Six Word Story #183

blogging vs social media

Grandiose descriptions always leave lovers unsatisfied.

Today’s Word:


1: Grandiose is most often used disapprovingly to describe something that seems impressive or is intended to be impressive, but is either not possible or practical.

Okay, this one may be a little naughty but it’s the first thing I thought of when I read this word! I couldn’t help myself… And this isn’t really a new word for me but I really wanted to share this six word story so here we are. If you get it, you get it. If you don’t you’re a better person than me 😂 Let me know what you think in the comments below!

And don’t forget to leave your six word reply in the comments because I always love reading them or simply stop by and say hi!

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50 responses to “Six Word Story #183”

  1. I found this story quite hilarious!

  2. Small stomachs snack on grandiose visions.

    1. Love that SWS.

  3. Grandiose in thought, humble in reality…

    1. Haha exactly!

  4. No idea how to use grandiose (and that’s six words)
    I have heard this word before but never used it in writing.
    I thought it means grandiloquent.
    Just like its meaning, Immutable is hard to leave. haha

    1. It’s definitely not a word I use often but it’s also not very new to me.
      Haha it’s hard to beat immutable.

      1. I learnt this word like 6-7 years ago
        But, I never used it.
        Thanks for refreshing up.
        I really enjoy these SWS.

        1. My pleasure and thanks.

  5. My grandiose ideas failed reality test

    1. Haha that often happens with grandiose ideas unfortunately.

  6. Grandiose thoughts of mine creates confusion.

    1. Haha same here.

  7. Grandiosity is the kiss of death. 💖

    1. It absolutely can be 💕

  8. Grandiose: untenable love for unattainable self.

    1. Wow, love that. It’s like poetry in six words.

  9. Ohh yeah!!! I 100% agree with your story 😂😂. Grandiosity is a fake confidence

    1. Haha glad you agree 😂😜

  10. Lovers unsatisfied… Tis a richard joke?

  11. I get it! lol Grandiose tales follow most fishing trips.

    1. Lol glad to hear that! Oof yes they always somehow catch the largest fish.

  12. Although, satisfied lovers make grandiose plans
    Laugh On!

    1. Haha that’s true too!

  13. Grandiose delusions rule over empty lives.

    1. Couldn’t agree more.

  14. my grandiose WordPress plans never materialize…

    1. Haha well at least you’re not alone in that.

      1. WordPress: a graveyard of broken dreams 🙂

        1. Lol you’re on a roll with these.

          1. six words is my max for being clever…

            1. Well at least you know not to push it to seven words.

              1. that would be one too many…

  15. Grandiose is quite a confusing word. (six words!)

    1. Haha very true six words!

  16. Grandiose descriptions given; “non-grandiose” reaction received🤣.

    1. Haha exactly 😂

  17. It’s better not to be grandiose. This word made me laugh when I thought about it. Thanks for sharing this word.

    1. Thanks so much and I like your SWS.

  18. This one is funny! Reply:

    Set low expectations; deliver grandiose results.

    1. Love that, it’s the perfect contrast!

  19. I love your use of that word so fun!

    1. Haha thank you!

  20. She’s attracted to narcissists’ grandiose facade.

    1. I know a couple of people like that. Very sad.

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