Broken In The Same Places

Right Now I Am Yours
I like that you're broken
In the same places as me
Now I have someone
To fall apart with.

This song has been stuck in my head for some reason and that’s what inspired this poem:

For more poetry click here.

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49 responses to “Broken In The Same Places”

  1. Interesting! Eventually, though, one can be healed. Don’t always have to be broken.

    1. Yeah I absolutely agree but we have to make a conscious decision to heal.

      1. Yup, not as easy. Bad idea to take it out on others or creating issues. People can tend to get all vocal and stuff and it gets not at all good. But, definitely everyone has a choice…and has to choose to heal.

        1. Yeah absolutely.

  2. Lol! I’m standing in line at the store and that song just finished playing!

    1. Omg what a cool coincidence!

      1. I LOVE synchronicity! It’s a wonderful sign of being in tune with the universe, and the universe showing us it has our back!

        1. Oh absolutely- I think so too!

  3. Yes, I am glad you are not pretending to be invulnerable to me.

    1. Yeah we need to be open about our flaws and vulnerabilities especially in relationships. Something I rarely do but should lol.

  4. Broken pieces can be put back together, but sometimes there are still small pieces missing, even in some relationships.

    1. Yes, sometimes some cracks still remain but we need to accept them as they are.

  5. Broken people are people that others can relate to.

    1. Yeah it’s so true. I think we’re all broken in one way or the other and when we see someone else who is the same way we feel comforted knowing we aren’t alone.

  6. Absolutely! Same people can understand each other better.

    1. Yes for sure!

  7. That’s interesting !!
    Perfect example of “I’m taking you down with me”

    1. Yeah some people drown you with them.

  8. I’m sorry your wine glasses
    are broken, sorry that
    kissing you in the shower
    and jumping on your bed
    doesn’t bring a breakthrough
    because we don’t talk much
    like shy kids who can’t
    seem to grow up
    except for
    you know what
    and we don’t need babies
    except for ourselves,
    so baby, talk to me
    like a librarian in
    the romance section
    with an index of love, and
    read me a lullaby and
    I’ll rock you to sleep

    1. Beautifully written 👏🏽

      1. Thanks. In movies and music, love doesn’t seem to be portrayed in any actual detail. It seems like all superficial looks and innuendo. It’s hard to see what love would be just from listening or watching a movie. But anyway, somehow music generates emotional reactions as does movies. I suppose it connects to a related inner experience.

        1. Yes, I do agree. The portrayal is rarely real but it does evoke some emotional reactions from people.

  9. Beautiful! What song is it?

    1. Thank you! I linked it to the post but in case it’s not showing here’s the link:

      1. Thank you!

        1. Hope you enjoy it 🙂

  10. Wow, that was deep,😌 That’s definitely a toxic relationship

    1. Yes most definitely and thank you 😊

  11. I so love this!!!

    1. Thank you so much!!

      1. You’re so welcome!! 💖💖

  12. Interesting💖

    1. Thank you 💕

  13. Love it 🤍

    1. Thank you so much 💖

  14. 2 broken people cannot make a whole, unless the acceptance of themselves together forms the “hole”. This is the jam!

    1. I absolutely agree!

  15. “…Now I have someone to fall apart with” and I hope we can heal together too

    1. Aww that’s a sweet addition.

  16. uh oh that could be dangerous or beautifully dangerous!

    1. I was hoping for beautifully dangerous but it’s up to the reader lol!

      1. I’m with you and def feeling beautifully dangerous. Right up my alley. LOL

        1. Haha thank you!

  17. Hello good night..

  18. We have a saying in our country:’misery shared is misery halved.’ Excuse me for the rough translation. But if you have somebody to share your pain with it lessens a bit. I loved that in your poem. Thanks for sharing and have a nice day!

    1. That’s exactly it. Having someone to share that pain with makes it so much better. Have a nice day too!

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