FIFA World Cup 2018

As most of you know the FIFA World Cup 2018 is going on and I’m usually not that into football but I always watch the world cup! It’s something I have been doing every World Cup and is kind of a tradition.

Image result for excited gif

The thing is, I do enjoy watching sports but I get way too into them. Like I am a pretty competitive person and I feel like sports tend to bring out the worst in me. And I like to stay away from that side of my personality so I just try to stay away from organised sports.

So back to the FIFA World Cup 2018. I have been watching the matches and who I was rooting for changed depending on who was playing. And who was staying and who was leaving. At the moment, I was rooting for Germany but that didn’t work out so well… So now this is literally me right now lol!

Image result for sad gif

Are you guys watching the world cup and if you are who are you supporting?? And who do you think the two teams who make it to the finals are going to be? What are your thoughts on the games that have been played so far? What did you think of the FIFA World Cup 2018? Have you been enjoying it so far? Is your team still there? Let me know in the comments below because I’m looking for someone to chat about the World Cup with! And if you’re not a fan of the World Cup simply stop by and say hi! Or let me know what your favourite sport is in the comments!

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31 responses to “FIFA World Cup 2018”

  1. love it … I was supporting all African teams but alas … so now France … perhaps 😁

    1. Yeah France is playing really well!

      1. Vive la Différencè


  2. At this point it’s difficult to predict… It’s going to get tougher now.

    1. Obviously it’s England!!!!! I’m looking forward to a great Brazil/England final!!!

      1. It’s going to be a great final if it’s Brazil/England but then, the road to the final is a thin one, let’s see who survive

        1. Yeah let’s see what happens it’s been kind of unpredictable this year!

          1. You can say that again Pooja

      2. Hahaha let’s see what happens! England/Brazil would be exciting to watch!

      3. Hi, I’m English by marriage (although my hubby and I are now both Australian!). We will also be watching the England quarter-final game with a lot of interest. Hope they get through (but it won’t be a Brazil-England final now….)

        1. Let’s see what happens England seems to be doing well so far!

  3. Obviously I am supporting England. But my mom and I both did a match up thing… I came up with a Brazil V Argentina with Argentina to win… my Mom has Portugal and Argentina… we both thought Argentina would be victorious and well… that ended. If not England then I think France have a good chance and Croatia are dark horses! 🙂

    1. Haha yeah I expected Argentina to win too to be honest! But England and France are both doing good and I feel like Croatia is really bringing their A game this year so let’s see!

  4. England of course. Football’s coming home. Well it might do. . .

    1. Haha good luck!!

  5. This year is too crazy. Are we done with the upsets yet?

    1. I kind of don’t think so!

  6. England because I’m English, but I’m feeling Croatia this year. They’ve played so well ♥

    1. Yeah Croatia is really bringing it this time!!

  7. Belguim seeing as The Netherlands didnt make it… they are struggeling tho

    1. Let’s see what happens!!

  8. I’m the same! I never have any interest in football, but I do like watching the world cup. England obviously, but also Sweden (my football knowledge is awful, so I decided I liked Sweden because people say I look abit Swedish…. 🙂 ). Wasn’t expecting them to both end up playing each other though! 🙂 xxx

    1. Hahaha omg what a random coincidence that the two teams you like ended up against each other! Let’s see what happens!

      1. Lol I know, I even said to my boyfriend how weird it would be. Only till tomorrow to find out! 🙂 xxx

        1. Haha only a few hours left!

  9. This World Cup has been insane that it’s hard to even predict who will be in the final. But… I think two European teams will be in the final. And obviously as a Brit, I’m supporting England!

    1. I think England and France are pretty likely to end up in the finals although like you said it’s super unpredictable this time so you never know!

  10. Obviously supporting England !! They’ve done so well so far!

    1. Yeah I think they have a pretty good chance of making it to the finals!

      1. So excited to watch the game tonight !

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