Six Word Story #24

Six Word Story:

Some people never change do they?

More About This Six Word Story:

Unfortunately, we have all met people that refuse to change. Now, you may ask why that’s a bad thing. Personally, I believe that change is inevitable and necessary. You can choose to fight the change but it’s going to happen one way or another. Things change constantly, fighting the change does only bad for everyone involved. And that’s why people often avoid those that refuse to change for the better. Because many of us are growing and evolving into better versions of ourselves. And bring stuck with people that refuse to improve hinders our own growth.

Personally, change makes me uncomfortable. I like having things being a certain way and I get anxious when they begin to change. But I’ve also realised that I would rather make peace with the changes even if it takes a while than fight back. Because change is what helps us better ourselves and eventually be the best versions of ourselves we can be. Even the bad changes can help us learn lessons that improve our lives in the long run.

How do you feel about change? How do you feel about people that refuse to change? Do let me know your thoughts in the comments section located below the post. And remember to leave your own six word story in the comments too. Or simply stop by and say hi in the comments!

For more six word stories click here.

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36 responses to “Six Word Story #24”

  1. I played a game similar to this with a friend of mine called stories in ten words. I enjoy the challenge

    1. Ooh that sounds fun!

  2. You have a great sense of ‘words’. Keep it up! 👍

    1. Thank you!

  3. But we always do expect them to change.

    1. That’s the sad part.

      1. It’s the hope that keeps us going

        1. That’s very true.

  4. Excellent sense of words and that also grinds my gears that some people never change!

    1. Thank you!

      1. You’re welcome!

  5. They change only for the worse.

  6. Change is hard and scary for some people, but I embrace it. Changing can often be for the good, especially through the first 20 years of your life! It’s natural. The people that don’t change aren’t natural😂
    Very deep 💕

    1. Absolutely agree change is natural and a lot of times a necessity!

      1. Thank you for your response 😊

        1. You’re welcome!

  7. Wow! Actually this one thought has been swimming in my head for a few days. A new friend recited the serenity prayer to me.
    Great post by the way!
    Keep up the Goodness!

    1. Thank you so much!

  8. No. No, they don’t.

  9. This is painfully true. You can see it all around, everywhere.

    1. Yeah unfortunately so.

  10. Six words stories are so fun. Expressing a lot which just six words. Great work!

    1. I love writing six word stories!

      1. I have never tried writing them. But I’d like to try someday. Did you notice something funny here? These sentences consist of six words.😅

        1. Haha I guess that’s true!

  11. What you’re seeking is seeking you

    1. Ooh interesting!

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