I Am Lost- Poetry

I am lost in the world of my thoughts

Thinking of anything and nothing

It’s a mess up there

And I don’t know how to sort it out


People say I am very quiet

They don’t understand the noise in my head

It’s a storm clashing with ships

It’s a hatching of an egg as the offspring peeps out


What is that voice?

That talks to me in the chaos

Where did it come from?

Had it always been there?


I cease to exist in the real world

I am lost

In the world

Of my thoughts

This poem is mainly about what it feels like to be a quiet person who is very loud inside their own head. I’ve always thought quiet people are always lost in their own thoughts because they never stop thinking. As an introvert who is mostly very quiet I am just constantly thinking and sometimes I even forget that I am around other people. I love my space and I love the quiet but at the same time my brain is always loud. And it never stops even if I don’t express my thoughts to others.

This amazing poem was written by MistryLand and if you want to check out more from her visit her blog: https://mistry07.wordpress.com/

And follow her comics on tapastic: http://tapastic.com/series/MistryLand

If you want to check out more poetry click here.

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6 responses to “I Am Lost- Poetry”

  1. I’ve been there…

    1. We all have 🙂

  2. I can so well relate myself to it. Though I am not really an introvert person, a nexus of thoughts about almost everything grasps me most of the times. I really don’t like that all the time, though it helps me to write about various topics on my blog, it sometimes it become so exhausting…

    1. Yeah it’s definitely not fun to have your brain switched on all the time but it’s really hard to stop it!

      1. it really is…!

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