Symptoms Of Depression That People Don’t Talk About

Disclaimer: This is a guest post. I have not created this post nor do I own it. The thoughts and opinions expressed on this article are that of the writer. Thanks for reading!

When people think about a depressed person, they usually think of someone lying alone in a dark room with a box of tissues, crying with feelings of hopelessness.  This is one picture of depression but there are many more. Knowing the many symptoms of depression can help you or a loved one identify and treat depression if needed. Knowing these symptoms might also help you be more compassionate to someone who is depressed, that someone could even be you

Brain Fog- Studies have shown that depression can reduce cognitive functions (1). These functions include memory, decision making, and ability to focus. Depressed people have differences in the structure of their brain that contribute to these deficits (2).  This can be really frustrating for the person experiencing it and for those around them. Have patience and take things one step at a time. Forgive forgetfulness.

Addiction– Addicts are often looked down upon as trashy people making poor choices. What not everyone sees is what’s under the surface. Many addicts are self-medicating their depression with drugs or alcohol. They may not be aware that they are depressed, may not have the resources to treat their depression, or may not believe depression is a real thing. If society judged both addiction and mental health treatment less, addicts may be more comfortable getting necessary help.

Weight Changes– Some people can’t eat at all when they are depressed; some people eat a lot. Big fluctuations in weight can be a warning flag of depression. One person may be fat shamed for their weight gain; another may be praised enthusiastically for their weight loss when both weight changes were caused by depression. Both overeating and undereating can increase physical and emotional issues. It’s important to be body positive where you are with a goal to balance mind and body health.

Irritability- Irritability, anger, and impatience may seem to come out of nowhere for both the person projecting these emotions and those on the receiving end. The person with these emotions may feel both shame and confusion at their inability to control outbursts. This is another sign of depression. One study published by the Cambridge University Press suggests that angry reactions in depressed individuals may stem from rejection, guilt, fear, and “ineffective management of the experience and expression of anger” (3).  Anger attacks are sudden intense spells of anger that could be uncharacteristic and inappropriate in the moment (4).  Having an anger attack doesn’t make someone a bad person but telling a trusted healthcare professional could prevent further attacks.

Extreme Fatigue– Being depressed often strips a person of all energy. Onlookers may see someone as lazy, dirty, and disorganized while this person may be struggling with every fiber of their being to get out of bed. Chores may go undone. Hygiene may falter. Chemicals imbalances are often the culprit of this fatigue, not laziness. Norepinephrine is a chemical that can cause fatigue and lack of motivation when low (5). Another chemical, serotonin, can cause sleep issues and lack of joy when low (5). When the chemical dopamine is low, one may feel a lack of interest in everything including being around people or doing things that were once enjoyed (5). For these reasons, many antidepressants work to increase these chemicals in the body.

Physical pain– The chemicals serotonin and norepinephrine not only affect mood but also pain. (6) So, it follows that one could have both depression and physical pain with no other cause than this chemical imbalance.  There are other biological factors that increase inflammation and decrease immunity during depression (7). The headaches, body aches, and stomachaches are all real even with no direct causation from anything other than depression and chemical imbalances. This is not to say to avoid depression to avoid pain but to be compassionate with yourself and/or others that are going through these real pain.


Depression is complex. It comes with a wide variety of symptoms, more than what most people may be aware of. Brain fog, addiction, weight changes, irritability, fatigue, and pain are all symptoms of depression.  Depression can cause changes in the brain and be caused by low stores of certain chemicals. No one chooses depression and there are ways to manage and live with all these symptoms. Professional advice is encouraged with any of these symptoms.

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60 responses to “Symptoms Of Depression That People Don’t Talk About”

  1. I don’t know if it’s these articles or me, but I read them and think, “Yes…yes, that’s me, too…uh huh…oh god, four for four…”

    Interesting read.

    1. I feel that way too, it’s definitely not just you.

  2. Our bodies register our emotions and send us signals. It’s good when we can understand what those signals mean, and this article is very helpful to bring these things to the light.

    I tend to get very tired when I get depressed, so I actually need to get extra sleep to be able to get myself back on track, or I start to get sick.

    It’s good when we can figure out what our personal symptoms are to know what to do when they raise their heads!

    1. Yes, definitely. I think knowing our symptoms can really help prepare us for them and we slowly learn how to best handle them. Plus, we know when we’re too overwhelmed and need help.

      1. Right?! It took me YEARS to realize these things about myself. I discovered that when I get a cd that can trigger depression and cold medication bri gs that on faster and much, much more intensely. One reason why I take supplements to keep my immune system up!

        1. Oh wow, that’s so interesting. Medication doesn’t do that to me but just being sick in itself really messes with my mental health. I always try to keep my immunity up too.

          1. I never realized it, just thought that it was me. I was relieved that it wasn’t!

            1. Yeah, I’m so glad you figured out it was the medication.

    2. Ty Tamara for your thoughtful comment. I like how you say you need extra sleep to get back on track and not that you sleep too much. Often we misinterpret our bodies signals as bad when sometimes we just need to listen for our good.

      1. I love how you put this Ginger! Yes, we tend to negatively interpret our bodies and the signals it sends us, don’t we? I believe if we give ourselves the benefit of the doubt and honor our needs, we help ourselves so much not only physically but mentally. We’ve all been through so much in the past couple of years that taking time for extra care is a good thing! Blessings!

  3. It sounds familiar, my mother struggled with depression. This post was useful for identifying the symptoms. It’s best to get help as quickly as possible.

    1. I’m sorry to hear that. Depression can be quite difficult and is unfortunately very prevalent. I agree, it’s best to get help as soon as possible.

    2. Yes. Getting help is so important. Thank you for reading and commenting on my guest post.

  4. I know people who refuse to believe depression exists even if they are quite depressed themselves to a certain degree. I even heard of them telling other people, “you are not working hard enough. If you work hard enough, you don’t have time to feel depressed.” That’s just bullying rather than helping.

    1. Yeah I’ve come across such people. I wonder if they would say that to someone who has a physical illness. People are so much more judgmental about mental illnesses and blame it on weakness instead of understanding it’s an illness.

    2. Your words ring so true. Thank u.

  5. A very informative Blog!!
    Such blogs are much needed. It guides people properly about the things. If there’s proper awareness, better help can be provided to the people suffering from depression.

    1. Really glad you found the post informative. I absolutely agree, awareness helps a lot.

  6. Depression is spreading like wildfire, for let’s face it, there’s not a lot in this world to be happy about.
    It gets harder to find even a little joy these days…

    1. I know what you mean. The world seems to be getting a little worse each day but it’s important to focus on the little joys as much as we can.

      1. When, or if we get them…

        1. They are quite rare these days…

  7. This is a very good post. I know that I struggle with all of these and I put it down to one thing and one thing only: the stress of being a housewife. Thanks to TV, a lot of people think it’s easy, that we can go shopping with our girl pals and go get our nails done or go to the salon. A few days ago I was in tears and for no other reason than because no matter how hard I work, nothing stays done and my to-do list is nearly always at more than 100 things to do – and that’s without having kids to care for! To a lot of people I don’t seem depressed, but if you listen to me talk, it’s the hopelessness of my never-ending to-dk list that is the problem. If we could afford some home-help I would pay for it!

    1. I’m so sorry to hear that you experienced those feelings. I’ve been there and it sucks. I get overwhelmed too especially now that I’m working full-time. Sometimes it feels like the list of things I have to do is never ending. I hope things look up soon. Depression is not what it looks like in movies. It’s a lot more than just some symptoms.

      1. Thank you. Yes, especially with blogging as well, it feels like one bad cold from being completely snowed under again. The thing is, some people say if you can’t cope then just stop blogging. The very idea tends to bring out the monster in us, no? 😂

        1. Lol, someone told me that when I was in university and I almost smacked them 😂Quitting isn’t an option, you just have to find a better way to balance everything.

          1. Well if you ever do then I was washing my hair that day, okay? 🤣 my Mum focuses on how much money I do or don’t make from blogging and sometimes I just want to scream at her “it’s not all about the money I make! It’s about the difference I make to people’s lives!”. I mean one day I hope to be making money from my blog (I remember an awesome blogger who said she hoped to see e-books on my blog 😉) but for me it’s not all about that. I do what I do because I care and because dare I say it, if I don’t do what I do then there is a very real risk that another poor soul could end up on the side of a milk carton and my conscience just won’t let that happen.

            You’re absolutely right there. Eliminating “should” from my vocabulary and focusing on “good enough” has been a huge step for me. I’m a Virgo okay? We’re renown perfectionists 🤣

            1. My mum was like that too and I was like I’ll make a living off it someday and now I do so you never know where you may end up! I agree, a lot of what you write about is informative and helps other people out there. And hopefully someday you can make money off it!

              Lol I’m a Taurus so I understand 😂

              1. Right? I don’t want to be rich and famous, just comfortable and making something for what I do would be nice lol. Exactly, and I feel like I offer that “something more” but not that “too much more” if that makes sense? A lot of companies either want to sell services and toys or, to be honest, porn. They can’t give insight knowledge and experience for relationships with BDSM dynamics in them because they don’t really have it at home. For people like me, this is a part of who we are, not just a product we sell. It means to say that what we can offer is something deeper and more empathetic, which I pride myself on doing.

                Ooh, maybe it’s an Earth sign thing then? 😂

                1. Yeah that totally makes sense. I think you offer a different take and a more realistic one.

                  Definitely an Earth sign thing 😂

                  1. Thank you, I do try.


  8. Some of these may also go with other disorders. Best to make sure to not self-diagnose though.

    1. Very true.

  9. This is a must read!!!!! We need to normalize discussing this.

    1. Couldn’t agree more!

  10. what a great post Pooja. Kudos to Tamara. I was feeling a lot of those things yesterday. I was on overload. I just shut down, went to bed and whala..better in the a.m. We have to give ourselves time to recoup! 💖💖

    1. Glad you enjoyed it and that’s great! So agree, sometimes we just need some time to rest and recoup!

  11. Wow. I’ll admit I was guilty of seeing depression as a simple thing, only to realize it’s more complicated than that. Thank you for opening my eyes to this

    1. I’m so glad this post was informative and helped you understand depression better.

  12. You shared a good post, Pooja👍 Depression, no doubt, is a serious issue and needs our attention to deal with it.

    1. Glad you think so and yes I absolutely agree.

      1. How are you feeling now, Pooja🙂?

        1. I’m much better, thank you so much for asking. Hope everything is good with you.

          1. Good to know that💕🙂 yes dear, thanks.

            1. 💖☺️

  13. […] Symptoms Of Depression That People Don’t Talk About […]

  14. I am/was in the same place. The brain fog, the weight change, extreme fatigue. I felt that it was all due to the stressful situations I am/was surrounded by. I am eliminating the things that stress me out and just trying to live a simpler life. This is a great read. Thank you. It brought everything into perspective for me once again.

    1. Sorry to hear you were experiencing that and I’m glad you’re making changes to help reduce the stress. Reducing triggers and stressful things can make a huge difference.

  15. Thank you for posting about this, Pooja! I know I need a therapist. I’m not diagnosed of anything, but my depression seems to align with what people say is the standard for severe depression. I’ve learned to accept that and begin living with the depression. There’s always hope! 🙂 <3

    1. Happy to share the post. I’m sorry to hear that, I suffer from depression myself and it’s tough. However, one thing I have learnt is that mental illnesses never go away we just have to learn to live despite them. There absolutely is always hope!

  16. I have found that even though I have had counselling and I’m on meds, things like brain fog and fatigue don’t completely go away. I consciously have to work on alleviating that

    1. It was the same for me when I was on meds and it’s still something I have to work on even though I am in therapy. I think with mental health stuff you really need to put in a lot of effort.


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