Six Word Story #178

Apposite behaviour- rarely the fun option.

Today’s Word:


1: Apposite is used to describe what is very appropriate, or what is suitable for an occasion or situation. It is a synonym of apt.

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29 responses to “Six Word Story #178”

  1. Thanks for your insight and share!

    1. My pleasure!

  2. opposite as the day is long!

    1. Haha true!

  3. Opposite to “apposite” is simply inappropriate.

    Note: Was kind of disappointed…thought it might be a fancy new word.

    1. Haha well they can’t all be fancy new words 😂

  4. Society and it’s silly ‘apposite’ rules.

    1. They’re the worst!

  5. I find apposite better than appropriate.

    1. Love the SWS and hi!

  6. I’ve read this word a lot these days. Thank you for letting me know what it means.

    1. I’m glad the post helped you get its meaning.

  7. Apposite reminds me of opposite and I realize it shouldn’t.

    1. Same here. The first time I read it, I thought it would have a similar meaning to opposite but I guess not.

  8. I genuinely thought apposite is related to opposite. And I agree. It’s rarely fun.

    1. I thought so too and was surprised when I read the meaning. Yeah apposite behaviour is generally boring.

  9. hug bed an apposite love tug

    1. Love that SWS.

  10. Opposite should be in all directions of life’s perspectives both good and bad.

    1. Absolutely agree.

  11. It’s apposite I remain silent here 🙂.

    1. Love that SWS.

  12. It is apposite to wear shorts in the Summer.

    1. Yup for sure.

  13. It is apposite to behave at parties. (learned that the hard way) 🙂

    1. Haha so true 😂

  14. Thank you for teaching me a new word! Great story!

    1. Thank you!

      1. You’re welcome!

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