable sometimes. It’s unfortunate but that is what it is.

    1. It sucks.

  7. Oh… If only it worked even remotely for me. The mind is like a part of you that you just have a hard time controlling. This kind of reminds me of a song where the singer was getting negative thoughts, and in the end, he kept on saying ‘shut up’

    1. Just reread this and realized – it’s is a six-word story!

      1. Haha yes it is!

    2. I feel you. The brain is one difficult thing to control.

  8. Shut up! You’re not my real mom.😂😂

    1. I was just watching that episode yesterday 😂

  9. This is something familiar. My brain is overactive, the only quiet and peace I get is when I am asleep. Always there is that voice in my head wanting to debate with me. I am no schizophrenic but I often wondered how other people’s mind behaved.

    1. My brain is that way too. It just never stops and it can be exhausting. I always wonder what a “normal” brain would be like.

  10. Omg this is so true tho!!

    1. Ikr 😫

  11. So true!

    1. Unfortunately so!

  12. This…..I can relate to this on so many levels! It’s so annoying sometimes, especially when this later puts you in a bad mood for the rest of the day 😶 (#overthinkers-club)

    1. It’s so exhausting to never have a quiet brain! 😫

  13. I have many days when I wish my brain had an off switch, days when it is trying to drive me insane. Maybe I am already…

    1. I feel that way too. Our brain can be so frustrating sometimes…

      1. Make that all the time, Pooja…

        1. Yup pretty much all the time…

  14. Tell me something I don’t know. (my 6 word story 😂)

    1. Haha I love it! 😂

      1. oh Yayyyy! 💖

  15. I need to stop waffling ASAP!!

    (A very common occurrence for me 😂)

    1. Ha don’t we all! 😂

  16. What’s funny is I just wrote about my anxiety loop today, just a million things going on in my head. I need a mute inner dialogue button.

    1. Sorry to hear you’re going through that as well. I truly wish we had a way to mute our brain but it’s never that easy.

  17. Reminds me of the line in The Devil Wears Prada, “I’m hearing this, and I want to hear this”

  18. Tried this for a long time, it didn’t stop. The thoughts would become sneakier and pop up in a weird place such as in line at a store.

    I hope you find some peace of mind, in this lifetime 🎶

    1. Thanks so much. Therapy is helping a lot which is nice but they still occasionally annoy me.

  19. How true…our brains can run us into exhaustion if we let it. We are the thinker of our thoughts, we are not our thoughts. Deep breathing and connecting to my body instead of my head helps me as does connecting with nature. Namaste

    1. You are so right, meditation and being out in nature always makes me feel better too.

  20. Check ‘shadow work’. Some as simple stuff as asking yourself certain questions can help with intrusive self talk.

    1. I definitely will, thanks for the recommendation.

  21. Lol this is relatable.

    1. Lol I’m glad I’m not the only one.

  22. Lol this is relatable.

    1. Lol thanks, glad I’m not the only one who feels that way.

      1. I know right! I used to feel the same way too.. then I guess I kinda learned to live with it 🙂

        1. Yeah me too but sometimes it still drives me nuts lol.

          1. Lol that is so true 😅

  23. I like this! And it resembles pretty much everyone I spend time with. But… in my case, the conversations I have with my brain are basically the opposite.

    “I summon you to interact today!”

    1. Thank you! Haha well any extreme is irritating I think lol.

      1. Anyone: “You mean you’re just sitting there and you have literal silence in your mind?”

        Me: “Yes. Until you started talking.”

        A big motivation for me when I started my blog was getting my brain off of the couch and into shape.

        1. I would love for my brain to be silent even for a little while. But, unfortunately, we don’t always get what we want.

  24. Very straightforward and to the point lol Trying to get one’s mind to shut up can be so difficult. It’s like a little kid that refuses to listen.

    1. Lol exactly. I’m always like “shut up” but my brain is like “I’m going to be even more noisy now” 😂

  25. Its like tab after tab is open! Drives me madd some days.

    1. I know, it’s maddening sometimes!

  26. A very good article. Congratulations

    1. Thank you so much.

  27. A very good article. Congratulations

    1. Thank you so much.

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