How To Maintain Your Blogging Routine

closeup photo of black smartphone near black and grey pencil on black spiral notebook | How To Maintain Your Blogging Routine

Hey everyone! I’m very much excited to share with you this first collaboration post from me and Elle of ellesunpopularopinions! It’s called How To Maintain Your Blogging Routine. I feel so lucky to have been able to connect with her through blogging a little while back. We began following each others blog and realised that we have quite a lot in common and that collaborating would be super fun. She has such a great blog full of some really interesting posts- I particularly enjoy her posts about mindfulness which is something that I believe is very beneficial for everyone. If you haven’t followed her already I would highly recommend doing so by clicking here.

We know that things are way different these days, and we have to catch up with everything we left off since the start of this pandemic, and that is our schoolwork. School is now starting for some countries. And so, Elle and I have made a post on how to maintain your blogging routine during online classes.

It is quite hard to do, considering the balance of everything while maintaining your physical, mental, and emotional health intact. So, we hope that you take in these helpful tips to help you better understand how to maintain your blogging routine throughout!

1. Make your blogging routine flexible

Now that you have another thing that will be taking up your time every day, I suggest making a flexible blogging routine. Something that would complement your time for your classes. For example, if you only have classes MWFs or TTh, you can adjust your blogging routine to which time or days you are free. You can do it every night and allot maybe 2 to 3 hours for writing your blog. In that way, you will be able to do it every night or alternate nights. Your priorities come first hand and you don’t want to avoid distractions when you study for your online classes. But you may also want to keep on blogging so that your blog would still be maintained.

2. Wake up early

Waking up early can do you a lot of good things, especially now that you have another responsibility. It sucks when you have to do a lot of things the next day, and it will get ruined when you wake up late. You will think that you have wasted a few hours to be productive and get some school work done. So practice waking up in the morning, and visualize the things you will do that day. This will help you set your mood, your goals, and your mindset for that day. If you’re having a hard time waking up early, start practicing now, so that your body clock can easily adjust.

3. Commit to an easy schedule

Other than making your blogging routine flexible, your schedule should also be easily applied and practiced. You will get stressed out and bombarded with a lot of tasks if you set up a hectic schedule. Make one that you can easily commit to, even if that means taking a few hours of rest from blogging, it’s still important. Don’t set higher standards than you can’t maintain- it’s okay to do things one at a time.

4. Avoid distractions when you’re doing school work

Exit that WordPress tab on your browser when you’re doing schoolwork. It will make you more focused on what you’re doing. And the more you are focused, the faster you’ll get your schoolwork done, and get back to blogging again. Avoid other distractions too, when you are blogging. Writing your blog requires as much focus and brain juices as doing your school requirements. Have a balance between both.

5. Set up a checklist

Don’t do all your tasks at once. If you can’t do them every day, it’s totally fine too. You can set up a checklist of the things you ought to do every week. Spread the tasks that you can do that week, and then try to complete them before the weekends. Don’t worry, you have a whole week to do so. Also, if it helps, you can think of the next topics you can write about during your rest hours and not during your blogging hours. And then, put them on your checklist too. This will save you time from thinking about what topic you can write when you are in front of your laptop or phone ready for blogging.

6. Plan ahead

With school, blogging, work, and life, you may end up getting very busy, and sometimes life happens, and you end up being forced into certain situations that are out of your control. You may also end up getting overwhelmed when you have assignments due, tests, or exams. That’s why it’s always a good idea to plan ahead. It’s a good idea to write and schedule your posts in advance when you have time so that later on you don’t end up having too much on your plate, and not doing either school work or blogging work properly. 

7. Don’t lose hope

I know it can be very overwhelming to study and blog, and the fact that a lot of us don’t have in school classes and have to take online classes does not help because it is a lot of change all at once. It’s easy to lose hope or to lose energy/motivation to continue blogging. However, that can lead to a major downfall for your blog, because as you probably know, staying active is a big part of growing your blog. Blogging and writing in general is one of those things that you need to keep practicing and doing on a regular basis. 

8. Sharing is caring

If you feel absolutely overwhelmed with school or even just life in general and feel like there is no way you can write a post, well then, you don’t have to. You can always share/reblog a post by someone else that you really enjoyed. That way, your blog is active, plus you are supporting another blogger, which is always awesome. 

9. Try something new

As someone who has been blogging since 2015, I know that at first blogging is super exciting and you are just full of ideas but after a while, you can start running out of ideas. This is especially the case when you have school, and a lot of your energy is going into schoolwork. If you feel like you are running out of ideas, try something new. Try writing about a personal experience, maybe even what you’re learning in your online classes or how you feel about online classes versus in school classes. Looking through other blogs and seeing what they are doing and drawing inspiration from their posts is also a great way to get some new ideas. Always credit the person you took inspiration from, of course. 

10. Be prepared 

Online classes and maintaining a blogging routine is not easy, so be prepared. Be prepared to be overwhelmed sometimes, be prepared to feel exhausted sometimes, be prepared to want to quit sometimes, and also be prepared to feel extremely proud of yourself when you keep going despite all these things. Also be prepared to have things go wrong because, at some point, they will. It could be as small as scheduling at the wrong time by mistake or something as major as losing your comments/likes on some of your posts- both of which I have been through. Just know that in the long run, it will be okay, and it will all be so worth it. Lastly, if you feel like you are getting too overwhelmed, please do seek help from family, friends, or even a professional. It is ALWAYS okay to ask for help when you need it.

We hope all of these points help you maintain your blogging routine during online classes! Remember to be gentle with yourself and avoid getting stressed too much. 🙂

Let us know in the comments how you plan to maintain your blogging routine during online classes!

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111 responses to “How To Maintain Your Blogging Routine”

    1. Glad you enjoyed the post!

  1. I’m a professor who will be teaching online all fall and these tips are very applicable to me too. Thank you for a great, relevant post! ❤️

    1. Thank you so much and I am so glad you found them relevant for you as well!

    2. And good luck with teaching online- I know it can be a bit tricky sometimes.

      1. Oh yeah!!!

  2. Great information and relatable for all the students. My daughters are getting ready for the fall semester. Everything is going to be very different this year. Thank you for sharing. Take care.

    1. Thank you so much! I wish them the best for their fall semester!

      1. Thank you 🙏

        1. You’re welcome!

  3. Hooray!! Thank you again, Pooja! 💛☺️

    1. It was an absolute pleasure writing with you!

  4. I like your points except get up early lol 🙂

    1. Lol that one is not for night owls 😜

  5. So helpful! Can’t wait for online classes…😬

    1. Thanks- so glad you found them helpful!

  6. Sierra R. Childs Avatar
    Sierra R. Childs

    Thank you for this post! I am going into my final semester of college and this will be very helpful to me😁

    1. So glad you found the post helpful!!

  7. haha I needed this….school has really jacked up my blogging routine!

    1. I totally understand and I feel like so many students feel that way which is why we decided to write this post!

  8. For a teacher who takes students through online classes, this would really help.
    Thanks for posting Pooja.

    1. I’m so glad to hear that! Thank you!

  9. What happens when two of my favourite bloggers are up for a collab?
    It’s a magnum opus!!! 💙👍😎

    1. Aww thank you so much 😊

      1. Always😊

  10. This is a really helpful post. Although I don’t have online classes, I’ll be working from home for sometime and will make use of these tips. Absolutely loved tip no. 8 ” Sharing is caring”.

    1. Thank you so much and I’m glad you found this helpful for working from home too!

  11. So focused. Keep going

    1. Thank you!

  12. Super insightful!

  13. Those are great ideas. I do not have online classes but I might still take up some of these ideas 😃

    1. Thank you and yeah I think they are good for life in general!

  14. How about trying to keep up with blogging while writing a novel??

    1. I think these would still be helpful!

  15. Enjoyed reading your post! It’s very helpful!!

    1. Thank you so much!

  16. These are such great ideas Pooja! Yes every time I’m working I always try to go to WordPress 😂thanks for these tips! I’ll try to use them!!

    1. Thank you so much- half are Elle’s of course! I get distracted and do that too lol!

  17. Great ideas of scheduling. Good luck at the unniversity!

    1. Thank you so much!

      1. You’re most welcome!!!!

  18. Really great advice. I know I feel my days have been more productive when I get up earlier in the morning, even though I feel more energetic at night.
    Asking for help is the best piece of advice here. Sometimes we need help because we feel overwhelmed and sometimes we just need a little bit of assistance with something we don’t quite know how to do. It is always ok to ask for help. Wise words.
    Thank you. ♥

    1. I absolutely agree- you should ask for help if you feel like you need it. My pleasure!

  19. Wow. This post came exactly at the right time as from my online classes of SY just began from today and I have to get up daily at 6.30am as class starts from 7.00 am. So I was a bit worried as to how would I manage blogging at the same time with many assignments, studies etc. This really helped. Thanks for sharing this.

    1. I am so glad you found the tips helpful and best of luck with your online classes!

      1. Yess I surely did! Thanks a lot Pooja. 😀💓

  20. These are really helpful tips 😄

    1. So glad to hear that!

  21. super helpful, as always!!

    1. So glad to hear that!

  22. I like the ‘sharing is caring’ idea! I don’t reblog enough, and it is a good way to give smaller blogs exposure. Going to be using these when school resumes! I will inevitably switch to posting twice a week, but I won’t give up 🙂

    1. Yeah I will be posting less often and of course I’ll be a lot less active too but that’s part of maintaining a balance. Yes sharing is a great way to help newer/smaller bloggers plus you get some extra content on your blog. I really feel like it’s a win-win!

      1. Thanks again for the tip! x

  23. I really needed this as I’m about to start uni so thank you sooo much for sharing this it was so helpful!!!

    1. I’m so glad you found this helpful and good luck with your university!

      1. Thank you so much !! Xx

        1. You’re totally welcome!

  24. Such great ideas! I will try them.

    1. Thanks and hope they help!

  25. This is really great. I needed to hear it, Or read it 😄 I’m hoping to follow some of these from now onwards. Thanks guys ❤️

    1. Thanks and hope it helps!

  26. […] How To Maintain Your Blogging Routine During Online Classes […]

  27. Haha I feel like you were staring right at me for number 4 – I was reading this instead of revising for an exam tomorrow 🤭 But I was good and closed the tab and only came back to comment after closing my books 😀 I love how positive you always are about blogging, it’s so encouraging 💖 Also thank you for introducing me to Elle’s blog 🙂

    1. Thank you and good for you for not getting distracted! Isn’t Elle’s blog amazing- I’m so glad I was able to introduce you to her blog!

  28. Thank You for sharing this Pooja, it is really helpful. 🙂

    1. So glad you found it helpful!

  29. sounds advice; I wish you the best as you start your new semester!

    1. Thank you so much!

  30. Number 10 was very much needed! I am preparing for 5 courses and a burning want to continue my blog, so this post really helped me!💕

    1. I’m so glad you found it helpful and best of luck with your courses!

  31. Completely agree on planning ahead and setting a realistic schedule for yourself. Also, separating time for blog work and time for school (career) work is key, too. 🔑 I have been trying to be more intentional with this while working from home!

    1. Yes absolutely- that balance of everything is so vital!

  32. Hehe, quite ironic that this post was published when my classes started 😂😂
    I was so excited to see 2 of my epic blogger buddies collaborate together for this helpful post, thanks for sharing this!

    1. So glad you enjoyed the post! Haha how did we know your classes were starting and you needed this?😂😜

      1. Maybe it’s a connection between student bloggers? 🤣🤣

        1. 😂😂

  33. Hello!
    MissBluw here
    I’m so excited to tell you that you’ve been nominated for the ideal inspiration blogger award. I really do hope you accept. Check it out here

    1. Thank you so much I’m honoured!

  34. This is so helpful Elle&Pooja! My school will be starting out this third week of the month and I haven’t planned anything else out. Such a great help, superb! ❣️ Mucho Amor, 𝚁𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚕 ♡

    1. Thank you and I’m so glad you found it helpful!!

      1. Yays! ❤️

  35. You are amazing mentor in blogging world.

    1. Thank you so much!

  36. Great advice!
    It is quite tough to maintain my academic timing with my blogging time. As I loved to read articles and experience new feelings, Nowadays, online classes have reduced my time to do so.
    I am especially focusing wake up early! Thank you so much for other ideas that I can imply.

    1. Thank you so much and glad you found the tips helpful!

  37. Schedules are so important! The military girl in me will always live by a schedule and a daily checklist!

    1. Yeah schedules really help you so much especially if you’re someone that is prone to procrastination- I am haha.

  38. Some really good pointers!!

    1. Thanks so much!

  39. This applies to way more than just school~ but how many people can successfully do number 4? 😂 Im really curious to know because I can’t 🙈

    1. That one is Elle’s but personally I turn off my phone which helps with not being distracted!

  40. Very useful tips. The reblogging one is very thoughtful.

    1. Thank you- so glad you found them helpful! I feel like reblogging is such a win-win for both blog!

      1. Didn’t think about much before but you’re right, thanks for sharing.

  41. Great tips! I did many of these while finishing my BS and working at the same time. 🙂👍

    1. Thank you so much! 🙂

  42. […] How To Maintain Your Blogging Routine During Online Classes […]

  43. Qari Naeem ur Rehman Avatar
    Qari Naeem ur Rehman

    I am teacher and teaching online in UAE. My question is how to make beautiful website 😍😂

  44. These are all really important tips especially for keeping your sanity. Great post as usual!

    1. Thank you so much!!

  45. […] How To Maintain Your Blogging Routine During Online Classes […]

  46. […] started talking and decided to collaborate and write two posts together- check out our first one by clicking here. I’m so happy to finally post this because we actually wrote this a while back but […]

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