Tales Of The Heart

Forever Mine
You hold me in your arms

As I breathe in your cologne

One hand on the small of my back

And one in my hair

I wrap my hands around your neck

Pulling you closer

Holding on to you tightly

Because this is the last time I ever will

I had written a poem a few weeks ago and had mentioned how I have a difficult time coming up with names for my poems and a fellow blogging, Qonyike, suggested I “Tales of the Heart” which I absolutely loved and now I’ve finally been able to come up with a poem that the title goes well with. I’m so happy to share it with you guys and please do check out their blog too because I would never have come up with that title on my own. For more poetry click here.

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38 responses to “Tales Of The Heart”

  1. Very sexy until the end. 😪

    1. Yeah the ending is a bit of a twist 😥

  2. It’s a sweet poem with an ironic twist at the end.

    1. Thank you so much.

  3. This is so sweet and sad 🥺
    Love your work always!
    And yes, a great title 👏🏻

    1. Thank you so much and yeah the title is fantastic!

  4. Poignant – that last line just pulled it all together – lovely Pooja

    1. Thank you so much.

  5. It’s beautiful and sad.

    1. Thanks so much.

  6. So beautiful and sad!

    1. Thank you!

  7. That is a surprising ending. Love takes all forms and often it is not following our expectations…

    1. Thank you and yes in my experience it seems that love never turns out as we expect it to.

  8. Loved the lines and title too👏

    1. Thanks so much 😊

  9. Beautiful yet sad❤️❤️

    1. Thank you so much 💖

  10. The title fits the poem perfectly.

    1. Thank you and I thought so too.

  11. Beautiful! I felt this <3

    1. Thank you so much 😊

    1. Life is hard sometimes 😭

  12. oooh la la.. love is in the air! 💖

    1. Haha absolutely!

      1. Do Tell! 💖💖

        1. I wish there was something to tell 😂😭😜

  13. Painfully beautiful or beautifully painful!!?? Lovely.

    1. Thank you so much!

  14. Love this, romantic and surprising. ❤

    1. Aww thank you! 😊

      1. You’re most welcome! 🤗

  15. The end😔
    This is a beautiful poem with a little twist. I love it!

    1. Thank you so much! 😊

  16. This is great! I liked the twist ending.

    1. Thank you so much!

      1. You’re welcome!

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