My Time In University

Courses I'm Taking This Semester | Things I Learnt While Studying Abroad

I started this blog as a teenager in the final years of my high school experience. Even back then I enjoyed sharing my experiences of high school. As well as any tips I may offer other high school students. And a lot of my readers, especially the younger ones, enjoyed these posts about my life as a high school student. However, high school was quite exhausting. So I took a gap year and in that year I decided that I wanted a very different university experience. I wanted to step out of my comfort zone and embrace the unknown.

I decided I wanted to study abroad. Having lived my entire life in Kenya, I wanted to try something new and have new experiences. I also looked forward to meeting new people and trying new things. So, I began doing my research as I was not quite sure where I wanted to study. In the end, I found a wonderful university called Brock University in Ontario, Canada. It was perfect for me and so I applied, got in and started my university journey.

Of course, I continued to blog and share my university experiences which is how this blog came about. I shared a lot of what I learnt as a history major. I also shared posts about other fun courses I took such as a course on Country music. A lot of my readers loved reading about my university related posts so I kept sharing them.

Although I have now graduated, I still occasionally share some posts in this category. For example, I like to share tips for other students. Admittedly I do post less frequently in this category but if you’re interested in reading more about my university experience you can always use the link below to browse through all the university related posts on this blog.

For university related posts click here.

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