Be More Productive By Benjamin Batarseh

About The Author (Amazon Bio)

My journey with foreign languages began in high school when I was introduced to Latin culture through a friend and purchased a Spanish grammar book from Barnes & Noble. Fast-forward 15 years and I’ve spent a great deal of my life studying foreign languages (10+ years of Arabic and Spanish; 2+ years of Japanese and Latin; and <1 year of French & German). I’ve lived in the Middle East, Tokyo, and D.C., and worked multiple bilingual jobs, including my current one as a linguist in the American Midwest. Aside from being a language nerd, I enjoy blogging, web-making, hiking, and following professional sports. You can find me at

Amazon Summary

Every age differs in its ability to store, create, and transmit information. Today, we are living in the computer age. The diffusion of digital technology has made it easier than ever to fulfill the basic communicative tasks on which civilization depends. In keeping with this evolution, demand for typing proficiency has risen exponentially during the last 20 years. Whereas typing was once a luxury, it is now a basic life skill that all modern people have an interest in developing.

As someone who progressed from typing 30 words per minute (wpm) to 140 wpm, I have witnessed firsthand how a faster typing speed can improve the quality of life. Faster typists save time, work efficiently, and deliver on their creative and intellectual potential. Indeed, the skill of typing is an especially tremendous asset for students, writers, programmers, translators, white collar workers, and people who otherwise spend a substantial amount of time online.

Average typists with a median lifestyle can expect to double their typing speed and save 30 minutes per day by following the simple guidance of this short book. Thirty minutes a day, every day for a decade, amounts to a grand average of 1,825 hours. Multiply that by four, and the sum is 7,300 hours of time savings in a generation.

Whether you stand to gain more or less than 30 minutes per day by increasing your typing speed, this easy read, which will take about a half hour to knock out in its own right, is well worth the investment. And, as I will elaborate, the benefits of speedier typing go far beyond time.

In sum, if typing in the 21st century is a necessity, then being able to type fast is a superpower accessible to everyone who is willing to put in the work.

My Thoughts

You may remember this weeks author from another book review I did a couple of weeks ago. I really enjoyed a book he recently put out called “The Art Of Learning A Foreign Language” and decided to share my thoughts on it. Well, this week I’m back with another book review for his book called “Be More Productive.”

As you guys may know from reading my other book reviews, I like to start out with a general review before getting into more details. Firstly, as I said in my last book review post, I have been preferring shorter books these days simply because I don’t really have enough time to read longer ones. This book was quite short and precise. I didn’t feel bored at any point or like what I was reading was unnecessary information and I really appreciated that. I finished the book in two days and read it whenever I took a break.

One of my favourite chapters of the book was “A Brief History of Typing.” As a historian, I absolutely love all kinds of history and love reading about how things came about. To be honest I don’t know too much history about technology or anything like that. The only thing I remember learning about that is somewhat related to this is the Gutenberg Printing Press. I very much enjoyed learning about the history of typing since it’s something that was completely new to me.

One thing I have found difficult with typing is that I can never seem to type as fast as my brain thinks. I have the same problem with actually writing things down as well. I don’t know if that’s just a weird thing that I have or if other people can relate. Either way, I have always had an issue with typing because I could never do it fast enough and that’s why I also enjoyed the chapter “A Faster Typing Speed Fosters Reason and Creativity.” Much like the authors struggles before, I also tend to struggle because typing slowly wastes time and slows down the rhythm at which my brain thinks. And this book has helped me a lot with this issue, but more on that later.

Another chapter that really clicked was “Myriad Personal and Professional Opportunities of Typing.” Although most jobs don’t need you to exclusively know how to type quickly, most jobs do require that as one of the things you need. My job in particular, as a freelancer, requires an ample amount of typing daily. And we can see that more and more jobs are requiring this skill because the more we are relying more on technology than ever. Especially since the pandemic which moved multiple jobs from being in office to online.

The final chapter before the conclusion “A Simple, Proven Method To Improve Your Typing Speed,” teaches us how to type most efficiently. This was incredibly helpful and after using this method my typing speed is increasing. It’s still not as fast as I think but it’s a lot faster then before and I’m hoping it gets even better over time.

I really enjoyed this book and I particularly thought it was a good idea to share the review with everyone here because bloggers tend to type… a lot if you’re like me. I thought bloggers may find this book beneficial since typing is such a big part of blogging and time is precious. We don’t always have time to type out everything we want to share but by typing faster we can post more often and publish longer posts.

If this book sounds like something you would be interested in, the author has made it available for FREE on Amazon for two days. (27th and 28th July) so be sure to grab a free copy while you can! If you are interested in getting a free copy the book click here. If you do get the book, it would be great if you leave a review since reviews help authors so much on Amazon and I’m sure he would be grateful!

For more book reviews please click here. 

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33 responses to “Be More Productive By Benjamin Batarseh”

  1. Best thing I did was take typing as an elective in High School. Hated the class at the time but years of practice have honed my skills in typing.

    1. That’s great, I’m sure those skills come in handy.

    2. An underrated skill to have !

  2. Looks interesting! Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thanks so much!

  3. Wow ability to type faster.
    Save 30 mins a day. This definitely seems promising. I’ve started reading such books and I’m loving them. Will definitely read it. Thanks for sharing 😁

    1. My pleasure and do let me know if you read it. And leaving a review would be super helpful to the author 😊

      1. Will do ☺️

    2. Hopefully you get a lot faster!

      1. Actually I want paperback, but that’s not available for my country. E book is available.
        I like the feel of holding a book.

  4. Well, I seem to have a different problem that my typing is ok with me, but I can’t be satisfied with my thoughts. I mean I think the idea in my head is more interesting; when I type it out, it is not as interesting as the original version. LOL.

    1. Lol that happens to me too. Unfortunately, some things aren’t as great in writing as they are in our head.

  5. Thanks for this great review! I was looking for a good read and I think I found it.

    1. I’m so glad, hope you enjoy it!

  6. I have so many stories in my head, when i am walking. But when i sit to write. Gone.

    1. Yeah that happens sometimes. It’s hard to remember them later.

  7. I enjoyed reading this book and will be practicing the exercises. I followed the link for the keyboard, and saved it to my favorites bar for practicing! Yes, I left a good review!

    1. I appreciate the positive feedback. Hoping your wpm score gets a lot faster.

      1. Thanks!! I’m working on it in between my work I need to do in the office. I trust thr learning curve, knowing it’s steeper in the beginning. I learned two handed typing, but my pinkies always gave me issues so I got into bad habits in my workarounds, and those kept forcing me to look at the keyboard. At 60 years old my habits may take a little longer to change, but I know if I persist that I’ll make progress.

    2. Good luck, hope it helps!

      1. It has already gotten me started to try to overcome some bad 2 handed typing habits where I took my pinkies out of the whole thing and did workarounds.

        1. Oh yay, that’s great!

  8. A bit late for this book, but it’s another one to add to my wishlist. Thanks for sharing, I definitely will check it out

    1. I hope you enjoy it whenever you get the chance to read it.

  9. Interesting read, thank you for sharing!

    “One thing I have found difficult with typing is that I can never seem to type as fast as my brain thinks. I have the same problem with actually writing things down as well.”

    I have the same problem. A recorder helped tremendously in capturing what I want to say and how I wanted it to be said.

    1. Thanks so much! Oh, that’s such a good idea. That way you can just say whatever you’re thinking and type it later on.

      1. Yup, exactly! Super lifesaver.

  10. love it.. can they type for us? 😂😂

    1. Lol I wish 😂

  11. I got a course in high school but I was already so invested with computers I learned to type blind with ten fingers in no time. My brain and cognitive abilities of typing are synced. I almost can type as fast as I can think. The only thing holding me back are the typos I still make on a regular basis. Then I ‘ll have to use that infernal spelling checker again.

    1. Wow, that’s very impressive. Unfortunately, typos are difficult to avoid though.

  12. […] put out called “The Art Of Learning A Foreign Language” and later one called “Be More Productive.” As you can probably tell, I do really enjoy his books and his […]

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